Mira's fate?

Eh so, Finished the game again and I agreed to marry Morgryn[fu morgryn] and well when it ended the only characters shown in the menu was gared and rodrik. I got freaking sad cuz mira wasn't in the menu anymore, is this a bug guys? i had her alive but she doesnt seem to show on the menu unlike before.

So does this mean that she's not going to be a playable character on season 2? And

Who's a die-hard fan of mira here? ;-; mourning ;-;

And uh can u guys explain why bethroting to morgryn would make him have ironrath?


  • edited November 2015

    She is determinant, so yeah, the most likely situation is that she won't be playable anymore. It's a shame, she was my favourite to play as.

    Betrothing Morgryn would make him have Ironrath once Ironrath is taken back from the Whitehills AND all the male Forresters are dead (and after he is actually married to Mira and had already bedded her. Better to him if she has an heir so that she can't just go and ask the marriage to be nullified. Yes, this is a thing), because then Mira will have the claim which means her husband would be Lord of Ironrath. I believe Morgryn intends to wait for the war to be over and then kill the survivors. Do I think he is going to succeed? No. I think he is going to fall on his face pretty hard. His ego obviously blinds him, like how he told Mira all his plans instead of keeping playing good charming little merchant with her and make her think he was saving her by marrying her.

  • edited November 2015

    I have no doubt whatsoever Mira can get out of the marriage. Not only is she apparently capable of beating Morgryn physically (srsly, pick the "attack him" option in the cell, its hilarious) but I think she'll be able to outwit him too. Even if she can't do either of these things, all she has to do is some way to contact Asher/Rodrick (especially Ash), and Morgryn will likely contract a sudden and fatal case of sword-through-bowels.

    What the choice at the end really seems to be, and how it relates to the core theme of the Ice Dragon episode, is that in order to win in Westeros you have to sacrifice your friends. In Mira's case, it's Tom--would you subject him to the axe after all he's done for you, just to save your own skin? The way I play Mira, she unfortunately would, though seeing him killed will probably haunt her for the rest of her life.

    What really worries me is that people seem to be picking the execution option moreso than the marriage one. I get they want to be defiant, but Telltale bases their stories around the more popular choices; if Mira is dead in the majority of playthroughs they likely wont bother programming her in, bringing Martha Mackintosh back in to record more lines, and definitely not writing a playable plotline for her. She'll disappear from the story entirely, like she was never even there.

    So if you want some Mira in season 2, I recommend changing your choices.

  • I still think minor scenes with her are possible, it's not like she ever interacted with the main group anyway. Would be a good example of choice

    Abeille posted: »

    She is determinant, so yeah, the most likely situation is that she won't be playable anymore. It's a shame, she was my favourite to play as.

  • If only more people accepted the proposal, maybe TellTale would bother. At about 20%, I don't think it is going to happen :/

    But I really would love for it to happen.

    I still think minor scenes with her are possible, it's not like she ever interacted with the main group anyway. Would be a good example of choice

  • It would still be nice to put at least 2 minutes for those who accepted proposal.

    Abeille posted: »

    If only more people accepted the proposal, maybe TellTale would bother. At about 20%, I don't think it is going to happen But I really would love for it to happen.

  • I fully agree, i was actually surprised to see so many people decided to sacrifice Mira.

    Btw is there a way to save both mira and tom?

    ranger563 posted: »

    I have no doubt whatsoever Mira can get out of the marriage. Not only is she apparently capable of beating Morgryn physically (srsly, pick t

  • No, there is no way to save both :/

    That really made me sad. I really liked Tom. Not enough to make me sacrifice my favourite POV, but still...

    theHound posted: »

    I fully agree, i was actually surprised to see so many people decided to sacrifice Mira. Btw is there a way to save both mira and tom?

  • Sigh..., that's sad, i always liked Tom, such an awesome boy. Anyway, will Mira be a playable character in the upcoming season?

    Abeille posted: »

    No, there is no way to save both That really made me sad. I really liked Tom. Not enough to make me sacrifice my favourite POV, but still...

  • She is determinant and, right now, most people decided to kill her. So I seriously doubt that. It could happen, but it would be a first for TellTale as far as I know.

    theHound posted: »

    Sigh..., that's sad, i always liked Tom, such an awesome boy. Anyway, will Mira be a playable character in the upcoming season?

  • Thank you for replying. Yea, i was shocked to see so many people letting her die, i thought most would do everything to save her. Oh well, if they focus more on Asher i won't mind either.

    Abeille posted: »

    She is determinant and, right now, most people decided to kill her. So I seriously doubt that. It could happen, but it would be a first for TellTale as far as I know.

  • What a choice, Die, or get raped repeated, abused and the murdered once your spouce has consoildated his power.

  • I'm kinda hoping she can escape from Morgryn eventually, to be honest, while the other option was a sure-death one. Morgryn says he won't keep her "literally" locked up as long as she behaves, so maybe she can find an opportunity to get away from him. My only worries regarding this option is if Morgryn finds someone in a better position to marry him (say, in games that Gwyn didn't go with Asher, Ludd or Torrhen offer Gwyn's hand to Morgryn) and decides to get rid of Mira, or if he kills her after she gives him some heirs so he can remarry.

    I honestly doubt he will be able to take Ironrath.

    LoreMaster posted: »

    What a choice, Die, or get raped repeated, abused and the murdered once your spouce has consoildated his power.

  • Oh :(. Mira was my favorite character. She helps her family by her wits and intelligence. She could pop a whole lot of trouble with just a single phrase on King's Landing. Why must she die ;-; I'd be ok to me if Gared was to die on the episode. Didn't like his arc really well. Mira was just so different yet so unique. Her life began to shred after killing that Lannister guard and all of that loyalty to Margaery she still reject me :/ . Im starting to question ttg if what i say on the game really affect the people but well there's the script so we need to follow it.

    Fav Characters in order[Most fav to good]

    Mira-Asher-Rodrik-Beskha-Elissa-Duncan(my sentinel)[those last words tho. Gives me the chills]-MwuaAASSSSTERRR-Sylvi

    Mira's arc was horrible, helped the family but ended up losing and even killing Mira. I feel bad for her. At least ttg gave us the upper hand that Morgryn would marry Mira with no conditions whatsoever. If you'll look at it, Mira will have power while full of vengeance after her house broken, family fallen.

    And question

    Why didn't mira get a trial or etc? Its a good time to use that intelligence of hers to win the game. At least she would have the freedom to speak for herself.

  • I can't believe there are so many horrible people who would send Tom to the block after everything he's done for Mira. She was my favourite character too but, let's be real here. She played all her cards. She wasn't going to see her family either way. At least she died with dignity.

  • Yeah. Back before when she was about to be beheaded i thought someone's going to save her but after that sword dropped and her body jumped, i cryeid :(. What's bad is whatever things Mira has done to destroy the whitehills, it still wouldn't change, i feel... useless :/ . And im not even blaming mira about it, im blaming the story makers, don't even have the good ending where forresters win, but well since theres second season, then im satisfied.

  • Aw man. :( I'm not sure now if I want to replay the episode and have Mira agree to marry Morgryn just so she could live, although it would be at the expense of Tom's life. But if she's alive, at least it would be one less Forrester dead? Idk. It's sad either way, I think. Seriously though, I'll probably replay.

  • edited November 2015

    I wonder if it is possible in future: marry Morgryn, he seems better than axe and live another day.
    Forester family seems to be gone hidding, so if Morgryn wants ironwood he needs to go head on with Whitehills and Bolton.
    Who ever dies in that fight i am fine. There is still a couple Forester alive to rise after dust falls.

  • I feel like Mira's story won't last past the first episode of season 2 because her story ended for so many in episode 6

  • The problem is that saving Mira requires becoming absolutely desperate. They set you up with that dialogue with the woman in the cell across from you where she asks you what she should do when she's actually asking what YOU should do. I told her to leave behind the best possible memories for her son, so when Morgryn comes in the cell it's basically, "Oh, right, we were really talking about me." Naturally you're primed to do whatever advice you gave her, and I think a lot of people, separated from the choice directly when they first considered it, are going to turn around and make it for Mira.

    Which is sad because like a lot of people she was my favorite character.

    theHound posted: »

    Thank you for replying. Yea, i was shocked to see so many people letting her die, i thought most would do everything to save her. Oh well, if they focus more on Asher i won't mind either.

  • If you think about it the Forresters are kind of like the Starks. One goes to the North, one gets crippled, one has the choice of beheading or getting married off to a horrible person who wants to destroy your family, one wrecks everyone's crap and then gets taken down, one mom dies horribly at a party, one son gets kidnapped and disappears from the story. So you can think that Mira is basically Sansa without any friends or anyone there to protect or speak on her behalf.

    That said, Margaery would probably step in once Mira is free if you're still the handmaiden. Unfortunately, it helps to watch Game of Thrones, so you know she's going to be useless by the time you are married.

    evilcat posted: »

    I wonder if it is possible in future: marry Morgryn, he seems better than axe and live another day. Forester family seems to be gone hiddi

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