Is Ivor even the "villain"?

Ivor is responsible for the Wither Storm, so he's the bad guy, right?

Well, wrong. Ivor's intentions (which is the only thing that matters when judging character morality) was to seek revenge against the Order of the Stone by creating a Wither storm under controlled conditions and then defeating it to undermine the Order.

From Ivor's own perspective the Order deceived him, took credit for his work and sidelined him and his contribution in defeating the Ender Dragon. His lifes work was literally erased from the history books. His plan to deal with this is a simple one: create a Wither installed with a 'command block' to re-establish his reputation as hero of the land. This command block was supposed to provide Ivor with a fail-safe, creating the Wither in controlled conditions which ensured the safety of the inhabitants of the world.

To be doubly cautious Ivor also manufactured a potion to manually shut down the Wither if the situation was visibly getting out-of-hand (and the command block failed).

OK. So Ivor creating a Wither is definitely morally questionable, but isn't the Order of the Stone fabricating lies and side-lining Ivor's entire LIFE work also morally questionable? They are literally taking credit for work they didn't do.

Ivor intended to control and contain the monster... Little did he know that Axel would steal his fail-safe prior to the big event. This is why Ivor is hostile against Jesse and the rest of the 'team': he sees us as a threat, just like the Order, who will seek to take credit for his work in defeating the monster, inadvertently putting the lives of the people at risk.

In all encounters with Ivor after the Wither Storm it's pretty clear that he wants to right his wrong and defeat the Wither.

So is he the villain? Isn't Axel equally responsible for the Wither Storm?


  • edited November 2015

    He used the command block as a fail-safe to defeat the Wither if things went wrong... It's pretty evident if you watch his reaction when the Wither did not respond to his commands...

    "Creature... Retreat!"
    He then tries to destroy the Wither with his elixir ("No need to worry friends, I have an elixir that will destroy this creature.") If he intended to control the creature to meet his own ends, surely he would not tell it to RETREAT or destroy it.

  • Maybe Soren is the villain. We haven't met him yet and he seems clever enought to make a fake persona to his own allies. Everyone who goes to visit him feels something is wrong with the place he lives at. I don't know, im probably wrong but still its a theory.

  • edited November 2015

    That's been my impression the whole way through... Also it's not too positive that actively sidelined Ivor (possibly usurping him as leader of the Order?) and hasn't really stepped forward to help save the world.

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Maybe Soren is the villain. We haven't met him yet and he seems clever enought to make a fake persona to his own allies. Everyone who goes t

  • I won't judge Ivor until I find out the reason why he (Spoiler alert) was kicked out of the Order of the stone. And In episode 2 it looks like he is trying to find something to stop it and help did tell the Crew about the nether minecarts.

  • edited November 2015

    I'm not gonna judge him yet but he took the wrong actions, why not just a normal wither and prepare arrow dispensers to shoot at high speeds and kill the wither if necessary

    Edit: Also you can be responsible for the misplaced potion as you can take too

  • edited November 2015

    I like your theory! But I really hope he won't be the bad guy, people who have majestic beard like that can't be evil.

    Oh, I just saw my profile pic... Oh, no....


    enter image description here

    Lord_EAA posted: »

    Maybe Soren is the villain. We haven't met him yet and he seems clever enought to make a fake persona to his own allies. Everyone who goes t

  • Axel is the villain confirmed.

    And that's why i actually liked Ivor..

  • Omid's catOmid's cat Banned
    edited November 2015

    No. He is like Kenny. His problems are soon your problems.

  • edited November 2015

    I don't know if he is the villain, but he is at the very least a villain. It doesn't matter what his intentions were (though it seems pretty obvious that they were anything but pure) the results of his actions are very, very dire, and he shows absolutely zero regret. He just keeps going on about how he's the hero of his own story and he sees the others as bad guys. That's a classic description of what makes a great villain: they think they're the hero and can't see that they're really the bad guy. (Just look at Handsome Jack in TFTB, he started out wanting to be the hero and save the day and ended up going off the deep end.) Whatever circumstances pushed him into making the decisions he has are irrelevant. Being a hero or villain has nothing to do with what's happened to you but how you react to what happens to you. By becoming bitter and acting in a way that endangers innocent people over his personal grudges, Ivor has reacted very poorly indeed.

  • You may be correct, but I think that we're talking about whether Ivor will still be a villain in the end.

    Cpt. Sqweky posted: »

    I don't know if he is the villain, but he is at the very least a villain. It doesn't matter what his intentions were (though it seems pretty

  • Technically he is the villain for now. But the Wither Storm remains the main threat and the driving force of the plot.

  • Now why would you blame Axel for Wither Storm? Is he the one who created the Wither Storm? It's Ivor's own fault. If he had never done the deal between him and Petra and took the skull himself, he wouldn't have been bothered. His posion could have been useless anyway. Axel had nothing to do with this

  • Oh yeah, did he ever want his friends dead?

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    Axel is the villain confirmed. And that's why i actually liked Ivor..

  • Well none of this would have happened of it weren't for him. But then again, i don't know what he did that got him kicked out of the order.

  • If Ivor had given the diamond to Petra our heroes wouldn't have followed Ivor thus stealing the potion, but then again in the first trailer of minecraft story mode Ivor does actually give a diamond so?...

  • edited November 2015

    You meet Ivor in a dark alley. That's not a very good first impression. He's definitely evil and he's definitely up to no good. The only question is if Ivor is the mastermind or just a mere pawn. Only time will tell.

  • edited November 2015

    That conclusion is a little definitive when you don't know the context of the situation fully.

  • edited November 2015

    I should italic the first sentence. Because i was joking and i was not serious x)

    AronDracula posted: »

    Oh yeah, did he ever want his friends dead?

  • Ok, I just thought you sounded serious

    AngeloMC21 posted: »

    I should italic the first sentence. Because i was joking and i was not serious x)

  • I think he is more or less misunderstood. Also, Jesse could be responsible for the Wither Storm too, cause he can steal the potion too.

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