The best thing about the Finale

I felt like I was actually playing "The game of Thrones". It was the first time in a while at least (since like episode 2) that I felt I had power even if it ended up fizzing out in the end. The actions I made throughout the story may have not influenced the endings for the characters, but I felt like I was actually making these choices. I CHOSE for Mira to die a Forrester. I CHOSE for Asher to let Lady Forrester drink the wine. I CHOSE for Gared to lead the North Grove to Ironwrath. I've made these decisions I played the game. The choices weren't made for me I got to play "the game of Thrones" and while I lost, the satisfaction along the way is enough for me to give Telltale mad props on the finale. I was a factor in the story and not entirely the writers.


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