I feel cheated by episode 6. This is not a dis, just a major disapointment.

A videogame should always feel rewarding. When you spent countless hours trying to get through it, you should feel really happy at the end. You should feel rewarded. I felt incredibly empty after the non-ending of episode 6. I waited patiently for months. I figured it was worth it and that the finale would be epic. While a lot of scenes are quite cool, once the end narration kicks in, I was like: "What, that's it?"

I am sorry Telltale, I know you worked hard on this, but come on. That's just stupid. TV shows and videogames are two different mediums. Each episode of the show usually ends with a cliffhanger, because you know you only have 1 week to wait. Then the last episode of a season might have a cliffhanger too, but it's usually a cliffhanger about something new. There is always resolution for most of what was addressed through the season. Here nothing is resolved. There was no reward for spending 10 hours of playtime on your game. I think that's a big mistake. Remember those NES games that had no conclusion, only a line of text that said "Congratulations". It pissed players off, because it wasn't a worthy reward. You did not offer the players a worthy reward. Anyway that's just my two cents, I'm glad if some people felt fulfilled by the game as a whole. I did not.



  • Each episode of the show usually ends with a cliffhanger, because you know you only have 1 week to wait.

    Wow, what a long week it's been then since season 5!

    A videogame should always feel rewarding. When you spent countless hours trying to get through it, you should feel really happy at the end.

    Oh man! I really remember how happy I felt at the end of TWD S1! What a joy that ending was!

    Rewarding games =/= a good game.

  • You're expecting a happy ending from Game of Thrones? What? Never seen the show?

  • edited November 2015

    The end of WD1 felt fulfilling to me. I'm not saying a rewarding ending should be a happy ending. If you like equations, well rewarding ending =/= happpy ending. When I finished the WD, I didn't feel like "Wait, that's it? Nah the game is gonna continue after this, it's just a recap of the characters who fell in battle." No, it was really the ending. I never felt so empty after finishing a game. Which sucks because some of the scenes before, like Mira's death, and the fight against the Whitehills, were really intense. But it was too little.

    Green613 posted: »

    Each episode of the show usually ends with a cliffhanger, because you know you only have 1 week to wait. Wow, what a long week it's

  • At the end of TWD I felt fucked in the ass by Telltale, not that I didn't like the ending, but I certainly didn't feel "rewarded" or "fulfilled". An ending doesn't need to give off that feeling to be good, was what I was getting at.

    FelixT posted: »

    The end of WD1 felt fulfilling to me. I'm not saying a rewarding ending should be a happy ending. If you like equations, well rewarding endi

  • Again, not a happy ending. A rewarding ending. An ending that says "Ok, you played 10-15 hours, you deserve a little something". I am not asking for a happy ending, just kill everyone if you want to, or do something with it. I felt there was no ending, that's all. When the narration was playing, I could almost hear the developpers at Telltale saying "Here you go, sucker. See you next time, maybe in two years because we already have 10 000 other projects in development." Whatever I am a bit harsh, but I felt so strongly about it that I created an account just to express my dissatisfaction, even though I knew most people would not agree.

    Reliqum posted: »

    You're expecting a happy ending from Game of Thrones? What? Never seen the show?

  • At the end of the WD you feel sad and I felt fulfilled because the time I spent on this game amounted to something. There is a kind of cliffhanger but there is resolution and to me this is a rewarding ending. But maybe I am just getting biased because I played so many Telltale games and there's not much difference between any of them.

    Green613 posted: »

    At the end of TWD I felt fucked in the ass by Telltale, not that I didn't like the ending, but I certainly didn't feel "rewarded" or "fulfilled". An ending doesn't need to give off that feeling to be good, was what I was getting at.

  • there's always an idiot to refute whatever opinion people post in these forums, like you

    Green613 posted: »

    At the end of TWD I felt fucked in the ass by Telltale, not that I didn't like the ending, but I certainly didn't feel "rewarded" or "fulfilled". An ending doesn't need to give off that feeling to be good, was what I was getting at.

  • das coo

    there's always an idiot to refute whatever opinion people post in these forums, like you

  • It was too Games of Thrones for me. Not only was the ending completly dissatisfying it was delieved way ovedue. I really feel like I wasted 20 hours of my life that I can never get back not to mention the dollars I spent on my season pass. I will not be purchasing season 2, I am so disappointed I maynot ever purchase another tell tale game period.

  • I completely disagree, I ended this series smiling, I love this game.

  • And you don't care that every single thing you did in the game amounted to absolutely nothing?

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I completely disagree, I ended this series smiling, I love this game.

  • I forgot to mention, it also makes me a little mad that this episode was supposed to be the first Telltale episode that really changes the course of events, but it doesn't really. Regardless of who is alive, Asher or Rodrick, the ending will be pretty much the same. Scratch that. Exactly the same.

  • i have to agree this season finale was awful.. serious .. waited so much for this and then what happen ? almost everyone die at the end... I know it's GoT but wow , what was the point of saving in the other episodes when in the end it doesnt mean nothing

  • that's why I download. It sucked and I didn't spend a dime.

    LoreMaster posted: »

    It was too Games of Thrones for me. Not only was the ending completly dissatisfying it was delieved way ovedue. I really feel like I wasted

  • @FelixT There is very good "game" for Android that talks about things you describe in this thread. It is called Creatures such as We from choice of games. I recommend that you should play it.

    Abut GoT this was obviously meant as season 1 of Forrester anthology. It means there will be at least season 2. In GoT universe "good guys" always lose at the beginning.

  • I dunno, I guess it's opinionated but that's how I felt about it, I don't mean to be intrusive, just putting my own input out there :p

    FelixT posted: »

    At the end of the WD you feel sad and I felt fulfilled because the time I spent on this game amounted to something. There is a kind of cliff

  • I endured the flaws in every other episode but this was just disappointing on so many levels. I waited a hundred days for this? I don't mind the deaths but make them meaningful atleast.... And what's up with the last scene? It should be impactful not just bleh

  • The sad thing was the game wasn't horrible as a whole.. It just ended so badly that it ruined the whole season.

  • Well it didn't amount to nothing, every scene mattered to me and I loved every single scene, though I will admit I was a little disappointed with EP5 but mostly because of the length.

    FelixT posted: »

    And you don't care that every single thing you did in the game amounted to absolutely nothing?

  • edited November 2015

    I'm not buying any more season passes for episodic games anymore after this. Telltale just ruined it for me. I can't expect the subsequent episodes to be good if they already have my money and they can ship out something as half assed as this.

    A glitchy mess after that knight put Asher's head to the fire, low frame rate during the opening sequence on the PS4, fucking disgrace.

  • I didn't think the ending was THAT bad.

    If the Forresters won the war against house Whitehill who would be their enemies on Season 2? The Boltons? Everyone knows that wouldn't happen.

    The Forresters barely had any army, they were weak, unprepared. In a realistic world like Game Of Thrones they wouldn't give us a super hero, doing fucking impossible things, saving the little maiden and the honorable mom from every danger in the world.

    Not EVERYONE died. Talia is alive, Duncan is alive, Beskha is alive... There is a lot to work on Season 2 and a lot of plots to explore.

    I just wish Telltale didn't took SO MUCH TIME between one season and the other, because I agree with you it kinda sucks.

    The history of Asher and Rodrik were VERY nice to play from chapter 2 to 6, and because of them I think the game deserves my time, I just enjoyed playing as Gared this final chapter.

    And Mira... what's the fucking point for Mira's plot the whole way?

    Her character seemed to be useless to the Forresters the whole time... Even when she tried to help, nothing happened. And now she's dead/locked. Whatever.

    Just hope Telltale explore and write better her characters on Season 2.

  • Not exactly the same, there are slight differences mainly to do with other characters though.

    FelixT posted: »

    I forgot to mention, it also makes me a little mad that this episode was supposed to be the first Telltale episode that really changes the c

  • edited November 2015

    It was too Games of Thrones for me

    What? It's called Game of Thrones.

    LoreMaster posted: »

    It was too Games of Thrones for me. Not only was the ending completly dissatisfying it was delieved way ovedue. I really feel like I wasted

  • A videogame should always feel rewarding. When you spent countless hours trying to get through it, you should feel really happy at the end. You should feel rewarded.


  • Its Telltale, we are all used to it. Also I wouldn't say everything we did throughout the season amounted to nothing.

    FelixT posted: »

    And you don't care that every single thing you did in the game amounted to absolutely nothing?

  • They have a multi year contract with HBO so its dumb to rush and finish the story in 1 ep when you can expand on it in a whole new season.. season 2. Every other person seems to say this is a disappointment because of the friggin cliffhanger.. There's tons of games out there that end on those... and some don't have a sequel for several years or at all. So honestly I'm glad that Telltale ended on one because rushing everything was not the way to go and that's what they didn't do. I don't care either if I have to pay $25 for another season, its usually always worth it for a Telltale game.

  • edited November 2015

    While i thought the finale was a little disappointing, it was a good game overall.

  • One thing that really disappointed me about this chapter, that I haven't really seen mentioned, is the underuse of the pit fighters. Except for Amaya, they could have been generic sellswords. No attempt to plot a battle strategy that would play to their strengths? It's not as if Asher/Rodrik and company had no time to plot. One aspect of ASOIAF is battle strategy, and I feel as though that was really lacking in this series.

  • My Asher had his face all glitchy and melted looking after that.

    Tyrant posted: »

    I'm not buying any more season passes for episodic games anymore after this. Telltale just ruined it for me. I can't expect the subsequent e

  • im sorry that you all had a bad experiance but i loved it!
    i thought it was BAD ASS!

  • The resolution (or lack thereof) to Mira's storyline was pretty depressing - and not in the good way.

  • I really liked it too despite whatever shortcomings.

    Lee_Walker posted: »

    im sorry that you all had a bad experiance but i loved it! i thought it was BAD ASS!

  • Then can you name a game you liked where you didn't care for the reward, where you were like "Ok the ending is meh but I enjoyed playing it". Action and adventure games anyway. Even Contra, Mega Man, Castlevania on the NES. When I completed those games, I was like "HELL YEAH". The ending of a NES game felt more rewarding than an advanced interactive drama in 2015. Saying I am incorrect without bringing anything to the table is childish.

    A videogame should always feel rewarding. When you spent countless hours trying to get through it, you should feel really happy at the end. You should feel rewarded. Incorrect.

  • But the cliffhanger is rarely about 100% of what happened during the game. It leaves the door open to a sequel with something new, not the exact same issue that the characters were experiencing at the BEGINNING of the game. I mainly feel whatever we did in this game, it was pointless in the end. I would rather have an ending where all the Forresters die, because at least it's an ending.

    AGentlman posted: »

    They have a multi year contract with HBO so its dumb to rush and finish the story in 1 ep when you can expand on it in a whole new season..

  • I thought it was great, but to each their own. Personally my second favorite TTG behind TWAU.

  • Do most people, who played this game, have ever watched Game of Thrones?

  • You're not playing a game, you're playing an interactive TV show. I got what Telltale was going for, and I didn't mind it.

  • edited November 2015

    The show never ends like that. It contains some kind of resolution, with a minor cliffhanger, but nothing that was important to the whole season. Here, we got no resolution and a cliffhanger about just everything that happened in the game.

    ZillionJape posted: »

    Do most people, who played this game, have ever watched Game of Thrones?

  • edited November 2015

    I kinda have to agree. The episode was good, but it didn't have a fitting ending for a season finale, it felt just like an ending to any other episode. Then again it might be that some other ending than the one I ended up with could have worked better, dunno.

    And about cliffhangers, yeah there are those in the ends of seasons in shows but at least they continue within a year. How long will we have to wait for the next season in game? 2 years? More?

  • I feel ending with a cliffhanger is essentially keeping in the spirit of GOT in general. Was the ending sad? Yep. But it's GOT, I already expected not to be happy at the end anyways :P

    AGentlman posted: »

    They have a multi year contract with HBO so its dumb to rush and finish the story in 1 ep when you can expand on it in a whole new season..

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