Tom's boss?

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Who the hell asked him to help Mira?


  • edited November 2015

    Her? Maybe him?

    We don't know who is asking him to help Mira in Season 1. Maybe he is even on his own.

  • My theory is that there was no boss after all, and he just had a crush on Mira.

    This theory makes me even sadder because either him or Mira must die in the end :(

  • I imagine whoever it was decided Mira wasn't worth the trouble once the Lannister guards were out to get her and told Tom to stop. So Tom would be helping Mira this EP out of freewill.

  • He wasnt on his own... He clearly said 'i m being forced to help you' 'i cant tell you who'

    Macropod posted: »

    Her? Maybe him? We don't know who is asking him to help Mira in Season 1. Maybe he is even on his own.

  • It makes sense if you're nice to him, but I don't think he would go through all that trouble for someone who treats him like crap. In the third episode, if you didn't try to save him from Damian , are always mean to him , and want to him to risk his own life to get into Tyrion's room , it doesn't look like he has any affection for Mira, and he look forced to help her.

    Abeille posted: »

    My theory is that there was no boss after all, and he just had a crush on Mira. This theory makes me even sadder because either him or Mira must die in the end

  • I forgot about that.

    Damn, this really bothers me. The boss is someone that eventually didn't think Mira (or Tom) was worth the trouble, as they let her (or him) die. With Mira being determinant, I wonder if we will ever find out who that boss is.

    Mintery posted: »

    It makes sense if you're nice to him, but I don't think he would go through all that trouble for someone who treats him like crap. In the th

  • There was no boss. Tom fell in love with Mira. Was to shy to admit it and lied that he's working for someone.

  • Or maybe he was working for Morgryn

  • I rmb once he said : I know allies that can help u lady Mira ! So , where is the allies now lol ?

  • Btw does anyone know if Mira accept the marriage ? Will Tom dies on the block ?

    viennakiara posted: »

    I rmb once he said : I know allies that can help u lady Mira ! So , where is the allies now lol ?

  • With how little restraint Morgryn showed Mira, revealing all his plans to her like that, I doubt he wouldn't have taken the opportunity to tell her that her only ally worked for him.

    wjreinhard posted: »

    Or maybe he was working for Morgryn

  • yes Tom will die instead of Mira

    viennakiara posted: »

    Btw does anyone know if Mira accept the marriage ? Will Tom dies on the block ?

  • I definitely think his boss was Morgryn. His endgame all along was to marry Mita and usurp the Forrester throne

    viennakiara posted: »

    I rmb once he said : I know allies that can help u lady Mira ! So , where is the allies now lol ?

  • He went about it on the worst possible way, then. He could have acted as if he was her hero, being lovely and charming as before, to make her actually want to marry him. Then, after they are married, he could reveal his plan. Instead, he made himself look like an alternative worse than death for most people.

    wjreinhard posted: »

    I definitely think his boss was Morgryn. His endgame all along was to marry Mita and usurp the Forrester throne

  • Actually it does make sense. Morgryn could have planned to be with Mira the entire time.

    Abeille posted: »

    With how little restraint Morgryn showed Mira, revealing all his plans to her like that, I doubt he wouldn't have taken the opportunity to tell her that her only ally worked for him.

  • Well, he could have just asked while he was still in good terms with her, then. Why reveal all his plans and make her hate him before proposing?

    LukaszB posted: »

    Actually it does make sense. Morgryn could have planned to be with Mira the entire time.

  • How did Morgryn know that Tom was with Mira when Damien dies? The guard that saw you moments before didn't know, so how the hell did the guards have orders to arrest him as well. Tom's last lines make it clear if you dig deep enough.

    Abeille posted: »

    He went about it on the worst possible way, then. He could have acted as if he was her hero, being lovely and charming as before, to make he

  • To make you know it's a choice between life and death.

    Abeille posted: »

    Well, he could have just asked while he was still in good terms with her, then. Why reveal all his plans and make her hate him before proposing?

  • Which last lines make it clear?

    Maybe he just saw Mira with Tom somewhere. Morgryn says he still wonders how Mira got the decree from Tyrion's office. If Tom was working for Morgryn, he would have known how.

    LukaszB posted: »

    How did Morgryn know that Tom was with Mira when Damien dies? The guard that saw you moments before didn't know, so how the hell did the guards have orders to arrest him as well. Tom's last lines make it clear if you dig deep enough.

  • Is Margeary impossible?

  • Morgryn is a liar, and if you look at his facial expressions when he was saying he would help Mira and when he talks about wondering how Mira stole the decree, they are the same. Was he telling the truth about wanting to help Mira? No.

    Abeille posted: »

    Which last lines make it clear? Maybe he just saw Mira with Tom somewhere. Morgryn says he still wonders how Mira got the decree from Tyrion's office. If Tom was working for Morgryn, he would have known how.

  • I think because of many people found this unused line where he said he was working for Lady Olenna Tyrell, Telltale eventually erased the idea. Or they will use it in season 2, if there will be another season at all.

  • Well no not impossible but it's really really really unlikely dont you think?

    shirai46 posted: »

    Is Margeary impossible?

  • His master being a part of House Tyrell makes the most since. Whether that's Lady Olenna, Margery, or someone else it makes the most sense.

    If he was just some random guy with a crush, it doesn't make sense that he would do so much if your a complete asshole to him. So I think it's most likely that he is indeed serving someone.

  • What happens if you lie to stay in Margary's favor - does this whole part with Morgryn and Tom not happen?

  • What if it was Lady Margaery? xD

    Abeille posted: »

    I forgot about that. Damn, this really bothers me. The boss is someone that eventually didn't think Mira (or Tom) was worth the trouble, as they let her (or him) die. With Mira being determinant, I wonder if we will ever find out who that boss is.

  • I always thought he worked for either Tyrion or Cersei.

    Or what if he worked for Elissa's former house? maybe we won't find out till next season, which is another huge middle finger

  • Tyrion sounds interesting. Maybe we will see Daenerys, Tyrion and Malcom (Asher's
    uncle) together in season 2. Maybe Tom reports the situation to them. idk.

    I always thought it's Margery. She could not directly help Mira so she sent out Tom. idk lol.Isn't Tom way too young for Mira? Or is it just a normal crush

  • What if the Forresters sent him, OOOOOOHHH that's a game changer.

  • Marrying Mira wasn't his original plan. He confesses to Mira about how he was paying Damien to kill Mira because she was getting in the way of making plans with Ludd. Mira then says (by your choice) Ludd will turn on him as soon as he can. Forward onto when your in the cell. Morgyn comes to visit you and says that what Mira said made him think about his arrangement with Ludd and that Mira was right Ludd will probably change his mind and stop plans with Him and that's when he came up with the plan in marrying Mira as he would have a better chance in ruling Ironrath

    wjreinhard posted: »

    I definitely think his boss was Morgryn. His endgame all along was to marry Mita and usurp the Forrester throne

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