Why didn't Asher/Rodrick.....

Just do both plans of poisoning Ludd and the ambush at the (Relatively) same time?

Think about it, Ludd Whitehill drinks the poisoned wine and then Asher/Rodrick spring the ambush to kill off the remaining commanders just to be sure. I was wondering why there was even a choice when I would have done both....


  • Ttg is ttg... No better answer :p

  • No idea. Because TTG think GOT is all about shock value?

  • If you pick poison you are essentially doing both as your guards attack after Ludd dies.

  • That scene actually doesn't happen with Rodrik.

  • If you don't want to be spoiled for both possible playthroughs (Asher/Rodrik), then skip the two large paragraphs. The answer to this question is still a spoiler for Asher's story

    If Asher is alive, Ludd declares that he has fulfilled Ramsay's terms by killing the Lord of Ironrath (Rodrik) and that the war is over. He then offers Asher peace if he marries Gwyn and the Forresters swear allegiance to House Whitehill. Asher can then either poison him or ambush him during the feast. The outcome is that either Ludd is poisoned and dies (but Lady Forrester with him), or that Ludd realizes what's up and flees the Great Hall. It ends in a massacre either way, in which Gryff is killed if Ludd wasn't poisoned. The surviving Whitehill then orders the attack on Ironrath.

    If Rodrik is alive, he doesn't have the chance to poison or ambush Ludd because there is no feast. Ramsay's terms have yet to be fulfilled, and Ludd attacks Ironrath head on. He immideatly orders to tear down the gate and kill everyone. Rodrik then sneaks into the Whitehill camp at night with Beskha and the pitfighters and, after setting off a distraction, follows either Ludd or Gryff. Whoever he follows is then beheaded by him, and he returns to Ironrath in a hurry only to find that Ludd's army already has infiltrated the courtyard. The following scene is nearly the same as Asher's.

    To come back to your question, they do both of it if you poison Ludd. In all possible feast scenes (Poison Ludd/Ambush Ludd and all variations of them), either Ludd or Gryff die and the other Whitehill is the only one to escape, all other Whitehill soldiers are slaughtered. Basically Red Wedding 2.0

  • Huh...so Rodrik has it a little harder then. The point still stands that Asher could have sprung the ambush after Ludd drinks the poisoned wine. Ludd would have ran off and slowly died while Gryff would have been turned into charcoal and the whole Whitehill leadership would have been gutted. (Likely scattering the Whitehill army with having no Lord on hand).

  • I suppose he could have started it earlier instead of waiting for the Whitehills to attack, yes. But it's not like it would have changed much. Gryff and Ludd might both have died along with the entire garrison, but it wouldn't have taken long for the other Whitehills to attack aswell (I doubt they'd just roll over if they've practically won, even if their Lords are dead)

    Huh...so Rodrik has it a little harder then. The point still stands that Asher could have sprung the ambush after Ludd drinks the poisoned w

  • Uhhh, because that would be the most effective?

    enter image description here

    Who would even WANT that?

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