The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • At least it's starting to end. This whole thing has just been a waste of innocent lives.

    And now it seems that the concert hall police raid is over and two terrorists are dead.

  • God it's many innocents are dead :'(

    Damn those bastards to hell...

  • I'm watching the live stream... that's so, so fucked up :(

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • So many people just gone........

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    I'm watching the live stream... that's so, so fucked up

  • What the fuck has France done wrong to anyone in like 200 years?

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • I think ComingSoon told me about it. I'll check it out if I have time.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Thanks i also wrote a story, If you'd like to see it. Though i get you not having the time.

  • edited November 2015

    These monsters don't fucking care, all they want to do is kill, nothing more, even if it's to people who did nothing to them. There is a special place in hell for all of them.

    What the fuck has France done wrong to anyone in like 200 years?

  • edited November 2015

    Send drones to Syria to try to stop ISIS's madness. This attack was their incredebly petty and monstrous payback for that.

    What the fuck has France done wrong to anyone in like 200 years?

  • Thank you. It's not as amazing as yours but i hope you like it. Here's a link for when you want to check it out:

    I think ComingSoon told me about it. I'll check it out if I have time.

  • 100 of people dead in the concert hall alone. These monsters deserve to die, all of them. Hopefully this wakes everyone in the world up, ISIS needs to be destroyed, not contained, not weakened, wiped off the fucking map.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    So many people just gone........

  • As if today wasn't shitty enough in terms of world events, Japan had a 7.0 earthquake as well. What a lovely day.

  • Holly shit this is insane. So many many FUCKING DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    100 of people dead in the concert hall alone. These monsters deserve to die, all of them. Hopefully this wakes everyone in the world up, ISIS needs to be destroyed, not contained, not weakened, wiped off the fucking map.

  • Hang on, let me see if I get this. So France decide to close their borders, but decide to keep their airports and train stations open? I'm sorry, WHAT?! Shut it all fucking down now until everything is under control.


    As if today wasn't shitty enough in terms of world events, Japan had a 7.0 earthquake as well. What a lovely day.

  • That shit going down in France is bad mang

  • It's awful, truly awful and disgusting what has happened.

    That shit going down in France is bad mang


    As if today wasn't shitty enough in terms of world events, Japan had a 7.0 earthquake as well. What a lovely day.

  • Friday the 13th....

    and today was supposed to be World kindness day.....

    As if today wasn't shitty enough in terms of world events, Japan had a 7.0 earthquake as well. What a lovely day.

  • Just found about the France stuff. Horrible.

    On a semi-related note, I'm at a Model UN conference, and one of the positions that my friends has, which I could have had, is a Tunisian who supports immigration in the French National Assembly. The committee is going crazy.

    He's actually how I learned about it.

    My condolences to all the innocents lost.

  • edited November 2015

    This world is going to sh** and has been for years

  • You can have a cloth with the size bigger than that of the Xbox One (Like a towel), to cover it.

    Anyone know a good way to keep dust off an Xbox one?

  • 2 of my dogs died.

    Okay, Friday the 13th.

  • Jesus Christ, I only heard about the stuff going on in Paris there less than an hour ago, awful awful news. My sympathies go out to all the lives that have been lost.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited November 2015

    Wow, this was definitely a brutal and carefully executed attack. Hopefully the French police manage to save the hostages and put down those responsible. 100+ people dead, fucking Christ.

    Man, I don't want to think about what the political fallout from this will look like.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    HOLLY HELLL!!! 6 bombs went off in Paris. One in the stadium which was FULL . 100 people are being held hostage. 60 people are DEAD!!!!!!

  • Fucking wonderful. What the hell is going on these days?

    As if today wasn't shitty enough in terms of world events, Japan had a 7.0 earthquake as well. What a lovely day.

  • Internal Security is France's responsibility alone. It's completely out of the UN's purview.

  • enter image description here

    Dogs always have this special attachment and I've lost a lot of dogs throughout my life.

  • As it turns out, both my dogs (who were killed a day apart) died because of a snake bite.

    There's a snake going to my house. I'll kill it if I see it.

  • Deeply affected for what has happened in France. My sincere sympathy with the victim's relatives.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    Well the followers of Religion of PEACE strieks again by now 128 victims and 99 people in critical state, way to go Muslims.

    Europe won't forget that

  • It's Islamists, not Muslims. Muslims are people like you and me, Islamists are savage animals who kill hundreds of innocent people and think they're going to heaven for it.

    I was glad to hear this morning that all the terrorists in Paris were dead, but a guy with multiple guns and bombs was apprehended in Berlin. I'm really scared that Germany will be next (of course that doesn't mean I'm not worried for other countries too)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well the followers of Religion of PEACE strieks again by now 128 victims and 99 people in critical state, way to go Muslims. Europe won't forget that

  • Thank you. It's sad that some people think all muslims are terrorists. Many of my best friends are muslims. They are not terrorists. They feel as bad as me about the Paris attacks.

    It's Islamists, not Muslims. Muslims are people like you and me, Islamists are savage animals who kill hundreds of innocent people and think

  • Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but, believe me, just because your friends aren't, doesn't mean some other Muslims or Muslim groups aren't as well.

    Thank you. It's sad that some people think all muslims are terrorists. Many of my best friends are muslims. They are not terrorists. They feel as bad as me about the Paris attacks.

  • The perpetrators of Charlie Hebdo attack back in January were just Muslims (people like you and me, right?) before they got radicalized. If Muslims are people like you and me, how come we don't hear much about local Western radicals commiting terrorist attacks?

    Maybe there's more to it, eh?

    It's Islamists, not Muslims. Muslims are people like you and me, Islamists are savage animals who kill hundreds of innocent people and think

  • But the same goes for every single religion in this world. There are Christian terrorists, there are Jewish terrorists, there are probably even buddhistic terrorists.

    While it might be true that there are more Islamists, it's not right to judge all Muslims for it. Noone's doubting that there are other terrorist Muslims, but the people I and @LoyalDirewolf know do not belong to them, and so do most Muslims, just like most Christians don't either.

    Lingvort posted: »

    Of course not all Muslims are terrorists, but, believe me, just because your friends aren't, doesn't mean some other Muslims or Muslim groups aren't as well.

  • edited November 2015

    I'm yet to hear about Christian or Jewish (or heck, even Buddhist) terrorists commiting attacks on such scale and with such ferocity.

    As I said, I'm not arguing against the fact that most Muslims aren't terrorists, but the majority of terrorists happens to be Muslim. Something to think about.

    But the same goes for every single religion in this world. There are Christian terrorists, there are Jewish terrorists, there are probably e

  • Are you really saying that every Muslim is a potential terrorist?

    Lingvort posted: »

    The perpetrators of Charlie Hebdo attack back in January were just Muslims (people like you and me, right?) before they got radicalized. If

  • No, I'm not saying that. If it was in any way true, we'd have seen empirical evidence for that. I'm saying that the Muslims are the group that has a significant potential of radicalization. Only some get radicalized, of course.

    Are you really saying that every Muslim is a potential terrorist?

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