The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited November 2015

    Yesterday really was a Friday the 13th..

  • While it is true that there are more Muslims terrorists, there are still equally disturbed individuals in other religions. 168 individuals were killed in the Oklahoma City bombing, another 800 or so wounded, and that was orchestrated by a Christian.

    In the Cave of the Patriarchs massacre, 29 people Muslims were shot dead and wounded another 125.

    Actually, most terrorist acts in the US in recent years were commited by extremist Christians or far-right activists. Yes, not on this scale, but still something to consider.

    Lingvort posted: »

    I'm yet to hear about Christian or Jewish (or heck, even Buddhist) terrorists commiting attacks on such scale and with such ferocity. As

  • I can agree with you on that.

    Lingvort posted: »

    No, I'm not saying that. If it was in any way true, we'd have seen empirical evidence for that. I'm saying that the Muslims are the group that has a significant potential of radicalization. Only some get radicalized, of course.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited November 2015

    So Islamists are not Muslims you say? They follow not-quran not mahomet and not allach? Wake up dude.

    edit: Also if you're from germany do something about that chancellor of yours and her let's take all migrants in policy. Or we'll have to build a fence on our border.

    It's Islamists, not Muslims. Muslims are people like you and me, Islamists are savage animals who kill hundreds of innocent people and think

  • I'm not too familiar with these attacks, were they conducted on religious grounds, though? At least, the American ones, I've read about the Cave of the Patriarchs attack.

    While it is true that there are more Muslims terrorists, there are still equally disturbed individuals in other religions. 168 individuals w

  • 2000 WTC
    Nigeria tenths of thousands
    now Paris 150 and still growing
    ANd numerous more all around the world

    Numbers are against you

    While it is true that there are more Muslims terrorists, there are still equally disturbed individuals in other religions. 168 individuals w

  • edited November 2015

    People being killed and you got people here worrying about a god damn Starbucks cup color.







    enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    They are radicalized Muslims. There is a big difference between extremists and normal Muslims. What Islamists do is misinterpret the quran knowingly and lay it out so that it fits their own idealistic dreams.

    So no, they actually are in no way following the quran as it was intended to be interpreted. They use religion and the quran as cover for their hatred on any non-Muslims or otherwise different people and act as if they're following their religion while they really do the opposite.

    They achieved something, to make people believe that they are actually still Muslims. What they are doing has nothing to do with following their religion anymore, they are just terrorists who use religion as cover. Now, I'm not saying that all of them are aware of that. I guess that the little sheep actually believe they fulfil their god's wishes (suicide bombers etc). But the higher-ups are just using them to spread terror. Or have you heard about bin Laden actually doing something but ordering the attacks?

    However, I do agree that Muslims have a bigger potential for radicalization. It is true that most terrorist have an Islamistic background. Most of these terrorists are probably street kids that don't have much (or any) education and are more open to the ideas of the terrorists.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    So Islamists are not Muslims you say? They follow not-quran not mahomet and not allach? Wake up dude. edit: Also if you're from germany d

  • Then that would mean the Xbox would make a crap ton of noise and overheat quicker as there is no space for the ventilation ports (I think that's what they're called :P) to breathe. If @JamesDalton1995 doesn't mind that, then that could probably be a viable solution.

    You can have a cloth with the size bigger than that of the Xbox One (Like a towel), to cover it.

  • Try vacuuming it every once in a while.

    Anyone know a good way to keep dust off an Xbox one?

  • Oh shut up.

    Don't exploit innocents deaths to give yourself a soapbox for hateful rhetoric.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Well the followers of Religion of PEACE strieks again by now 128 victims and 99 people in critical state, way to go Muslims. Europe won't forget that

  • Oh crap...

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    ISIS themselves just sent a message saying Russia is next.

  • Just take the cloth off when you're using it.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Then that would mean the Xbox would make a crap ton of noise and overheat quicker as there is no space for the ventilation ports (I think th

  • Has the U.N even done ANYTHING recently?

  • Guess what hashtag is trending on Twitter?


    Isn't the world an amazing place?

  • As I dog owner myself, I sympathize. There have been several times where I've thought I'd lost or would lose my dog Max. Makes me really appreciate the time I have with him.

    2 of my dogs died. Okay, Friday the 13th.

  • I don't know about you, but quite a few teenagers in Australia are turning into ISIS supporters.

    Lingvort posted: »

    The perpetrators of Charlie Hebdo attack back in January were just Muslims (people like you and me, right?) before they got radicalized. If

  • ...K Guess I got Rekt :P

    Just take the cloth off when you're using it.

  • Are they Westerners or Muslim immigrants?

    I don't know about you, but quite a few teenagers in Australia are turning into ISIS supporters.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited November 2015

    I'm not surprised. Cretins always exploit tragedy to spread their message of hatred and irrational fear.

    Using a pile of corpses as one's personal soapbox is classless and disgusting.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    Guess what hashtag is trending on Twitter? KillAllMuslims Isn't the world an amazing place?

  • edited November 2015

    ISIS are psychopaths who use the Quran as a fucking excuse.

    EDIT: I'm missing the bigger picture here. Bless all the souls of the victims of these attacks and their families,

  • Agreed. They're just savages who enjoy violence. The Quran just gives them the moral authority not to feel bad about it.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    ISIS are psychopaths who use the Quran as a fucking excuse. EDIT: I'm missing the bigger picture here. Bless all the souls of the victims of these attacks and their families,

  • edited November 2015

    And it's not like some people are having irrational judgments due to their emotional responses towards to the tragedy.

    Max, you've just told me not to lump people into one category. Now you're just dismissing people as "[exploitative] cretins".

    EDIT: Of course there are people who want to spread the "KillAllMuslims" message and I hardly condone it. I don't condone calling every last one of those people "cretins". The attack happened less than 20 hours ago, the emotions are flying high.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm not surprised. Cretins always exploit tragedy to spread their message of hatred and irrational fear. Using a pile of corpses as one's personal soapbox is classless and disgusting.

  • I don't think the people are bad human beings for it. I just hate that they jump to such conclusions.

    Lingvort posted: »

    And it's not like some people are having irrational judgments due to their emotional responses towards to the tragedy. Max, you've just t

  • I can understand that. I just don't like when people are being dismissed as "cretins". Are there bigots among them? Sure. Are the people acting on emotions? Of course.

    People shouldn't jump to conclusions, but sometimes irrationality can't be helped.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    I don't think the people are bad human beings for it. I just hate that they jump to such conclusions.

  • Yup four things happened

    • France terrorists attack
    • Cops found around 8 dead babies in an apartment
    • Japan earthquake
    • Beirut suicide bombings

    I've seen many days where it was Friday the 13th and nothing happened but now....

    MarijaaNo7 posted: »

    Yesterday really was a Friday the 13th..

  • I know. I'm worried about the other countries right now, some of my friends are in Europe so....

    It's a mad world we live in.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    God it's many innocents are dead

  • It is. I hope all your friends are safe.

    I know. I'm worried about the other countries right now, some of my friends are in Europe so.... It's a mad world we live in.

  • Thanks, you and yours too. I checked on steam to see, looks like they are so thank god. As long as it stays that way.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    It is. I hope all your friends are safe.

  • Thank god, thats fantastic to hear :).

    Hopefuly this will be the final attack till ISIS is defeated.

    Thanks, you and yours too. I checked on steam to see, looks like they are so thank god. As long as it stays that way.

  • Ahhh the taboo term hateful rhetoric so tell me wise one when I can say something bad about Muslims hm?

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Oh shut up. Don't exploit innocents deaths to give yourself a soapbox for hateful rhetoric.

  • They are radicalized Muslims. There is a big difference between extremists and normal Muslims. What Islamists do is misinterpret the quran knowingly and lay it out so that it fits their own idealistic dreams.

    Have you even read Quran? They're doing exctly what the author of that book wrote. If you wish I can support that statement with actual quotes.

    “Let not the unbelievers think they will ever get away. They have not the power so to do. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” Quran 8:59-60

    one of numerous quotes from the actual book

    They are radicalized Muslims. There is a big difference between extremists and normal Muslims. What Islamists do is misinterpret the quran k

  • It's all so creepy and terrifying. Humans are capable of doing so evil things.

    Yup four things happened * France terrorists attack * Cops found around 8 dead babies in an apartment * Japan earthquake * Beirut suicide bombings I've seen many days where it was Friday the 13th and nothing happened but now....

  • Cretins always exploit tragedy to spread their message of hatred and irrational fear.

    Suuurrreee because fear of muslims have no grounds whatsoever, tottaly irrational.

    BigBlindMax posted: »

    I'm not surprised. Cretins always exploit tragedy to spread their message of hatred and irrational fear. Using a pile of corpses as one's personal soapbox is classless and disgusting.

  • edited November 2015

    There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world - if they were psychopathic by nature, we'd all be dead by now.

    Worth noting that the entire membership of Al-Quaeda, ISIS, and Boko Haram make up 0.003% of the global Muslim population.

    People who follow Islam are not the problem. Extremists are the problem.

    CosmicSouls posted: »

    ISIS are psychopaths who use the Quran as a fucking excuse. EDIT: I'm missing the bigger picture here. Bless all the souls of the victims of these attacks and their families,

  • edited November 2015

    enter image description here


    Isis killed innocent civilians to spread fear by what they fail to realize is pain and fear is the key foundations of building strength it won't separate Europe but Unite Us

    The F**KING IDIOTS by targeting the innocent in big cities does not scare Us, the armies or people away but makes them stronger and more aggressive.

    Europe/America know now the threat of it happening next to their countries cities and will get the full backing of their people after this incident so will invest more in the best armies, technology and weapons VS isis with stick and stones.

    Isis will be dead and they deserve every bullet for this a storm is coming they will face the consequences of this

    And after watching my 5th hour on the news of watching innocent people dragging themselves in blood out of restaurants, dead bodies everywhere, hanging out of windows. 260 dead many injured men and woman just going to dinner, hanging out with friends did absolutely nothing wrong but be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    Europe and America I give my support full stream ahead to take out isis they must be made an example of now to extremists of what happens when you kill innocent people in big cities. Nip it in the bud I never want to see something like this happen again.

    enter image description here

    Sorry for this rant I'm just in shock so angry and my sympathies with the families just devastating seeing this every update being more disgusting and evil seems only getting worse as the situation unfolds.

    Btw I'm friends with many muslims, I blame isis and extremists blaming all muslims is racism, stupid and wrong

    enter link description here

    I was watching this match on TV when it happened I had no idea the sounds were actually bombs

    People being killed and you got people here worrying about a god damn Starbucks cup color. PrayForParis PrayForJapan PrayForLebanon PrayForBaghdad PrayForMexico PrayForTheWorld

  • I wish people could open up their brains a little and realize that arguing about whether or not Muslims are all terrorists (which they aren't, I'm pretty sure only a child would stereotype it that badly) and work towards solving the actual problem, which is ridding the world of ACTUAL terrorists. Like seriously, Muslims are not the issue, insane assholes ARE.

  • going to bed,and will draw pete wentz (from fall out boy) tomorrow.

    I've set up a pallete in paint.NET so I'll go straight into it immediately.

    enter image description here

  • They cheer because they think it's a crowd rally. That's messed up.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    PrayForParis Isis killed innocent civilians to spread fear by what they fail to realize is pain and fear is the key foundations of buildi

  • Cops found around 8 dead babies in an apartment

    What the actual fuck?

    Yup four things happened * France terrorists attack * Cops found around 8 dead babies in an apartment * Japan earthquake * Beirut suicide bombings I've seen many days where it was Friday the 13th and nothing happened but now....

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