Number one reason to play this game?



  • Oh yeah, that's a bit odd. I thought Steam would have them all separately, I guess not! Sorry I couldn't be of more help on that.

    On my ps3 it still comes up as Free and then says "download to your ps3" underneath. :-)

    Linnet posted: » I don't see it, nor on amazon, nor on this site. I know i can get to it on my kindle. I'll take your word for it on the ps3, my psn status for everything is "purchased"

  • Yeah, by "Telltale games" I actually meant the more recent games (TWD, TWAU). I always feel when I try do describe TftB to other people, it makes it so much easier if they have played TWD. It's pretty much a genre of its own, so although they are usually tagged as "adventures", they are a lot different than classic point & click.

    A friend of mine recently told me he really liked the story and dialogue of TftB, but wouldn't actually call it a "game" and I realised I couldn't even argue with that. It's missing elements that people associate with games, like actual challenges and goals. The gameplay pretty much consists of chosing between dialogue options, some easy QTEs and very few simple one-room puzzles.

    Maybe it's better to compare TftB to movies if you're trying to get people interested. It's like a 5-film series that lets you have a say in how character relationships develop and has some action sequences you have to complete - and even if you don't care much about the latter, it's gonna be one of the best series you'll ever watch. Sounds kinda cool, right? :)

    Linnet posted: »

    I've got friends in both camps: play borderlands and play telltale games. I think the borderlands fans are thinking this is like Narrativ

  • Just shout at your friends " Catch-a-ride"

  • So most of the people you talk to enjoy FPS more than anything? Well I have a better solution. Drop the whole "TFTBL" idea, buy a SNES, and give it to them so they can cleanse their soul.

    Linnet posted: »

    That's the thing. Most of them FPS, some of them even do Borderlands. I was not expecting to need to hard sell.

  • RIP Scooter. :(

    Just shout at your friends " Catch-a-ride"

  • I played for the story. Also, I found the comedy here to be more funny than the comedy in BL2 and BL (haven't played the presequel.) I also like the gameplay and support TellTale so those were my reasons.

  • It's so fun, every scene and shot has so much fun in it. It's great.

  • edited November 2015

    Eh, I have never gotten any joy out of them, but I don't begrudge tastes being different.

    If you get a nice positive feedback feeling from the X button making someone's head explode, good for you I guess. As long as they don't tell me my game "isn't real" because I get that same feeling from pressing the X button to explore an imaginary planet.

    So most of the people you talk to enjoy FPS more than anything? Well I have a better solution. Drop the whole "TFTBL" idea, buy a SNES, and give it to them so they can cleanse their soul.

  • I was leaning more towards "Tales of Monkey Island meets Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, but if Elaine had actually gotten to do stuff"

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    What would you tell your friends to convince them they need to play TFTBL? I would tell them it's like Shaun of the Dead meets Spaceballs, that it's super funny and that if they don't play it, I'm stealing their pet cat Mr Fluffy Wuffle =.=

  • edited November 2015

    I keep having this problem where I watch the trailers for the borderlands games, think "that looks fun" and then play a demo and remember "oh right, shooter with fetch quests"

    I played for the story. Also, I found the comedy here to be more funny than the comedy in BL2 and BL (haven't played the presequel.) I also like the gameplay and support TellTale so those were my reasons.

  • Yep. I agree.

    Linnet posted: »

    Eh, I have never gotten any joy out of them, but I don't begrudge tastes being different. If you get a nice positive feedback feeling fro

  • because it's really fun, and one of the best games telltale has released. i love majority of the characters and the plot.

  • I honestly don't even know why I started playing this game, but I'm replaying episode 5 and I can't help but get emotional every time I play this game.

    My best line is, it's worth it. Out of all story based games, these characters, this universe, this plot, these VAs, the whole effing thing. It's all fuckin worth it. And I actually learned something from handsome Jack at the end.

  • Because it has the most diversified writing i have Seen for a long time. You know it's brilliant writing if you laugh out loud and 5 minutes later, you're getting fucking Emotional or Even tear up a little. It's hard to get the jokes right, But writing an emotional scene quickly After that, without making it look weird. Thats top-tier writing, right there.

  • Yeah, that's actually what had me on the fence during the demo. It stops before you ever get to play as Fiona, so all you get is Vaughn and Rhys telling each other they are awesome despite all the evidence to the contrary.

    Which is why I completely lost it when the Bro for Bro scene happened.

    It's like I've seen reviews say, none of these character based on their bio should be endearing. It's all down to excellent dialogue and the actors knocking it out of the park.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Because it has the most diversified writing i have Seen for a long time. You know it's brilliant writing if you laugh out loud and 5 minutes

  • What did you learn from Handsome Jack? Just curious :)

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    I honestly don't even know why I started playing this game, but I'm replaying episode 5 and I can't help but get emotional every time I play

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