How important is the finale to you?

I got this thought because i own the season pass on the 360 and just got an xbox one. I've still got a 360 but an xbox one has a wireless signall while my 360 requires me to be wired [i used to have it wireless too but the adapter died] So in order to play the finale I have to unplug my xbox one. Pick up my tv. Carry it into the room with the router. Carry my 360 console in. And hook it up then when i'm done downloading/playing [because i dont know if it's one of 360s "haha you cant play this offline titles" [fuck them] I then have to carry it all back again. And I was like "Is the finale even worth that? Am I emotionally invested in the series enough to do all that." And the answer was No. No I am not. And I was wondering how other people would feel on the issue.


  • In the simplest terms.. Yes it is worth it. I've read all the spoilers... And if you played all the other episodes you have to finish it out

  • edited November 2015

    For me - it was worth it. I was waiting for good plot, bloody massacre, determinant winner in it and ending. I received one-sided massacre, which was taken by bad guys and good cliffhanger in almost all POVs. I am happy with the Season 1 and I will definetely pre-order Season 2.

  • Spoiler tags, dude, spoiler tags.

  • Thx, man, 1st time forgetting about them at final.

    Flynn77 posted: »

    Spoiler tags, dude, spoiler tags.

  • The series briefly hit a low point but this finale changed everything - this has got to be Telltale's most ambitiously written episode yet.

    I'm still debating however if it was worth the extra wait - it was certainly good, but was it Telltale's best finale? It certainly was there most surprising one, considering how it ended...

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