Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • and with Kawaiis house, we mean my basement. and with gang bang, we actually mean gang bang. you missed a lot, kiddo.

    Eryka posted: »

    You miss our gang bang at @Kawaiii's house.

  • enter image description here

    PLOT TWIST! he was actually saying "touch me one more time and I shall destroy your family!"

    enter link description here

  • Soooo......question.

    How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic?

    I know I have prompts coming out my ears, but I was talking with @RockMySocks and we were fangirling and cyber-yelling about how Rhys and Fiona should have just tackled each other to the floor and started doing...things...as soon as they entered the Vault.

    And that got me thinking that if I ever want to write another smutty scene, Rhyiona would (obviously) be the couple to do it for.

    I know I couldn't post the thing here in its entirety, but I'd give the link. And who knows, I may not go as explicit as I could. It might just be a very heavy make-out session followed by a scene break and some...suggestive after-the-fact dialogue. (Don't mind me, just thinking out loud.)

    Anyway, I'd like some opinions from everyone. Should I give it a shot or nah?


    Soooo......question. How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic? I know I have prompts coming out my ears,

  • yes please do this action

    Soooo......question. How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic? I know I have prompts coming out my ears,

  • I'm telling you for good! If you can stop it now, isn't better?

    Yeah, I guess you're right, thanks for the concern. ᵔ_ᵔ

    Daryace posted: »

    lol Thanks for the peace of mind.. I'm telling you for good! If you can stop it now, isn't better? Yeah, I know how that is, c

  • GOOD.

    This is what I like to hear. It'll be on the back burner until I'm done with our collab and a few others, but I'll definitely be thinking about how to approach it. I feel like it's been forever and three years since I've written anything even remotely like this, so....may need to practice first....

    ALSO. Your fic was gorgeous. You did such an amazing job with that prompt and the DETAIL WAS SO VIVID. Dat morning scene tho... DAT KISS THO. MMF.

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • Soooo......question. How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic? I know I have prompts coming out my ears,

  • TBH, I was probably gonna do it even if people said no, lol.

    I'm a rebel like that.

    So, yes, it'll definitely be added to the list, but it may take a while to complete, since I'm out of practice with smut and I'd want it to be perfect before I posted it anywhere.

    yes please do this action

  • I'm going to take this as a wholehearted "yes!"

    enter link description here

  • yes pls love you.

    Soooo......question. How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic? I know I have prompts coming out my ears,

  • you had me at "steamier". JUST DO IT ALREADY FOR CHRISTS SAKE! I mean...please, dear sir, if you have some spare time, I would feel honestly honored if you could use said time to create said "steaming" rhyiona-picture. cleans monocle

    enter image description here enter image description here

    Soooo......question. How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic? I know I have prompts coming out my ears,

  • (Rhys and Fiona are) totally gonna do it, bro

    yes pls love you.

  • Then it shall be done!


    Dracu98 posted: »

    you had me at "steamier". JUST DO IT ALREADY FOR CHRISTS SAKE! I mean...please, dear sir, if you have some spare time, I would feel honestly honored if you could use said time to create said "steaming" rhyiona-picture. cleans monocle

  • edited November 2015

    It's Butt Stallion.....


    enter link description here

    Dracu98 posted: »

    you had me at "steamier". JUST DO IT ALREADY FOR CHRISTS SAKE! I mean...please, dear sir, if you have some spare time, I would feel honestly honored if you could use said time to create said "steaming" rhyiona-picture. cleans monocle

  • I'm done with our collab

    How is that going on your end? I was wondering. :)

    Your fic was gorgeous.

    Aw, thank you! <3 I'm glad you enjoyed it and I made sure to put some extra work into the detail just for you; happy to see the result was positive. ;)

    GOOD. This is what I like to hear. It'll be on the back burner until I'm done with our collab and a few others, but I'll definitely be th

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    I'm going to take this as a wholehearted "yes!"

  • enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Then it shall be done! ....eventually.

  • How's it going on my end...?


    It's going. I haven't been able to work on it as much as I'd liked over the weekend. Other things came up, but I'll try to get at least a little more done tonight. I've gotten past the part that was tripping me up, thankfully.

    You are welcome! I saw that you'd posted it just as I was walking out the door to go to work and I was impatient the whole night knowing I had a Kristi fic to read once I got back home. :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I'm done with our collab How is that going on your end? I was wondering. Your fic was gorgeous. Aw, thank you! I'm g

  • Lol, wasn't Butt Stallion supposed to be a reference to that particular pony? (Forgive me, @Dracu98, I don't know her name off the top of my head. ...Rarity?) I thought I remembered reading that somewhere...

    It's Butt Stallion..... also enter link description here

  • Found this from tumblr.

    enter image description here

  • Yeah....y'know. I have 584,392 prompts to write, and school. And graduation prep. And work.

    But this WILL happen. Pinky promise.

  • I like how you think :D

    Navoc posted: »

    I think in times of sadness and despair, every now and then we should take a break, look at the good things in life and just jump around.

  • Yes, please. Link is ok. Did I already say "yes, please"? Yes, dear Peanut, yes. :D

    My fic inspired by our rp is turning out to be nsfw too. Or I'm really prudent about the ratings.

    Soooo......question. How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic? I know I have prompts coming out my ears,

  • D-Dumpy? O.O

    enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    Lilium Amaranta's POV:

    "They forgot about me!" She gasped.

    Looking around franticly, she couldn't see anyone.

    "Wolfenus wouldn't leave me!!"

    Or would he? Her mind seemed to ask.

    She desperately looked behind rocks her eyes filling with tears.




    "WOLFENUS?!" she shouted.

    Only silence replied.

    She thumped down on the dusty ground. The sand settled around her. What was she to do? She was certain that Wolfenus would take care of her and not abandon her like her previous companion had.

    I'm a freak.... Why would someone like me?

    She sobbed quietly, her tears splattering in the dirt below.

    "Why?" She asked aloud.

    She stood up and wandered over to their camp. She curled up in Wolfenus' usual sleeping spot where she found the blanket he used to cover up with. Clutching it with a shaky hand, she clung to the blanket. Like a child, her tears slowed and her eyes got heavy. She slid into a deep, dreamless sleep. She clutched the blanket so tightly, one might think it was the only thing that was keeping her alive, only, what they didn't know, it was.

    Elliott trekked on, carrying Tessie like a small child in his arms. As soon as Elliott had restored her back to almost full health, she drifted of to sleep. He looked down at her. She looked to innocent and harmless, he almost wanted to fall asleep with her. He could use some extra sleep. The small cave were they had found Tessie's creature, was a speck to their left as they followed the path up to their camp.

    "I HAVE TO SLEEPPPPP!" Chef shouted for the fifth time.

    " DAMN IT, CHEF! GO TO SLEEP!" Wolfenus yelled.

    Chef wobbled over to a small corner.

    Elliott laid Tessie down easily. Her eyes fluttered open, and she gripped his arm, like a desperate plea not to go. Elliott sighed and plopped down next to her. She intertwined his finger with her and drifted back off to sleep. Elliott laid down next to her and almost as if it was instinct, Tessie snuggled up next to him. Her head between his head and hoodie chest. He hugged her tight. Tessie let out a sigh, and she fell into a deeper sleep. Elliott drifted off to sleep.

    On the other side of the camp, a body was cradled by Wolfenus. He looked down at her.

    Why must she be so lovable? He thought.

    He carried Lilium to the edge of the clearing, where he sat down and hugged her tight.

    They sat there for a long while. Just before he fell asleep, he saw the creature climb on top of the over hang and lay down quietly.

    "GUYS!" Chef shouted.

    "What?" Maya moaned.

    "THE TRAIN!"

    Elliott bolted into a sitting position.


    Tessie scrambled up and gathered her things. She could her the clicking of the on coming train. The gathered her things quickly. Elliott looked around wildly.

    "It seems Wolfenus and Chef have disappeared."

    "Who cares?! The train is here!"

    @Wolfenus54, If you're reading this, I know you're going to hate me for this, you and Lilium are deconfirmed. I made that fanfiction months ago, and I fear that I'm going to spend my last moments in the thread right now.

    Farewell. :(

    I ain't gonna come back unless I'm with my girl at this point.

  • I'm alive.

  • Hello my sweeties!

    enter image description here

    How are u today?

  • Hi Pocahontas, I'm fine.

    Daryace posted: »

    Hello my sweeties! How are u today?

  • "My fic inspired by our rp is turning out to be nsfw too" Cool

    Mawula posted: »

    Yes, please. Link is ok. Did I already say "yes, please"? Yes, dear Peanut, yes. My fic inspired by our rp is turning out to be nsfw too. Or I'm really prudent about the ratings.

  • Meh. I don't hate you, Elliott.

    Mostly because I'm tired af right now ;p

  • Tfw tomorrow the finale of Telltale's Game of Thrones comes out ^-^

    enter image description here

    I'm going to play the shit out of that episode once it comes out <3

    Anyways, how are you all today? :D

  • I'm like a pervert, it means that I'm good and lewd.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw tomorrow the finale of Telltale's Game of Thrones comes out ^-^ I'm going to play the shit out of that episode once it comes out Anyways, how are you all today?

  • I think you'll like it.

    The draft has the title "Up, up to, and apt" :D

    Eryka posted: »

    "My fic inspired by our rp is turning out to be nsfw too" Cool

  • i'm awesome, thanks for asking :D


    Daryace posted: »

    Hello my sweeties! How are u today?

  • I'm like a pervert

    I thought you were a perv lol ;p

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm like a pervert, it means that I'm good and lewd.

  • I thought you'd post Mira, as you often do :) I'm so excited for this final.
    My judgement, is of course based on Tales final (the only tt game I finished), but something tells me I won't be disappointed still.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw tomorrow the finale of Telltale's Game of Thrones comes out ^-^ I'm going to play the shit out of that episode once it comes out Anyways, how are you all today?

  • I'm glad to hear that.

    Eryka posted: »

    Hi Pocahontas, I'm fine.

  • This smile, is so weird, as always.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm like a pervert I thought you were a perv lol ;p

  • I like to ask people how they are because I become happy when they ask me!

    And I'm fine, thanks! Stressed, but I try to manage it.

    i'm awesome, thanks for asking wbu?

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