Talia's song

So, I noticed something after finishing episode 6 and went on my rant. Talia's song at Ethan and Gregor's funeral foreshadows so much.
Here's some examples:

"I'd bear my neck to Ilyn Payne" - Ilyn Payne is/was the royal executioner. Depending on if you accept the marriage or not, Mira can be executed or Tom can take her place.

"And swim the shivering sea" - Past the wall, it's cold. Real chilly. And since Gared goes beyond the wall after episode 2, he had to "swim" it to get to the North Grove.

"Paint Slaver's Bay in crimson rains" - Slaver's Bay, a place like where the finale of episode 5 takes place, where's there's a massacre. Since so many people died, I'm assuming the crimson rains are blood.

"Still iron grows anew" - Season 2 confirmed, right... They're not dead, right... RIGHT?

Please tell me if I'm getting facts wrong here, I usually do, and tell me if you can think of any other events that are foreshadowed.



  • Clever. Nice connections.

  • Never noticed that, well shit Telltale! The one thing I was disappointed in, was there was not another song! Because goddamn it! Those songs were so great! Oh well, still a great episode.

  • edited November 2015

    Have you checked another versions of her songs?

    Edit: ''A pyre on Aegon's hill'' - King Joffrey's death in future episodes.

    "Eastern mages empty the veins,
    Of beasts across the sea" - Bloodmages from the east are renowned for their dark spells to heal people from death. We encounter a blood mage in last Episode as Gared and we have a choice to empower her abilities.
    Beast can refer to Daenerys dragons. We also have a chance to interact with them as Asher.

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni


  • Well looking back, there a few possibly lines that could be seen as foreshadowing. Like that chat with Mira and Sara about marrying for family, and one of them saying I don't want to marry anyone. And Rodrik telling Gryff he won't finish him off along with him telling his Sentinel he will kill Ludd. It's only really foreshadowing if you took those options but still, neat to look back and see them.

  • I honestly think that the final scene would've been amazing with that song over it.
    "Still iron grows anew" sang as Ryon is riding on the horse with Beshka.

    Never noticed that, well shit Telltale! The one thing I was disappointed in, was there was not another song! Because goddamn it! Those songs were so great! Oh well, still a great episode.

  • That would have been nice, but still, no real complains, just a possible missed opportunity.

    ItsMatty24 posted: »

    I honestly think that the final scene would've been amazing with that song over it. "Still iron grows anew" sang as Ryon is riding on the horse with Beshka.

  • OOOOHHHB ArthurV confirmed Matty you don did good.

  • Perhaps rodrick could be resurrected since if asher survives , ludd whitehill send rodrick's whole body to asher .making him resurrectable .But in contrary if rodrick survives ,Ludd cuts asher's head off and show it to rodrick , making him unresurrectable .I know it sounds ridiculous . It's just speculation .And i highly doubt myself that everything i said is true but it could settle the whole determinant thing with the lord of the forresters ...

  • Slaver's Bay is actually were Asher was, so the crimson rains are most definitley blood. It foreshadowed him helping Danaerys to overthrow the Masters and the potential death of Dezhor zo Raza, aswell as Asher meeting the bloodthirsty pitfighters.

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