The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • enter image description here

    Green613 posted: »

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • I sure will you cunt!

    Have a great fucking day!

  • i have seen quite a few novelizations like battlefield 3 and 4 assassins creed and splinter cell blacklist

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I just entered the library and saw there is a novelized version of batman: arkham knight. Is this regular or normal? I've seen graphic nov

  • Anyone know a good way to keep dust off an Xbox one?

  • man everything has gone wrong today i couldnt find my key for work and i forgot to do things ive been tired and my feet hurt i guess thats what happens when your a janitor

  • I actually didn't realize it was Friday the 13th until I saw this post. :P

    Have a great fucking day!

  • Hi pro. Its been a long time.

    Here's what Negan could look like on the show. Can't wait, supposedly he'll show up on the S6 finale, comic readers should know what that means.

  • edited November 2015


    6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    THIS INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mod edit: Sky News Stream linked below:

    enter link description here


    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • enter image description here

    Have a great fucking day!

  • As soon as I heard I immediately turned on the news. France has completely closed it's borders, the entire country is on lockdown. This is clearly a well coordinated event.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited November 2015

    Well fuck...

    EDIT: I linked to a live news stream in the post above.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • Sorry but what do you mean?

    As soon as I heard I immediately turned on the news. France has completely closed it's borders, the entire country is on lockdown. This is clearly a well coordinated event.

  • edited November 2015

    8 (according to the current count) apparent terrorists bombed the french stadium WHILE IN A FOOTBALL GAME. They also bombed 6 other fucking buildings!!!!!


    The french police is making a huge rescue operation. They have closed traffic and currently hold THE ENTIRE COUNTRY ON LOCKDOWN.

    papai46 posted: »


  • Novelizations of everything are popular. I own all of the Assassin's Creed books.

    pcharl01 posted: »

    I just entered the library and saw there is a novelized version of batman: arkham knight. Is this regular or normal? I've seen graphic nov

  • Thank you.

    And yes it's fucking insane. So many innocent are dead and even more are in danger.

    Well fuck... EDIT: I linked to a live news stream in the post above.

  • edited November 2015

    Holy shit

    I just heard about it on Twitter

    and today is Friday the 13th....

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • If people don't want to listen to speech they don't like, then fine, but they shouldn't just have their way on an issue if they're not willing to discuss things. What I don't get is why everything has to be a safe space. Those who want to be coddled like children can have their space, and just let others have spaces where they can discuss things without fear.

    Tinni posted: »

    video Cultural Marxism at its finest. As exaggerated and dramatic (as well as pretty damn hilarious) as this satire video is, it's also q

  • I'm saying that this was an organized and well planned attack, something on this scale must have been planned out for months.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Sorry but what do you mean?

  • Yeah this is too well executed. They set off the bombs and immediately captured as many as they could. They probably have an escape plan.

    I'm saying that this was an organized and well planned attack, something on this scale must have been planned out for months.

  • Sup, Lord?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Hi pro. Its been a long time.

  • edited November 2015

    I bet it's there own personal damn joke.

    Holy shit I just heard about it on Twitter and today is Friday the 13th....

  • ISIS themselves just sent a message saying Russia is next.

    Well fuck... EDIT: I linked to a live news stream in the post above.

  • edited November 2015

    5 more explosions apparently at the concert hall and the hostages are being murdered one by one.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • Jesus Christ, they're still going at it.

    5 more explosions apparently at the concert hall and the hostages are being murdered one by one.

  • Lot of stuff. Mainly i'm currently shocked by the french terrorist attack that just happened. 60 people are dead

    But i originally wanted to tell you i miss your story, that i hope your life is happy and that it's cool to see you again, i thought you left :)

    Sup, Lord?

  • edited November 2015

    According to what I'm hearing, yes. 60-100 hostages at the concert hall alone I think (reports are pretty unclear), as well as at some restaurants and cafés, 2 suicide bombings, at least one at the France-German game, and so much more. From what I'm seeing, 7 separate locations were targeted, and now NYC is on high alert.

    Jesus Christ, they're still going at it.

  • They're saying that this is they're revenge for the Syria bombings.

    Jesus Christ, they're still going at it.

  • The police are apparently storming the concert hall

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    They're saying that this is they're revenge for the Syria bombings.

  • FUCK! They just don't feel they've gotten enough suffering.

    5 more explosions apparently at the concert hall and the hostages are being murdered one by one.

  • God i hope they stop these bastards from killing more innocents.

    The police are apparently storming the concert hall

  • Yeah, I'm watching right now. It's crazy, man.

    Thanks a lot, I added some short story series to it. Has nothing to do with the original story but you can vote on it if you want. I don't really go on the forums as much anymore, but I came back for the time being to finish the short story series.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Lot of stuff. Mainly i'm currently shocked by the french terrorist attack that just happened. 60 people are dead But i originally wanted

  • I know it many innocents dead.


    Yeah, I'm watching right now. It's crazy, man. Thanks a lot, I added some short story series to it. Has nothing to do with the original s

  • According to Fox News, one person was arrested and was saying he is from ISIS.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    God i hope they stop these bastards from killing more innocents.

  • And it's still going... Hopefully this gets resolved sooner rather than later.


    Lord_EAA posted: »

    I know it many innocents dead. WHERE? LINK ME!!!

  • THANK GOD!!!!!! I though this was going to be the last french attack. I hope the bastard rots in jail.

    According to Fox News, one person was arrested and was saying he is from ISIS.

  • Damn those bastards to hell...

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • And now it seems that the concert hall police raid is over and two terrorists are dead.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    THANK GOD!!!!!! I though this was going to be the last french attack. I hope the bastard rots in jail.

  • Thanks i also wrote a story, If you'd like to see it. Though i get you not having the time.

    And it's still going... Hopefully this gets resolved sooner rather than later. Sure.

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