Is it possible for Forrester wargs?

Let's take a look at wargs first of all. Whilst we have no idea how wargs work exactly, we can make some deductions that can help support the case that it is possible for some of the Forresters (namely Ryon or even the surviving Lord of House Forrester) to be a warg. So first off let's look at the facts.

The only known wargs, are Bran Stark, Josera Snow, and Orell, a warg amongst the Free Folk killed by Jon Snow. There are two things that all three share. They all come from the North, and they are all male. In fact, it has never been said whether wargs are more than likely to go into one gender or the other, but seeing as how the only known wargs to us are male, it seems that it is more probable for males to be wargs, more so than females. Furthermore, they all hail from the North. It could be argued that the North has some mystical power and that could lead to more wargs being developed. But it could also be argued that it is a genetic trait.

Orell's mother and father were more than likely Free Folk, so they were of course in the North.
Bran Stark had his father Ned Stark, born and raised in the North.
Lord Gregor Forrester is also a man of the north and Josera, his son, seems to know what Ironrath is and what The Twins are (meaning he never questions this, and seems to underwhat it is), plus his dislike for Wildlings and how he believes that his father cast him away to hide his shame, implies he was conceived south of the Wall and was either sent North of The Wall, or just happened to be left in The North Grove by Gregor.

So not only do we get the idea that it could be a genetic trait, it seems to only reside in the father (since Catelyn was not from the North and neither was Elyssa Forrester). Josera is clearly a warg. But what about Ryon or Asher?

I'm betting on Ryon, and it would be a definite aid for Beskha and House Forrester if he turns out to be a warg. What do you guys think? Do you think it's at all possible for Ryon or Asher to be wargs? Maybe there can be female wargs such as Talia or Mira (if alive)?


  • For what it's worth, we know that all of the Starks kids were wargs, some more than others.

  • I would say Ryon since I think even if he didn't know much about it Asher is old enough that he would have weird stuff happening to him all the time. But I also don't think or want Ryon to be one. It's rare and we already have Josera from that bloodline. It would just seem forced if Ryon turns out to be a Warg. I think it will be far more fun to just see Ryon become a super badass as he is trained by Beskha and told stories of how awesome Asher was.

  • Agreed, this little guy doesn't need to be a warg to become a badass, he already is !

    "Iron from Ice"

    unseenclass posted: »

    I would say Ryon since I think even if he didn't know much about it Asher is old enough that he would have weird stuff happening to him all

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