300% Mad

I know the title might make it seem that I'm butthurt - in truth I am, but what I am about to say is not without thought.

I thought that since TT kept delaying GoT that the episodes would be better in quality than what has come before. Imagine my surprise when episode 6 turns out to be a mess (and this is coming after episodes 4 and 5 - which I personally felt were boring). I got multiple visual glitches such as the key and seal appearing in mira's hand and spinning in circles despite not stealing either of them. Glitches weren't my only issue. I really thought that since TT has so, so many other games that they are trying to do at once, that just this once they might make this one season with a complete story arc. Nope! Instead we get this ending where the Foresters get shat on, and you're promised "Make Sure That You Pre-Order Season 2 For Your Revenge!" Now I'd be fine with the stupidly long delays, without any word to their fanbase on when we could even begin to expect the episode, if they had spent time working on this game. However, seeing how their new Microsoft funded Minecraft game has released 2 episodes in One and a Half Month with a third promised by the end of this month - I can see where their priorities are. I get that MC is paying you a crap ton, but could you please finish the series you started before you go off parading to the next?

Here's a quick breakdown:
Mira's story - no actual importance to the main plot except the whole "Oh, Mira sent us help from King's Landing!" Which never actually helped anyone anywhere. Then you get to choose between killing her, or making her a sex slave. And since now she's a determinate character - you can bet your ass that she'll never be important again to the story. They fucking ruined Marjaery's character by making her an uncompromising bitch. I tried so hard to get Tryion to fuck off knowing what happens to him in the books, and she still got mad at me for no fucking reason. Also, I fucking love the fact that she gets mad at you for telling Cersei what she wanted to hear - when she herself told you to do that. Mira was such a good character, it was a shame to see her not get her chance in the light.
Roderik/Asher/Ethan Story - Loved both start to finish. Except for the fucking fact that they cut off this story arc so they could sell a S2 next go around. Don't get me wrong on this - it is not the fact that this did not end happily that makes me mad. If they wanted to fuck over the Forresters then they just should of done so. Instead we're left dangling and that is what I detest.
Gared's Story- Can someone tell me what the fuck is so important about The North Grove without some vague answer of "It's Very Powerful." Seriously, what was this heap of mess. Maybe it'll be explained in S2, but probably not due to the choice at the end making The North Grove determinate. Maybe they'll surprise us and make Gared a POV in S2, but I doubt it.

Summary- This episode shows me the direction TT is going. They are juggling way to many series at once. Who freaking knows when we'll see GoT S2, same with Tales From the Borderlands S2 (which was actually fantastic.) My only problem is the delays since TT has gotten rid of their "Pay by episode" model. If I'm paying you $30 up front, then I expect you to hold up your end of the bargain and release the episodes when you say you are going to. OR at the very least, communicate with your fans on when they can expect the delay to be over instead of going radio silent and saying "It'll Be Done When It Is Done."

Tell me what you guys think. If you think I'm wrong don't be afraid to tell me. I'm not so butthurt that I won't hear out anyone with a different opinion, but....I just don't know about this one guys.


  • Dissapointed that Margeary had no impact to the story.Tyrion also was not useful to me.Daenerys also was not really useful.
    I guess in season 2 Asher's uncle will (hopefully) do
    something with Daenerys.

    lol I already had it in me mind. The dragons burn all the whitehills.

  • edited November 2015

    I have to say: I'm not angry about the final - it's the "Game of Thrones". It would not be a part of this franchise if I wouldn't be sad/mad/shocked after a bigger episode.

    I don't think there priorities is Minecraft. Yeah they release episodes of MC pretty fast - but I have to say: I didn't enjoy the second episode and it felt pretty short. (I hope it's not the same with episode 3.) Right now it didn't seem like the put all their work in MC - more like rushed.

    Just my opinion. But I get your point. And you are not wrong - it's just people have different opinions.

    I think we will get a 2nd season of Tales from the borderlands and of Game of Thrones. But in 2017. But I think they should get a bigger team to make more projects (at least 3 per year).
    I hope:
    For 2016: Walking Dead Season 3, Original IP, The wolf among us (my hopes are still there)
    For 2017: Tales from the Borderlands Season 2, Game Of Thrones Season 2, Marvel Project (would love if they would make more than one. And different: Movie and Netflix tone)

    If it would be my choice: TellTale Games would be a much bigger team.
    We would get 5 to 6 projects per year / 5 to 6 episodes per project. every 2 weeks one episode of different projects / 3 projects at the same time.

  • I think that they should of really ended it with one season. Which is probably what they're doing with The Wolf Among us (I want it too, but I don't want them to do it unless they have a good story to tell.)

    And don't you worry. There'll be a S2 of both GoT and Tales from the Borderlands. TT wants this cashcow for the long haul. Nothing wrong with that - they a business after all, but there going to push consumers away if they keep up this "Ready When We Feel Like It" business model.

    Liki91 posted: »

    I have to say: I'm not angry about the final - it's the "Game of Thrones". It would not be a part of this franchise if I wouldn't be sad/mad

  • The whole series was a buggy mess, episode six more than the rest. This game wouldn't just drop it's frame rate, it crashed it's frame rate. All the episodes had sound problems, and the sound in ep6 didn't even work a fraction of the time.

    And this game was much more about the illusion of choice than your choice actually having any impact.

  • The book characters were implemented poorly, and with too much focus on them. They add hardly anything to the story.

    And I agree with you, Malcolm will more than likely be a POV character in the next season. That does seem to be what they are building too.

    shirai46 posted: »

    Dissapointed that Margeary had no impact to the story.Tyrion also was not useful to me.Daenerys also was not really useful. I guess in seas

  • Exactly, I have no idea what TT was doing during the huge delay. They certainly were not fixing the bugginess of the game.

    The whole series was a buggy mess, episode six more than the rest. This game wouldn't just drop it's frame rate, it crashed it's frame rate

  • There was one big thing I was mad about - since the first episode of the game.
    That this game played in a timeline that is over in the series (season 3/4)
    I was not mad about the lack of influence big characters had in our storyline - but I was mad that there was so many storyline that we already knew about and we knew the outcome. So it seemed like our choices would not matter.

    I would have enjoyed it more (I think) - with little guest appearance of big characters. But more new storyline.

  • I really need to watch that Telltale documentary. If I learned anything from the Double Fine Adventure documentary, it's that devs spend a rediculous amount of resources on game art. I'm wondering if TT is doing this too.

    KingExo21 posted: »

    Exactly, I have no idea what TT was doing during the huge delay. They certainly were not fixing the bugginess of the game.

  • I'm absolutely sure - that there will be a season 2 of both games.
    But Tales from the borderlands was fantastic - i loved it. Game of Thrones was planned as a multi-season-title when they started the cooperation with HBO.
    But I would like to have more side story and not known story in the second season of Game of Thrones. With little guest appearance from the known TV characters - no major scene for this characters: It does not work.

    I don't mind episodic concepts and I don't mind delays: If they are not that long and when I feel like the episode was worth it.

    KingExo21 posted: »

    I think that they should of really ended it with one season. Which is probably what they're doing with The Wolf Among us (I want it too, but

  • I have to admit, I'm more than a bit annoyed that MC is on it's merry way to a 3rd episode release in half the time we have spent waiting for an episode, which in the end, felt like it hadn't taken that long to make. That key and seal glitch really got to me, like, are they checking the game with their eyes closed? I didn't mind the delay in the slightest, because I felt this one would truly knock it out of the park. Not to be, sadly.

    I always knew there wouldn't be closure on the overall story. They have to milk this for everything it's worth, I get that. What I will say in its favor is that I did not expect Rodrik/Asher to survive the ordeal and we do have some potentially cool POV's for S2.

  • Canon characters: useless at best, hinderances at worst.

    shirai46 posted: »

    Dissapointed that Margeary had no impact to the story.Tyrion also was not useful to me.Daenerys also was not really useful. I guess in seas

  • We're almost on the same page here ^^ The only thing I disagree with are the delays - I don't mind episodic content either, and I don't even mind the delays. However, when I'm giving them my money up front I expect at the very least an explanation for a delay and when I can expect the episode to be released.
    Book characters need to be better implemented.
    And yes Tales from the Borderlands is, in my opinion, the best TT has done yet. More of that please.

    Liki91 posted: »

    I'm absolutely sure - that there will be a season 2 of both games. But Tales from the borderlands was fantastic - i loved it. Game of Thron

  • thanks, not buying it until season 2 gets decent reviews. going back to fallen london, where choice still matters

  • Yep. Anyone who knows anything about the canon GoT story line knew that allying with Tyrion was a bad idea, and that there was no chance in hell you could ever lay a hand on Ramsay Snow.

    Liki91 posted: »

    There was one big thing I was mad about - since the first episode of the game. That this game played in a timeline that is over in the ser

  • I really need to watch that Telltale documentary. If I learned anything from the Double Fine Adventure documentary, it's that devs spend a rediculous amount of resources on game art. I'm wondering if TT is doing this too.

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