Season 2 protagonist discussion Thread
Who do you think will we play as in S2? Give more than 1 name, thats possible
I think the story will skip some years and we will act as Talia, Ryon and maybe rodrik in frst ep... O yeah, Gared's got a big role too
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I think there's gonna be a new House entirely. Playing with S1 protagonists seems like something that'd be very difficult to execute, since there are so many determinant characters.
But if they let us play as familiar characters, I suppose Malcolm, Gared and Beskha make the most sense. Maybe Talia, even.
Mainly those who are alive: So, Rodrik/Asher, Beskha, Talia, Gared, Mira/Royland/Duncan or maybe Someone else in King's Landing-- Like Tom or Sera, although not really open to Sera, honestly, all of it depending on the final choices you made for Mira--whether Execution, or Morgryn's Baby Machine--either could move to another POV since Mira might not really be able do much. & I don't think they're going to skip so far ahead, to be honest, it would disconnect some of the story really & give us less hope for the chance that the Forresters can make a comeback against the Whitehills.
Possibility of Malcolm, too, since they'll likely keep Daenerys in the Game along with Tyrion. But I don't know how long he's going to survive with the Harpy's Sons or Sisters--whatever they're called--roaming in Meeren.
Malcolm - This could be more the court character next season, as dany will be in essos by this point.
Beshka - Off with ryon, not quite sure what there going to be doing.
Gared - Kind of obvious his story just isnt wrapped up
They seem definite for me
I also think
Asher/Rodrick - When you think about it its either/or and there both military age males, they could do the story with either and have it work. Duncan/Royland the same way.
Lord whitehill s. Oldest son - I feel we need a white hill POV to start branching into other houses.
Mira - Some minor scenes are possible, her story line was always more self contained anyway.
I really want to keep playing as Mira but how would it play out if she's dead?
I can't imagine anyone would be pleased with being forced to play as Morgryn, he's better as an antagonist.
No idea. Telltale won't be using Mira anymore I think.
I don't know. Maybe it won't be a good idea just to remove King's Landing's POV since no one will be in it, unless one of the Forresters might go there. But I would actually be happy if we play as Morgryn and have interactions with Mira / Morgryn's new wife
Don't say that
It would be like forcing us to play as Gryff.
Well... if you put it that way... then... yeah
I wasn't trying to ruin your hopes and dreams
just saying it'd be a really bad move on Telltale's part.
Yeah, I know. x)
Although I just thought that there should be a playable character for the King's Landing's POV and I can't really think anyone else at the moment except Morgryn :P
MIRA!? I heard there was no way for her to survive in finale
Hell no, ttg will continue House Forrester... There are a lot of answers left...
Well, could be. However, I don't think we'll play as the determinant characters, since Mira died in a lot of playthroughs and there's the Asher/Rodrik choice, too.
I imagine that Rodrik / Asher will die shortly after season 2 begins.They'll do some meaningful stuff, but they'll die soon. I mean,in my experience with Telltale, I don't trust them to make an entire season featuring a determinant playable character. Talia will take their POV then,I imagine.
And then there's Beksha and Ryon. We'll be either of them. I'm leaning towards Beksha, she's kinda a mentor and big sister to a little Asher in the making now.
Malcolm will be our Essos POV. I imagine interesting things for him, By the time Telltale's next GOT season comes out, I'm pretty sure the TV show will have gotten to the part where Daenerys finally goes to Westeros. Then Telltale will be free to use that
As for King's Landing...Mira's out of the table since she's determinant, so maybe Sera? There's really no one else there left that we know well enough who survives no matter what.
And, of course, Gared.
If she agree's to marry Morgryn she does survive but this leads to Tom dying instead.
The story will start years ahead after events of S1... Thus Ryon will be the main lead i guess and Asher/Rodrik will die of old age or somethin
People keep going on about Asher and Rodrik being determinant but I think it's different than a single character being dead or alive. Asher and Rodrik are in the same role, sure it's really different but it can be handled. I honestly believe if Telltale kill off Asher/Rodrik it'll be because it's right for the story and puts in a certain direction and it won't be because their determinant.
I think a smaller cluster of POV character is necessary for Season 2. I like that the finale has three POV character. It made the episode more focused and easier to have Rodrik/Asher as a POV. I don't think we should have Malcom as a POV, as why should we focus on Essos if it isn't going to affect the story in the North? I don't think we should have a POV in King's Landing either, as the Forresters has lost their influence in the world, no reason for courtly intrigue. I think all the focus should be in the North and Beyond the Wall.
The POV characters:
Rodrik/Asher, if not, then Talia.
Game of thrones is a bit different to walking dead as the characters are so spread out, as such I feel they could give people who saved mira some minor scenes still after this. I mean really, its not like she ever interacted with the other cast or really did anything, talia maybe mentions something once or twice.
I dont imagine she will do anything to influence the world or other story lines but they could still keep her story line going, the option is there.
But I NEED my courtly intrigue!
I think Essos POV is important, Malcom's mission decides if Daenerys will be Forrsters' ally or not...
I disagree game of thrones you start following the antagonists point of views as well,
Yeah, I'm hoping they keep her around, she's too great a character and too fun to play as to do otherwise.
I would like to play as Morgryn :T
That would allow Mira to show up in the games she is alive, and it would be a little like Cersei's POVs in the books.
You can't imagine anyone?!
You are breaking my heart here.
XD I'm so sorry! Maybe I was a bit hasty but I feel that majority of people would be against it. It would be a bit confusing to play as the Forresters and someone who would be against them. I know I wouldn't be happy if I had to play as Morgryn.
I think it would be very interesting, especially if we get to pick the way we treat Mira if she is married to him. I used to see Jaime as a real monster before we got his POV in the books, and while nothing can excuse him pushing Bran out of the window, it is a good way to humanize these characters.
True. I mean, they handled it in Episode 6, so with enough time and effort I'm sure they could make it work for Season 2. We'll see.
I can see them keeping Asher/Rodrick, not only because they can pretty much take the exact same role, but Telltale's gone out of their way to put them in the exact same scenario (with only the characters changing). I can definitely picture Malcolm getting POV, along with Beskha, I mean; it's not like Ryon can actually fight or anything.
As for Mira, I imagine she'll appear if she survived, but I doubt we'll be playing as her. To replace her at court, maybe Garibald? Playing as Morgryn wouldn't make too much sense as he already has too set a personality, it just wouldn't make sense for him to just start becoming nice. Sera wouldn't really work either, she doesn't seem bright enough the handle the political side; plus, I sent her to Highgarden. Out of them all, Garibald just seems the most flexible: We know he's smart, we know he can be sneaky, he knows a lot, but he's not completely in the loop, he can be nice, he can be mean. Or they'll just abandon kings landing.
Of course, Gared will keep his role. I can kinda see Gwyn getting POV as well, as she survives whatever. A Whitehill POV certainly would be interesting, if nothing else.
Oh, we will have courtly intrigue. It will just take place in the North instead. If Season 2 starts, I think the remaining Forresters will find new allies among the Northern lords or Tribesmen.
It won't be the same as King's Landing...
Aye...of course...But I think if they follow this idea, then it is a good opportunity of creating more original characters and thus a more original story. It is just my opinion.
But if you actually "play" the antagonists you could be tempted to play them badly and this would probably ruin the atmosphere. Imagine playing Gryff and you try all the time to make the bad choices so he dies and his house falls with him. Iam not sure if I could play both sides with the same motivation.