Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Okay just go to sleep then, it's like super early for you, isn't it? ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm not hungry ;-;

  • How do you know though °v° it doesn't prove anything, get my advocate here now, I will sue you!

    Or not, I'm too busy for that....

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Twelve hours later

  • Of course. Not only them, most tailed amphibians do.

    They are also larvae, meaning kids. But unlike many other larvae, they can live years in that state.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    You know they regenerate lost limbs right? OH And scientists study on them relentlessly.

  • edited November 2015

    Glad to hear from you. Thank you for your kind words.

    I really think you should post links to the those albums in the thread. We (I) can use them not only for the rp, but also for fanfics :)

    Oh, and teleportation seems the coolest to me.

    Well, everyone, I've sorted out what I have to work on and I'm feeling a little bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still not going to

  • Obviously it wouldn't be nasty if you know who made it.......( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    but chicken soup is nasty </3 I will die with honour

  • enter image description here @Mawula you may like that. (This image)

  • ;)

    Mawula posted: »

    Genial! J'adore ca.

  • So I got reminded of this song today (and the Buried at Sea 2 ending, which caused me to go cry in a corner for several hours) and wanted to share it with you. I feel it's Rhyiona-esque. And hey, it's directed to a Troy Baker character.....

    enter link description here

  • It's so sweet how she sang it, such a mellow voice ♡ like a sad lillaby

    Oh god and now I remember that ending too... ;-;

    So I got reminded of this song today (and the Buried at Sea 2 ending, which caused me to go cry in a corner for several hours) and wanted to

  • Hahaha, I do like it! Do these things really exist?

    It is so Rhys-y not being able to manage without templates!

  • Mawula posted: »

    Hahaha, I do like it! Do these things really exist? It is so Rhys-y not being able to manage without templates!

  • I was talking 'bout my own birthday. maaaaaaaybe should've mentioned that ^^'

    One day too early well I don't got your fancy mathematics

  • oh well, so now it is your birthday?

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I was talking 'bout my own birthday. maaaaaaaybe should've mentioned that ^^'

  • Shit... I'm not prepared for that...

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    We all gotta move out someday

  • eeyup

    enter image description here

    oh well, so now it is your birthday?

  • edited November 2015

    So did anybody play/watch Game of Thrones episode 6 if you did what was your reaction and did you like it? :[}

  • I dont know why people say it's trash. I think it was an amazing. Okay maybe not better than Tales' finale but it was still an amazing episode. :v

    Green613 posted: »

    mfw everyone is saying GoT episode 6 is trash

  • edited November 2015

    Happy freaking Birthday @Dracu98!

    enter image description here

  • Episode six was a mixed bag of emotions, primarily grief and excitement. And if I could agree with one thing in IGN's review was there was more bloodshed than resolutions, but on the bright side it open so many opportunities for a second season. So after I was shaking my fist during the credits in frustration and got a hold of my emotions, I came to the conclusion that overall, it was a great experience! Better final than TFTBL? No, but definitely in my top 5 for favorite Telltale titles.

    Which is currently:

    1.TWD S1




    5.TWD S2

    In Addition My Top 5 Protagonist Would Be:






  • Also, manipulating time is pretty awesome. :) :D

    You know, honestly, this is all the motivation I need to do exactly what you just suggested. I was sold at the "talking with Vaughn in the waiting room." It needs to happen.

  • I love it, I love it, I love it! <3 You know what this means right?

    Next thing you write will have to be either their engagement or their wedding ;)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    I tap my foot to the beat of the music that's currently blaring in my ears. It's the only thing making noise aside from the weak heater in t

  • Hiya! Glad to hear you're feeling a bit more on top of things now, I understand that you wanna continue like that.

    Feels like you've been here forever, you fit in pretty well ;)

    You added My Silver Lining and Arms, sweet! All the songs are really cool, I like 'em. D'you think you could add Realize by Colbie Caillat? I suddenly remembered it and I think it'd fit.

    Oh, I can't wait, seriously! It's so nice of you to keep writing even if you won't be here all the time :)

    I'd probably want to skip the birth part but that's up to you and the others, if they want it to stay. I'd really like a scene a couple of years later!

    Teleportation is coolio B)

    If you could send me Yvette's pics someday I'd be extremely grateful...

    Hope to see you around for Christmas at least, all the best to you and yours ^-^

    Well, everyone, I've sorted out what I have to work on and I'm feeling a little bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still not going to

  • I have somewhat mixed feelings about it. As an episode, I thought it was quite good, but as a season finale, it wasn't. I wouldn't even call it an open ending because to qualify as an ending, I'd say at least some things have to be resolved - but we just got one step further in watching the downfall of House Forrester. TWD S1, TWAU and TFTB all had endings that left room for further seasons but their storylines were completed. I feel that's not the case with GOT.

    Also, on one hand I think they really put a lot of effort in making our choices matter in this game - there's quite a lot of characters that can either be dead or alive, depending on choices - but on the other hand, looking at the big picture I felt like nothing really mattered. Someone will always betray you in some way and everything is gonna go horribly wrong. I was absolutely sure both the ambush and the poison approach would somehow fail. They have very different consequences for a couple of characters, but either way is gonna suck, so the choice itself was literally "pick your poison" and that kinda applies to the entire season. Our goal was to save our House and we failed, no matter who is still alive.

    Sure, you could say that's exactly how things go down in the books and in the tv series, but I actually have the same issue with the latter - deaths of likeable characters lose their shock value if it happens all the time, and so does all the plotting and betrayal that's going on.

  • My fav TTG series finales in recent memory

    1)TWD S1
    4)TWD S2

    Haven't seen GOT's finale yet, but on a scale of 1-10, how would you guys rate it?

  • Rhys should be the pregnant one. Just saying.......

    Well, everyone, I've sorted out what I have to work on and I'm feeling a little bit better than I was yesterday, but I'm still not going to

  • Ah, Yvette has got deep into you? I also liked her much. Had to replay the whole escape from Jack's armchair when I picked the wrong answer and she was left in the cell.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hiya! Glad to hear you're feeling a bit more on top of things now, I understand that you wanna continue like that. Feels like you've been

  • More Birthdayness and offensiveness cause thats what we need this morning (JFC the news)

    enter link description here

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited November 2015

    @Dracu98 (I forgot to tag you)

  • @Dracu98 Alles gute zum Geburtstag (so, vielleicht 17?), lieber Kumpel! :D

  • On a scale of 1-10, I would rate it at least somewhere 8.5 or 9. xP

    My fav TTG series finales in recent memory 1)TWD S1 2)TFTBL 3)TWAU 4)TWD S2 Haven't seen GOT's finale yet, but on a scale of 1-10, how would you guys rate it?

  • I'll rate it 6,9

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    On a scale of 1-10, I would rate it at least somewhere 8.5 or 9. xP

  • Hey guys ^-^

    How are you all today? <3

  • ayy happy bday bruh <3 @dracu98

    enter image description here

  • Nice pun. ;p

    But in all seriousness, though... do you actually rate it that much? Didn't you enjoy the episode? xd

    Eryka posted: »

    I'll rate it 6,9

  • her fucking hair lmao

    Obviously it wouldn't be nasty if you know who made it.......( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • edited November 2015

    I actually really enjoyed the episode. Okay, it had some flaws but every episode has it in every Telltale game.

    It was a rollecoaster of emotions. That is like the first Telltale episode that made me cry multiple times. ;-; I still can't get over it... I should never have been bonded with the characters ;-; It was also good that we've seen that our choices truly mattered in this episode. Telltale didn't dissapoint me with the series at all. xP

    Although I think Tales' finale was better, Game of Thrones' finale is now my second favorite Telltale finale. I'm really excited for season 2 ^-^

  • I don't know, I didn't download the episode, not yet.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Nice pun. ;p But in all seriousness, though... do you actually rate it that much? Didn't you enjoy the episode? xd

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