I know i should asked this earlier, but...

Gared is seeking the North Grove, but, how will he know that he found it? I mean, i dont think there's a sign saying "Welcome to the North Grove".

So, how will Gared know that he arrived there?

He knows that is a secret forest within a forest, and the map says "Beneath the watchful eye of the Ice Dragon" - "Hear the Weirwood whisper".
But is not enough to he can make sure he is there. What are your opinions?


  • Trust me, Gared will know.

  • He will for the sake of the plot.

  • edited November 2015

    I feel like the Ice Dragon could be a symbol similar to that of a Dragon which could be a sign that the North Grove is close. The whispers could be a strong wind blowing in the direction of the grove as well. I'm totally just bullshitting here, but I know the Ice Dragon is no way in hell an actual dragon. Though I secretly wish it was so Gared could ride it "The Neverending Story style" into Ironwrath.

    enter image description here

    This song also playing

    enter link description here

  • There are potatoes to have sex with and bacon to eat and ironwood trees as far as the eye can see. Also the sign saying "Welcome to The North Grove" Never lose it.

  • Plot twist: He dies

  • 10/10 if this is how episode 6 ends. Seriously, I don't care if it makes no sense and undermines the entire tone of the game, this would be the greatest.

    I feel like the Ice Dragon could be a symbol similar to that of a Dragon which could be a sign that the North Grove is close. The whispers c

  • edited November 2015

    I still think that it's the Ice Dragon star formation (there is a formation called that in official canon), and the 'watchful eye' is the brightest star/the one that marks the eye (duh)
    Also pretty much confirmed by this image (hope it's ok if I post this semi-spoilery image in your inbox):

    enter image description here

    I agree that it's not a real dragon. Also, I think your idea with the wind making the weirwoods whisper is correct.

    I feel like the Ice Dragon could be a symbol similar to that of a Dragon which could be a sign that the North Grove is close. The whispers c

  • Plot twist: the ice dragon kills him.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Plot twist: He dies

  • great theory. That seems pretty accurate. I guess we'll know the truth tomorrow. ;)

  • A real ice dragon would be non-canon but still would be cool to see

    darko22 posted: »

    Plot twist: the ice dragon kills him.

  • I was joking.. but yeah it would be cool.

    MrEggplant posted: »

    A real ice dragon would be non-canon but still would be cool to see

  • Plot twist: the bacon kills him

    darko22 posted: »

    I was joking.. but yeah it would be cool.

  • Non plot twist: Cotter fucks some potatoes

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    Plot twist: the bacon kills him

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