Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Oh. I got a friend there, but thankfully, he's safe.

    About your Edit 2. Yes, something happened in Paris today, here's some news articles. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-34814203 ht

  • Muslims, so when next time you hear that their religion is a one of peace hit that idiot who say that.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    One hundred and fifty people... that's not human. Who would do that to one hundred and fifty people?

  • IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO -Filthy Frank

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, everyone ^.^ How are you all today? Checks out Steam. @OfficialSheriffMaybe WHY IN HELL DID YOU KICK MY OUT OF THE S

  • It was, I wasn't the only one tho. Lol sorry for the bullying ;-; I sometimes get out of hand on pranks. I did once irl to a friend and it almost ended up really badly......it's good we're still friends tho, she's a really good person who can handle my "attitude" too. Well funny thing we've been friends for ages since our parents were friends before we were even born lmao. If you really want to know what happened I'll msg you on Steam later.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Lol you posted a whole comment instead of replying to me ;p Anyways, she just kicked me for no reason. Maybe she just wanted to see how I would react to that ;-;

  • Have you watched the new Filthy Frank video?

    IT'S JUST A PRANK BRO -Filthy Frank

  • Yes I've watched hair cake. Less disturbing than Vomit cake tbh lmao.

    Have you watched the new Filthy Frank video?

  • Whoa, okay. I can't agree with you here but I do see why you'd say that.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Muslims, so when next time you hear that their religion is a one of peace hit that idiot who say that.

  • im pretty sure google owns your school

    Klowbi posted: »

    me too, some weird alien-like red yellow blue green thing watlzed in like it owned the place. so strange

  • Can you at least get me unbanned from the group now, though? :s

    And then we can forget everything about it ^-^ We'll just act like nothing happened c:

    It was, I wasn't the only one tho. Lol sorry for the bullying ;-; I sometimes get out of hand on pranks. I did once irl to a friend and it a

  • edited November 2015

    I already did bruh...a long time ago....

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Can you at least get me unbanned from the group now, though? And then we can forget everything about it ^-^ We'll just act like nothing happened c:

  • Oh x3

    I already did bruh...a long time ago....

  • Goodbye Chewie, I'll miss you ;-;

    I'm sorry everyone for not always being on the thread often and for disappearing twice. But the reason i came that day was to say my good

  • Hello people, how are we doing today?

    I've heard what's happened in France. Its horrible


  • Put a witty and hilarious greeting here.

  • 10/10

    Crips posted: »

    Put a witty and hilarious greeting here.

  • what???

    I'm sorry everyone for not always being on the thread often and for disappearing twice. But the reason i came that day was to say my good

  • I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • so which beatle are you

    I don't know why you say goodbye I say hello!

  • gm y'all c:

    One question I've been meaning to ask everyone

    How would you describe me?

    Examples: helpful, nice.etc

    I just really want to know. Be honest, I won't take what you say personally.

  • I'm Ringo :) he is my favourite :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so which beatle are you

  • Yo--- Wait, why am I saying "Yo"? I don't even have Chloe as my avatar anymore xD

    Anyways, how are you today, Wolfie? <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • Umm, Paul McCartney maybe?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so which beatle are you

  • I'm pretty good, what about you? :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yo--- Wait, why am I saying "Yo"? I don't even have Chloe as my avatar anymore xD Anyways, how are you today, Wolfie?

  • dank

    gm y'all c: One question I've been meaning to ask everyone How would you describe me? Examples: helpful, nice.etc I just really want to know. Be honest, I won't take what you say personally.

  • How would you describe me?

    Can I describe you as 'bae'? xD

    gm y'all c: One question I've been meaning to ask everyone How would you describe me? Examples: helpful, nice.etc I just really want to know. Be honest, I won't take what you say personally.

  • How are ya today? Hopefully doing well.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello

  • Haha, I'm good. Just staying in my village for this weekend. ^-^

    Thank you for asking <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm pretty good, what about you?

  • Yeah, I'm doing well, what about you? :)

    MichaelBP posted: »

    How are ya today? Hopefully doing well.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hello hello


    Quiff posted: »


  • Local papers today stated that the attack may have been in retaliation for 'Jihadi John's' recent death...

    Huge terrorist attack in France, last I checked, over 150 people have been killed, the largest coming from a concert venue where 2-3 gunmen

  • edited November 2015

    I'm doing fine, thank you. Been listening to Xenoblade X's OST. My hype for it is through the roof.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Yeah, I'm doing well, what about you?

  • I dunno.... I guess I assume people with such career's don't bother with Internet life like this :P

    Mawula posted: »

    Don't see your point, man It may not be for long, but I enjoy it while it hasn't lost its magic.

  • It's all an endless struggle for power. It won't end until it's too late to go back...

    Russia, China and the US are arguably the most powerful in the Nuclear races, followed closely by the UK and other countries... Even North Korea has a nuke!

    It's all about keeping the peace rather than making friends now. We have come close to nuclear fallout several times now since the Cold War ended... TBH, we're already in a second Cold War! We just don't want to admit it :(

    Zeratuel posted: »

    Agreed, Russia and China are acting strangely, Iran already announced they won't stop hostilities with Israel, and are now making nuclear weapons, and terrorist cells are being formed world wide. Seriously, why can't we all get along?

  • edited November 2015

    Nah, Ezio had good hair :P

    It won't rest until it's finished, and funnily enough I can see the end coming. Syndicate is still continuing the story in the Modern Day, and now it looks like the pieces are coming together for the finale.

    I mean, before Syndicate was properly announced, there was "Assassin's Creed: Victory" and that made me think the end had come for the series! XP

    It's nearly been 10 years since AC1 came out :P

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Bet other AC protagonists wish they had his hair. Thank goodness, if the game had been another unpolished, glitchy mess like Unity, it co


    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • you were supposed to jump to another song :P


  • I'm John lennon!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    so which beatle are you

  • Well, bear in mind that I got normal internet connection in 2005, phone with Internet in 2009, smartphone in 2015. I'm pretty new to this. And I'm here for creating stuff mainly, but I do not mind some silliness :)

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    I dunno.... I guess I assume people with such career's don't bother with Internet life like this :P

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