Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited November 2015

    ([Learn how to] use steam)

    Morphias posted: »


  • I'll be on soon, finishing up dinner.

    Unfortunately, not too many people have the first game among this thread it seems.

    Hi, yeah I am damn that sucks! Have you played any borderlands titles? Also if anyone would like a game please PM me

  • Actually 25m til TT:GOT downloaded so maybe BL1 later

    ([Learn how to] use steam)

  • My Fanfic Confession

    Rhys saves Fiona from something life threatening, like a kidnapping, enlisting help from the whole gang to find her.

    SmolGui posted: »

    Confession Sim- Rhyiona Thread Edition: I need a fanfic in Rhys shows off his tattoos to Fiona, and then they get INTIMATE... EDIT: Wi

  • Pssst i have steam. I have gmod, dayz, l42, terraria, tes5, and some others. :)

    ([Learn how to] use steam)

  • That's a shame :( TT:GOT has nearly downloaded onto my steam so I probably won't be free for another 1-3 hours? Not sure how long (or how intense) the finale will be!

    I'll be on soon, finishing up dinner. Unfortunately, not too many people have the first game among this thread it seems.

  • This is the cutest thing ever omg

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I tap my foot to the beat of the music that's currently blaring in my ears. It's the only thing making noise aside from the weak heater in t

  • Happy birthday yall.

  • Did you buy any gifts?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Happy birthday yall.

  • Damn it @Kawaiii, I thought you were staying.

  • I've played all the titles except for number 1. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it soon.

    Hi, yeah I am damn that sucks! Have you played any borderlands titles? Also if anyone would like a game please PM me

  • What do you mean by this?

    Eryka posted: »

    Damn it @Kawaiii, I thought you were staying.

  • You know they regenerate lost limbs right?


    And scientists study on them relentlessly.

    Mawula posted: »

    Me too! If I had a pet it'd be this pretty little guy

  • I might be a man's man, but this is cuteness overload!

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • Thanks! :D

    This is the cutest thing ever omg

  • I married my beard and bigamy is illegal so... :)

    Eryka posted: »

    Marry it.

  • edited November 2015

    Well peoples I'm gonna go idk when I shall return but maybe sometime soon. I will see you all next time. Love you all and Bye! :D

  • For?

    Did you buy any gifts?

  • :I


    Then you do a really impressive job when you put the makeup on, you fooled me then

  • mfw everyone is saying GoT episode 6 is trash

    enter image description here

  • I've done one on FF.net ;)

    Oh and DON'T post the link anywhere on the thread!!! Do it through PM's unless you wanna get the ban-hammer :/

    Soooo......question. How would you all feel if I tried my hand at a...steamier Rhyiona fic? I know I have prompts coming out my ears,

  • edited November 2015

    Well, everyone, I've sorted out what I have to work on and I'm feeling a little bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still not going to be around as much as I used to - at least not until I feel a little more comfortable with my school responsibilities. I just wanted to check in and give some progress updates.

    I apologize for the wall of text, but seeing as I'll probably only be checking in once a day for the next few months, I have to say it all at once.

    First off: HAPPY EIGHT-MONTH BIRTHDAY, RHYIONA THREAD! I wish I'd joined sooner, but I already feel like I've been a part of the family for much longer than a month. I guess that's the benefit of joining a community of great, supportive, generally-friendly people with a common obses---I mean...interest.

    Second: @Mawula and @kristi78968, your writing is so amazing, as always. Even though both of these fics are vastly different in their tone and content, they both exemplify what I love about not only this ship, but this fandom. Beautifully done.

    Third: I have started the official Rhyiona playlist. It only has seven songs right now, but I have a few more listed and will still gladly take suggestions.

    Here's the link to the playlist so far: The Official Rhyiona Playlist (I made the playlist "unlisted" so you won't be able to find it on my channel normally, you'll have to use this link.)

    Please, please let me know if any of the videos on the list do not work in your specific country, and I'll try to find different versions. I want everyone to be able to enjoy this!

    Songs On the List So Far:

    * "Please Forgive Me" David Gray

    * "You For Me" Terra Naomi (thanks, Kristi, for this one! Love it! <3)

    * "My Silver Lining" First Aid Kit

    * "Heartbeat Song" Kelly Clarkson

    * "Arms" Christina Perri

    * "Head Over Feet" Alanis Morissette

    * "Stay" Two Steps From Hell

    Fourth: I have a feeling I'm going to be finishing up a lot of writing soon, including but not limited to:

    * my collab with Kristi (almost done - will try to finish tonight, so you all may wake up to a giant fic...)

    * at least one rewrite of the "flower scene" (maybe both)

    * that one fic with no title where Fiona's pregnant and Rhys freaks out

    * and others

    Fifth: I would really appreciate some input from you all regarding a few of these upcoming stories.

    1) For the "pregnant Fiona" fic, how far do you want it to go? I have several scenes already planned out, but I want to know if you'd all like to see/read the actual birth and maybe have an epilogue where the kid is around five or six years old. Or should I just leave it the few scenes I have, focus solely on the pregnancy, and save the birth and the older kid for later stories? It's up to you, I can go both ways.

    2) Of the following, which is the coolest (pick two, at the most):

    • being able to phase through solid objects and walls, etc.
    • transferring consciousness to someone else's body, allowing control over that body, but leaving your own body vulnerable
    • teleporting short distances
    • being able to manipulate time

    Sixth: After grabbing all those reaction pictures for August to use in Mawula's RP last weekend, I started thinking about all the characters who didn't have reaction pics, and I've started compiling albums for them!

    So far, I have:

    • August
    • a few for Athena
    • Fiona
    • Rhys
    • Sasha
    • Yvette
    • a few for Vallory
    • Vaughn
    • AI Jack
    • Gortys

      I'll also do one for Felix (and maybe Vasquez).

      So if we do another RP and you want some pictures for your character, just let me know and I'll send you the link to your character's album!

    Whew! I think that's all I have to say for now. I'll be around for the next hour or so to read suggestions and whatnot, but then it's back off to "the real world" for me. :/

    Stay cool, and KEEP SHIPPING RHYIONA!

  • Ship Rhyiona

    Well, everyone, I've sorted out what I have to work on and I'm feeling a little bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still not going to

  • edited November 2015

    your writing is so amazing, as always. Even though both of these fics are vastly different in their tone and content, they both exemplify what I love about not only this ship, but this fandom. Beautifully done.

    enter image description here

    Why, thank you! :D I try my best and sometimes I don't think my work is all that good, BUT YOUR COMPLIMENTS TELL ME OTHER SO THANK YOU! <3

    • "You For Me" Terra Naomi (thanks, Kristi, for this one! Love it! <3)

    <3 SO GLAD.

    I got some more song suggestions!

    • That Girl by All Time Low
    • Paris by Magic Man
    • Counting Stars covered by Alex Goot, Kurt Schneider, and Chrissy Costanza
    • Blank Space covered by Alex Goot and Kurt Schneider
    • Unexpectedly by Jason Chen
    • my collab with Kristi (almost done - will try to finish tonight, so you all may wake up to a giant fic...)

    You're going to have to split it up in 2 comments or more, because the forums will cut a part off if you try to fit into one comment. I can't wait to see your part. :D

    Well, everyone, I've sorted out what I have to work on and I'm feeling a little bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still not going to

  • That's good :) I've got most of those games too!

    Morphias posted: »

    Pssst i have steam. I have gmod, dayz, l42, terraria, tes5, and some others.

  • It's considered cute in Japan to talk about yourself in third person so it's just a character quirk to make her funny and adorable.

    The punishment was a one time thing for comedy. :P

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    .... Wtf is wrong with Juvia?! XD I'm sorry but as funny as this shit was, why does she refer to herself in the third person, and why does she insist on being punished?! :O

  • You should buy it now! Then we can play together :)
    I've found it very enjoyable so far.

    I've played all the titles except for number 1. Hopefully I'll be able to buy it soon.

  • For your pregnancy fic, I think you should write about Rhys' thoughts while Fiona is in labor: his worries and excitement of being a dad hitting him tenfold. Then, he finally sees his kid and all the happy stuff. (You know what would be cute? HIM TALKING WITH VAUGHN WHILE IN THE WAITING ROOM, CAUSE BROS TALK ABOUT THEIR PROBLEMS) A time skip to when the kid is slightly older would be cute, him playing with Gortys, LB, or even Sasha. :)

    Well, everyone, I've sorted out what I have to work on and I'm feeling a little bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still not going to

  • This is like the first time I didn't post a story on the thread's birthday but I've been a bit sick these past few days and didn't have time to work something out in time and I hope you guys forgive me for that but I promise I'll bring something very soon aside from the Christmas story.

  • You know, honestly, this is all the motivation I need to do exactly what you just suggested.

    I was sold at the "talking with Vaughn in the waiting room." It needs to happen.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    For your pregnancy fic, I think you should write about Rhys' thoughts while Fiona is in labor: his worries and excitement of being a dad hit

  • Glad I've helped. :)

    You know, honestly, this is all the motivation I need to do exactly what you just suggested. I was sold at the "talking with Vaughn in the waiting room." It needs to happen.

  • I thought the episode was great, I don't know why people don't like it.

    Green613 posted: »

    mfw everyone is saying GoT episode 6 is trash

  • Just make sure to get well soon, Wolf c: eat something good for your health (other than chicken soup haha)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is like the first time I didn't post a story on the thread's birthday but I've been a bit sick these past few days and didn't have time

  • ^ ignore buntingsir. They're secretly plotting to kill you and take your spot in the rhyiona ranks. chicken soup solves everything, just. EAT IT.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    This is like the first time I didn't post a story on the thread's birthday but I've been a bit sick these past few days and didn't have time

  • edited November 2015

    But Wolfie hates chicken soup ;-;

    How rude to accuse me like that without any proof. °v°

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    ^ ignore buntingsir. They're secretly plotting to kill you and take your spot in the rhyiona ranks. chicken soup solves everything, just. EAT IT.

  • but chicken soup is nasty </3

    I will die with honour

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    ^ ignore buntingsir. They're secretly plotting to kill you and take your spot in the rhyiona ranks. chicken soup solves everything, just. EAT IT.

  • Twelve hours later

    enter image description here

    buntingsir posted: »

    But Wolfie hates chicken soup ;-; How rude to accuse me like that without any proof. °v°

  • I'm not hungry ;-;

    buntingsir posted: »

    Just make sure to get well soon, Wolf c: eat something good for your health (other than chicken soup haha)

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