lottii-lu posted: »someone wrote a fanfic on tumblr btw!
someone wrote a fanfic on tumblr btw!
Thanks lu
lottii-lu posted: »welcome to the thread fam
welcome to the thread fam
Hey, did you received some PMs?
Unknown posted: » [view original content]
Btw could you send me a link to the rp?
Mawula posted: »All the family. Huh, I wonder, Rhys is a first name or a last name?
All the family. Huh, I wonder, Rhys is a first name or a last name?
GrowlingPeanut posted: »I'll take a look at it soon and pick something out!
I'll take a look at it soon and pick something out!
rhys putting mistletoe all over the house just to have an excuse to kiss fiona every five minutes
you're right, no one can beat festive.
lmao sorry, you're still our lewd lord john
John_Smith13 posted: » [view original content]
i accept this
ABigBadWolf posted: »rhys putting mistletoe all over the house just to have an excuse to kiss fiona every five minutes
do you'll think she'll reject him after too many kisses and he'll cry the house down?
Yeah, but without half the characters it can't happen
enter link description here
Morphias posted: »Btw could you send me a link to the rp?
not a thing
lottii-lu posted: »do you'll think she'll reject him after too many kisses and he'll cry the house down?
"Rhys, let me breathe for a bit!"
"b-b-but" starts crying
ABigBadWolf posted: »"Rhys, let me breathe for a bit!"
Oh...I shall cry myself to sleep
Mawula posted: »Yeah, but without half the characters it can't happen enter link description here
Yeah, but without half the characters it can't happen enter link description here
"Stop being so whiny. I accepted fifty, I need a goddamn rest!"
lottii-lu posted: »"b-b-but" starts crying
"but i-i need m-m-moooooore" continues sobing
ABigBadWolf posted: »"Stop being so whiny. I accepted fifty, I need a goddamn rest!"
rhys puts a mistletoe on dumpy and programs him always to fly above fiona
rhys keeps himself close to fiona
Won't be ready for a while. I can catch up, at a college class
Mawula posted: »This is a second call for: @BigBadPaul, @FionaDeWinters, @CooperChance, @Quiff, @JumpyJoey, @ZapThroat, @xtheunseenteenx, @Daryace
This is a second call for: @BigBadPaul, @FionaDeWinters, @CooperChance, @Quiff, @JumpyJoey, @ZapThroat, @xtheunseenteenx, @Daryace
Me too. I wrote this thing all week.
Morphias posted: »Oh...I shall cry myself to sleep
This so fucking cute
How long is it till you are free?
xtheunseenteenx posted: »Won't be ready for a while. I can catch up, at a college class
All the yes.
Green613 posted: »rhys puts a mistletoe on dumpy and programs him always to fly above fiona rhys keeps himself close to fiona
rhys puts a mistletoe on dumpy and programs him always to fly above fiona rhys keeps himself close to fiona
Few hours: it's 10:30 here maybe around 2. But, by all means you guys should start
Mawula posted: »How long is it till you are free?
"What do you think I am, a kissing machine?!"
lottii-lu posted: »"but i-i need m-m-moooooore" continues sobing
tfw you never saw Dumpy in your playthrough
Wow thats rough. I hope something good comes.
Mawula posted: »Me too. I wrote this thing all week.
tfw you trusted the bae
ABigBadWolf posted: »tfw you never saw Dumpy in your playthrough
thx fam
kristi78968 posted: »All the yes.
We don't have Rhys and Fiona. Okay, I got you.
xtheunseenteenx posted: »Few hours: it's 10:30 here maybe around 2. But, by all means you guys should start
I'll wait a couple of hours more.
Morphias posted: »Wow thats rough. I hope something good comes.
Mawula posted: »I'll wait a couple of hours more.
Yes you did though.
Loaderbot brutally murdered him after giving Vaughn a tickle.
ok ummm.....that may or may have not have worked
What is it?
Morphias posted: »http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAcQjRxqFQoTCL757KHIkMkCFchEJgodXysKCQ&url… more=http://raymanpc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=883&start=2060&psig=AFQjCNHebdTg2FgNCJhEsflRUfvivNrgpg&ust=1447612854725247
http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAcQjRxqFQoTCL757KHIkMkCFchEJgodXysKCQ&url… more=http://raymanpc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=883&start=2060&psig=AFQjCNHebdTg2FgNCJhEsflRUfvivNrgpg&ust=1447612854725247
Well it was supposed to be Optimus Prime with thumbs up saying "You Got The Touch" now its a page with other pictures.
Mawula posted: »What is it?
(?) Cool moves, Rhys. Cool moves.
That was Dumpy's evil twin.
Poogers555 posted: »Yes you did though. Loaderbot brutally murdered him after giving Vaughn a tickle.
Yes you did though. Loaderbot brutally murdered him after giving Vaughn a tickle.
Ok )
I did not master those links and images fully myself.
Morphias posted: »Well it was supposed to be Optimus Prime with thumbs up saying "You Got The Touch" now its a page with other pictures.
Thanks lu
Hey, did you received some PMs?
Btw could you send me a link to the rp?
rhys putting mistletoe all over the house just to have an excuse to kiss fiona every five minutes
you're right, no one can beat festive.
lmao sorry, you're still our lewd lord john
i accept this
do you'll think she'll reject him after too many kisses and he'll cry the house down?
Yeah, but without half the characters it can't happen
enter link description here
not a thing
"Rhys, let me breathe for a bit!"
"b-b-but" starts crying
Oh...I shall cry myself to sleep
"Stop being so whiny. I accepted fifty, I need a goddamn rest!"
"but i-i need m-m-moooooore" continues sobing
rhys puts a mistletoe on dumpy and programs him always to fly above fiona
rhys keeps himself close to fiona
Won't be ready for a while. I can catch up, at a college class
Me too. I wrote this thing all week.
This so fucking cute
How long is it till you are free?
All the yes.
Few hours: it's 10:30 here maybe around 2. But, by all means you guys should start
"What do you think I am, a kissing machine?!"
tfw you never saw Dumpy in your playthrough
Wow thats rough. I hope something good comes.
tfw you trusted the bae
thx fam
We don't have Rhys and Fiona.
Okay, I got you.
I'll wait a couple of hours more.
Yes you did though.
Loaderbot brutally murdered him after giving Vaughn a tickle.
ok ummm.....that may or may have not have worked
What is it?
Well it was supposed to be Optimus Prime with thumbs up saying "You Got The Touch" now its a page with other pictures.
(?) Cool moves, Rhys. Cool moves.
That was Dumpy's evil twin.
I did not master those links and images fully myself.