Anyone finding it difficult to root for the Forresters? **MAJOR SPOILERS**

The Forresters appear to be one of the more noble and righteous houses of Westeros, that doesn't hide a dark history or give birth to the more despicable characters that gives many a reason to loathe the house. Considering that they are much like the Starks, it's easy to see the Forresters as the 'good' guys and would make viewers more inclined to root for them.

However, their track record of claiming victory or resolving a conflict has declined since the very first episode, and as episodes passes by the Forresters seem to struggle to even make up for their loss, to the point where any positive moment is almost always quickly snatched away and thus rendering their efforts pointless.

And now, regardless of the player's choices, the Forrester have lost to the Whitehills and their home appeared to have collapsed in the end, despite their efforts. Two of their sons have died, with the other son as Lord being badly wounded to the point where their survival doesn't look promising, and the Lady of the family is now dead, leaving just the one daughter and the one son left standing. And their handmaiden sent to the King's Landing is now unable to prove her innocence of her 'treachery' regarding of the death of a guard sent to kill her, and is either executed or taken hostage by the very man who arranged the entire scenario to have Mira as his wife or to eliminate her.

And as for Gared, he still haven't found much use for the North Grove besides a group of people practicing some blood magic, leaving his entire journey to help the Forresters rather pointless in the end.

Should Season 2 come around in the future, how much further will the Forresters decline until some of us will eventually stop caring for them and just hope that their enemies put them out of their misery, or will they finally start claiming victory over the Whiteills and regain their lost honor?

This isn't necessarily a case of "I hate the Forresters", but more of a "I'm tired of seeing the Forresters getting the short end of stick", so please keep that in mind as you post.


  • "that doesn't hide a dark history or give birth to the more despicable characters"

    What? Everything you said in your post was just them being incompetent. In no way dose any of those things make them dark or despicable.

  • It's Game of Thrones. It is meant to reflect reality. The "good guys" are not all-good, nor are the "bad guys" all bad. It's grey. And there is no telling that the morally good will always win. It is the strongest who survives, whether you're good or evil has almost no effect on your victory or defeat.

  • How did you get the impression that I referred the Forresters as being dark or despicable?

    I'll agree that the Forresters aren't very competent, though.

    unseenclass posted: »

    "that doesn't hide a dark history or give birth to the more despicable characters" What? Everything you said in your post was just them being incompetent. In no way dose any of those things make them dark or despicable.

  • Truthfully, yeah. It's kinda hard for me to get invested in a game if the characters and the whole family just seems to be a continuous downward slope. And considering this is GoT, it's hard to imagine them getting out of it.

    But that's just me.

  • Exactly this is it I love about the show. The characters are true - and no matter what: characters can change. It's not a really good side or bad side. It's a play you play and it's not black and white: it's grey.
    I was sorry that they had a pretty similar story as the Starks - I hope this changes next season. But I liked a few characters. I loved to play as Asher and Mira. I enjoyed playing Gared and Rodrik. I liked Beskha and Malcolm.

    And I was wrong about Morgryn even though I know that noone can be trusted in the "Game of Thrones"

  • Do you believe that Season 2 may focus on the Forresters recovering from the destruction and claim victory against the Whitehill?

    magic713 posted: »

    Truthfully, yeah. It's kinda hard for me to get invested in a game if the characters and the whole family just seems to be a continuous downward slope. And considering this is GoT, it's hard to imagine them getting out of it. But that's just me.

  • In my opinion the forresters are the starter family like the starks in the main show, we always have them at the core but we begin to branch out into others also. i seeplenty of possibilties with the variations. Still Malcolm, Beshka and gared seem like definite picks. Then if they are feeling generous mira and the surviving brother (maybe talia).

    However we could go with sera or even morgyn in kings landing and a whitehill perhaps . The son who serves roose bolton could be a big possibility.

  • Gwyn might be possible too... though the fact she can be with asher makes me question it.

  • The Forresters being in a bad position just makes me root for them more.

  • It's good that there is no fairytale happy ending in a way.

  • The Forrester's just feel like the Starks 2.0 ...I wish there was at least one 'bad guy' in the family. I wish we got to play as a baddie

  • My asher was an asshole

    Mariana238 posted: »

    The Forrester's just feel like the Starks 2.0 ...I wish there was at least one 'bad guy' in the family. I wish we got to play as a baddie

  • Maybe. But I'm not going to preorder the season like I did this one. I'm going to wait until all episodes are released before purchasing anything.

    RichWalk23 posted: »

    Do you believe that Season 2 may focus on the Forresters recovering from the destruction and claim victory against the Whitehill?

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