Whom did you kill ? (POLL) and who survived ?
I killed Ludd white hill as he is the king and without him house white hill falls like pack of cards , some players get to kill the coward gryff white hill with ludd escaping which is not a good option
poll - http://strawpoll.me/6036987
and i think asher is better than rodrick as the protagonist because he is badass
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don't forget to vote guys and leave your feedback
interested to know other outcomes .
Oh, how do you kill Ludd? He ran away from me.
Same here. I think you have to go with poison?
Rodrick killing Ludd was particularly satisfying
If you're Asher you have to poison him to kill him.
killed with poison he is my main target from the beginning without him the house will fall for sure
yeah ambush will not work
Gryff is dead in my saves so far.
I like an idea of Ludd being the final boss. And I don't want to poison Elissa / miss chance to save Ryon.
he is an idiot lol we can kill him at anytime but killing the main lord is important .. In my playthrough after killing ludd whitehill gryff just ran afraid , that means he is a dead guy alive ..now house whitehill only has army with no strong leader to rule ..
Asher is young and ruthless where rodrick is calm and calculated , crippled
Rodrik certainly wasn't crippled in ep6.
With Ludd dead wouldn't Torrhen have to take over? Or is Gryff heir because Torrhen serves Roose Bolton?
Gryff is dead. But more Whitehill scum are around.
I killed Ludd and my mother.
i want to stop my mother from drinking but it's too late already
I doubt it, his First Born isn't a fool and is a War Veteran.
True but I figured Gryff is just the fourthborn. While it would have been personal satisfaction, it wouldn't actually have helped anything to kill him. Then again... nothing did, I guess...
Even if Torrhen can't, doesn't he have three older brothers? Maybe I'm wrong but I think I remember him being the fourth born son.
I didn't find it so. He fought back fiercely and faced his death with dignity. Him accepting his death and being arrogant up to the end really killed it for me. I preferred hearing Gryff cry and beg.
Yup, but the oldest is dead and the 3rd is at the citadel. Gryff is second behind Torrhen in inheriting.
As Rodrik, I killed Ludd. I actually knew that Ryon would survive even if I didn't attack Gryff cause I watched a livestream of the episode before I played the game, as I said many times
If we only got the chance to kill both Ludd and Gryff. That would be extremely satisfying
Gryff is fourth and Torrhen is third. The first born is dead and the second is at the citadel training to be a maester.
Well for one, I'm pretty sure Harys was commanding the army. Ludd was just saying what he needed/wanted done. Ludd gave his orders and Harys carried them out, Gryff just needs to sit back and let Harys finish his job. Two, Torrhen is in charge now. He's Ludd's second son (the second son always receives leadership training, not as extensively as the first born, but enough to be a viable replacement in the event of death) and seems competent on account of being a soldier and serving (the very intelligent and wise) Roose Bolton
Me too :-(
i felt it's better to kill the king than his coward fourth born
yeah hope we gets a season 2
yeah i read spoilers before playing the game so actually planned before whom to kill and not but the people who are unaware of the spoilers regret their decision of killing gryff and ludd running away
i chose asher so didn't knew that
I stopped mother from drinking the poison which resulted in Ludd sprinting out of the hall. I might replay since Elissa dies regardless, I'd rather have Ludd dead than Gryff.
Killed Ludd by poison. Don't get me wrong, i want to kill Gryff too. But i thought that i need to kill the 'brain' of the house. If i kill Gryff, it's just for revenge.
I killed Ludd as well but wouldn't wiping out his next of kin ashore that the Whitehill days are numbered that is if we kill Torrhen as well.
Ebbert serves the Citadel which means he gives up all claims to his House so he'll never be Lord even if he's the only remaining heir.
Same it was helpful.
but without LUDD that house will not be the same
yeah even i chose that Ludd is the strong personality of whitehills without him there is no threat ..
and gryff is a coward and not much of a threat
Now this was tricky for me - in my first play through I was Rodrik, and before the episode came out I was absolutely sure I was going to kill Ludd if I had a choice. Ludd was by far the smarter choice over gryff and near everyone said they would kill Ludd if they had a choice.
But Telltale - being clever - managed to make killing Ludd into the more morally grey decision each time. As Rodrik you had to make the call to sacrifice Ryon to kill Ludd, and as Asher you had to watch your own mother kill herself. This was a very good move, because everyone is well aware Ludd is by far the more dangerous of the two. Grief would have originally been just a revenge killing, but in both cases unless you were willing to make a very tough call Ludd ended up alive.
In my first play through, I decided (after much agonising) to go after Gryff and save Ryon (backup in case I died, plus morality) in the camp. Although it was satisfying (especially when Gryff realised Ryon had escaped), I was left with a lingering feeling I'd made a bad call overall, which I had in retrospect. I eventually ended up replaying that choice to see the outcome (might redo again before season 2 idk)
As Asher, I went straight for the poison but chickened out when I realised Elissa had to drink. Then as soon as I clicked the button I rewound and watched her drink the poison (as my heart tore itself into a hundred pieces). Then went after gryff - only Gwyn prevented my win.
On another note, in the Asher play through it makes basically no sense that Ludd/gryff got out. With the ambush there was nobody guarding the doors (c'mon thats not realistic) and for the poison Gryff somehow just managed to run through the entirety of Ironrath on his own without being attacked. sigh I guess the Forresters just aren't cut out for this crap.
On a side note, do you think that what the Forresters did was just as bad as the Red Wedding? I mean we didn't technically break guest right (they were basically besieging us and we never gave Ludd the bread and salt he always wanted
) but in every other way we did.
In short, killed gryff as Rodrik, regretted it and killed Ludd instead. Killed Ludd as Asher the second play through.
Rodrik's fine in episode 6 - he was using that great sword like a BAMF.
Tbh Rodrik was always a badass - the trip in episode 4 was just the best thing "then come at me!"
I killed Ludd as Rodrik.