Unable to download episode 3

Howdy peoples,

i am unable to download the episode 3 of Minecraft story mode.
Can someone help me please?

Kind regards


  • It's not out until November 24th

  • ArthurVArthurV Telltale Alumni

    The episode releases on November 24th.

  • well its available now and still can't find it. Even on the episode section it is marked as buyed but not available for download

  • But on Play Station it said that it would be out on the 24th, but now it says the 26th! I have been waiting for hours for no reason at all!

    ArthurV posted: »

    The episode releases on November 24th.

  • edited November 2015

    Not able on android! When it will come?

  • Si publican esto a la 12 de la noche me va a dar el mayor coraje de la vida diciendo "download november 24th " son las 8 de la noche y no hay nada en Apple Store

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