
edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Am I the only one who was really, really annoyed at Gwyn? I have no regrets about telling her I wouldn't do what she wanted. Her family consistently shows itself to be determined to slaughter the Forresters, and yet she insists we trust her to handle it. Promises that Ludd won't turn his back on and kill everyone when he gets the chance, when it seems pretty obvious he would.

It's easy for her to say Asher/Rodrik should just make peace when it's not her family that's half slaughtered, half practically with nooses around their necks. She pissed me off more than anyone this episode.


  • I had to agree with her, killing anyone else would likely result in the death of our whole house, imo it was the best decision to agree to stop killing. Its possible Ludd would kill Asher once he gave an heir like he even said, but it was better than everyone dying right then and there. Too bad that didn't happen... freakin' Elissa >_>

  • She pissed me off too. My original play through was with Rodrik, but i did go through it with Asher. It bugged me everytime she said "I know you've been through alot" and "we can put everything behind us"... like bitch your father killed half my family! I want my revenge! lol

  • Are you guys SERIOUS? Gwyn's my favorite character in the series! She helps Rodrik and Ryon quite a lot when she has no reason to do it, especially since EVERYONE is giving her a hard time, especially Lady Forrester. She keeps doing it out of respect for Asher. She wants to settle things peacefully for that same reason, since she knows the Forresters are too weak to stand against Whitehills and oh - look at that! She was right! Ironrath gets destroyed in the end! I was shipping Asher and Gwyn, so I saved Asher/agreed to marriage/called off the ambush and I was rewarded for that (even though Duncan died, which kinda sucks). In the end I had Gwyn and Asher reunite - I mean, she kills one of her father's men to save Asher! That means she's willing to do what's right even if it means turning on her family, since she realized her family were a bunch of dicks. And she manages to remain strong even during the hardest times. I find it ironic that bitchy female characters like Dany and Cersei are beloved by fans because they are "strong", but when a strong female character is done properly (I am talking about feminine strength, not her ability to manipulate people or political power), no one likes her - either in the story or in the fandom.

  • Wish we had the option to at least smack her or something after she stabs us

  • Don't know, I was really tempted to agree with her, since Asher had previously really been in love with her... seemed like a fine arrangement in itself, but the reasoning sucked, and I just really wanted both male Whitehills... gone. Not even just killed, but tortured and killed very very slowly.

  • Dany and cersei are not well liked . I appreciate them as villains that's it.

    Gwyn is just an idiot .

    subrr posted: »

    Are you guys SERIOUS? Gwyn's my favorite character in the series! She helps Rodrik and Ryon quite a lot when she has no reason to do it, esp

  • Her reasoning would seem sound enough in a balanced conflict...when one's House has been basically slaughtered and being ridiculed for it for the whole game, well, it makes me wonder how can she really expect Asher to trust her or put what is left of his feelings for her before his family who has suffered so much. She says she understands how Asher feels, but she really can't.

    And let's just say after seeing what they'd do to Asher himself if Rodrik were alive...well, there was no way I'd renounce trying to kill Ludd after having that image planted in my head. How is Gwyn protecting Ryon so much in that scenario, if she allows him to be taken to the battlefield and being forced to hold the spike with his own brother's head? >.<

  • Yeah, fuck, Gwyn.

  • Everyone seems to dislike Gwyn because she wants peace rather than slaughter each other, which seems a bit unfair to me.

  • edited November 2015

    Finally! I thought I was the only one who really liked her.

    subrr posted: »

    Are you guys SERIOUS? Gwyn's my favorite character in the series! She helps Rodrik and Ryon quite a lot when she has no reason to do it, esp

  • To be fair, the fact that Ludd actually goes to negotiations with Asher instead of just deciding to attack with Rodrik means at least a temporary alliance/truce could have been forged. This is backed up by the fact that in all versions, the Forresters will attack the Whitehills in some way instead of the Whitehills themselves initiating the conflict at the feast. Of course, things almost certainly wouldn't have worked out since at best, they'd be left at where Rodrik was where Gryff was parading around Ironrath and likely Asher being killed once Gwyn had a son.

  • I don't really dislike her (she's obviously the best product of that family), but I just think it's highly unrealistic for her to really think Asher would docilely accept these terms after everything that's happened. I tried working with her as Rodrik, but at this point things had gone too far for me.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Everyone seems to dislike Gwyn because she wants peace rather than slaughter each other, which seems a bit unfair to me.

  • It's pretty easy to talk about peace when it's not your own family/house that lost over half its members.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Everyone seems to dislike Gwyn because she wants peace rather than slaughter each other, which seems a bit unfair to me.

  • edited November 2015

    This is because she comes off as a 'pacifist' of convenience, which makes her pretty bad in her own right.

    'I'm not saying I condone my father's methods but you better do what he says.' Just let us kill her already...

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Everyone seems to dislike Gwyn because she wants peace rather than slaughter each other, which seems a bit unfair to me.

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