A Huge Disappointment



  • edited November 2015

    This ending sucked. I was okay with Mira's ending because her plot was ultimately pointless, the only choice of hers that had any effect on anything wasn't until the final episode and it was just "die or don't."

    Gared's story was stupid. Fuck the North Grove, fuck Lord Gregor, fuck Lord Gregor's bastards, and fuck their magic warriors and their useless magic trees.

    The siege of Ironrath was terrible. Castles exist to block enemies. That's their one job. They just let the Whitehills walk their ram up to the gate. Then, they didn't bother defending their gate until it was already broken. Then, they had zero men on the walls (they were up there for a few minutes to take crap shots at Whitehills in a shieldwall.) That siege was an abomination, the Whitehill's Plot Army was retarded, and Ironrath is a useless castle guarded by useless soldiers.

    This episode showed a severe misunderstanding of what GoT is. It's not "oh bad guys win, git rekt good guys! wow, many edge much plot!" It's actions and consequences. The Whitehills suffer none. Killing Gryff doesn't matter because he's incompetent and they'll get by, killing Ludd is better(ish) but still pointless because now Torrhen is in power (which was going to happen eventually anyway)

  • Won't have Dany back? Why not? They seemed to think she was worth having this season, when she actually probably wasn't.

    And they probably won't?

  • Hear, hear!

    Yeah, Telltale really put their A-Team on Tales. By the order of games Tales, TWD, and TWAU the GoT writing staff should surrender their pens and present themselves for execution.

  • They just let the Whitehills walk their ram up to the gate. Then, they didn't bother defending their gate until it was already broken. Then, they had zero men on the walls

    For Asher, the plan was to pretend surrender and lure Ludd inside the hall. Of course they couldn't deny him to take men with him. It's a surprise that he even let them close the gate again to bar out the majority of Ludd's army. And why would Ludd remove the ram? In his eyes, Ironrath belonged to him. He wouldn't take an order from Asher.

    And for Rodrik's story, as far as I have seen, it's simply not true. They had man on the walls, they tried to defend the gate. They simply were to weak and didn't have enough men. Since episode 1 they're telling us that the Forresters need to make allies, or else they won't stand a chance. They never managed to do that, and constantly lost men. That's why they were defeated. Yeah, they could have shown a 10 day siege or something, but in the end the Forresters would have lost anyway. Did you really expect an accurate portrait of medieval warfare in an one and a half hour lasting game?

    This episode showed a severe misunderstanding of what GoT is. It's not "oh bad guys win, git rekt good guys! wow, many edge much plot!" It's actions and consequences.

    And yet not every stupid or rash action has always a 'fitting' consequence or else characters like Ramsay Snow or Littlefinger would long be dead. I don't think GoT (the series, not the books) is about showing consequences for actions, especially in the later seasons it's more about powerful images and entertainment really. As the game is based on the series, I don't see a problem.

    This ending sucked. I was okay with Mira's ending because her plot was ultimately pointless, the only choice of hers that had any effect on

  • You are being generous, I would give it a 5/10 at best. Very disappointing, especially for Telltale's standards.

  • The siege of Ironrath terrible? Are you fucking kidding me? that was great!

    This ending sucked. I was okay with Mira's ending because her plot was ultimately pointless, the only choice of hers that had any effect on

  • Well if you don't like it then don't but anymore of these games, you lot really do piss me off with your negative comments yet you still comeback and buy more TT games!!

  • It does seem like there's no pleasing them...

    I finished it and thought "Well that was good! A great balance between tragedy, revenge and open-endedness..."

    Come straight onto the forum, and surprise, surprise, everyone is complaining. Again.

    Telltale's Game of Thrones just can't seem to win with either critics or fans. A shame really since it's by far my favourite game of theirs, and not being able to discuss it with people who feel even marginally the same sucks... :-/

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Well if you don't like it then don't but anymore of these games, you lot really do piss me off with your negative comments yet you still comeback and buy more TT games!!

  • No it's not actually... The problem is they don't finish their story lines before they start making the games... Which makes 0 sense and wouldn't be excused if they weren't a bigger company

    I don't really think it's fair to say, this is the worst finale, it ended on a cliffhanger, or it left numerous questions unanswered. It was

  • I know that feeling, I loved it, its really high up on the totem of great Telltale games.

    DillonDex posted: »

    It does seem like there's no pleasing them... I finished it and thought "Well that was good! A great balance between tragedy, revenge and

  • It was a mockery of siege warfare. Castles exist solely to fend off opponents with greater numbers. That's their while one purpose, the Whitehills took it effortlessly.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    The siege of Ironrath terrible? Are you fucking kidding me? that was great!

  • Castles are meant to give advantages to people with less men. Not having enough men isn't a disadvantage with a castle, the men on top of the walls only took pot shots at the Whitehills rather than preparing any sort of actual defense.

    If they couldn't show even a slightly accurate portrayal ls siege warfare then they had no business putting in a siege. Castles are useless if you won't defend them. They've done time-skips in the series before, I'd have been ok with them losing if Ludd just starved them out. Storming a castle was not a common or easy thing and it certainly wouldn't have even been an option for third-tier houses.

    rousseau posted: »

    They just let the Whitehills walk their ram up to the gate. Then, they didn't bother defending their gate until it was already broken. Then,

  • edited November 2015

    Oh sorry I didn't know that you're an expert on medieval sieges!

    Well they had to smash a big gate down with a massive ram, so I'd hardly call that effortless.

    It was a mockery of siege warfare. Castles exist solely to fend off opponents with greater numbers. That's their while one purpose, the Whitehills took it effortlessly.

  • edited November 2015

    Well don't worry because I share your enthusiasm for the game and I thought it was a great series!

    I understand completely what you're saying, I too came onto these forums shortly after completing it expecting a lot of praise, but no I see loads of people saying its the worst TT game ever done and a huge disappointment, I was like WTF did I play the same game as these people? Then I started to think if I myself was wrong to think it was a great finale. However after clearing my thoughts I went back the next day and played it again and thought there is nothing wrong and it all makes sense so wtf are these people going on about? They really do expect too much it's sad really.

    DillonDex posted: »

    It does seem like there's no pleasing them... I finished it and thought "Well that was good! A great balance between tragedy, revenge and

  • the men on top of the walls only took pot shots at the Whitehills rather than preparing any sort of actual defense.

    They stood on the wall and shot on command. How would an actual defense look like?

    it certainly wouldn't have even been an option for third-tier houses.

    Why not? What special equipment would they need? They had a ram and used it to destroy the gate while other soldiers shielded it. Forrester archers attacked them but failed, while some Whitehill footsoldiers already broke through. Plus, due to the traitor, the Whitehills were informed "about our numbers, our defenses, the strenght of our gate". They set parts of the building on fire, the smallfolk panicked and needed protection, ...

    It might not have been a typical attack on a castle but it wasn't as completely unrealistic as you portray it.

    Castles are meant to give advantages to people with less men. Not having enough men isn't a disadvantage with a castle, the men on top of th

  • edited November 2015


    This is how it's been since 2013 bad bad good bad bad

  • It was so peaceful while they were gone too :(

    Green613 posted: »

    You're on a streak of making negative posts as always too, I see.

  • I have no idea what you expected this is game of thrones jon goddem snow dead hes well and all got fan want the stark to get touther but everyone know better you shold to i mean the real world have no happy ending (and GOT).

  • "oh bad guys win, git rekt good guys! wow, many edge much plot!"

    Couldn't have said it better any other way.

    rousseau posted: »

    They just let the Whitehills walk their ram up to the gate. Then, they didn't bother defending their gate until it was already broken. Then,

  • Yes. Yes it was. Siege warfare is about not letting people get to your walls. When they do get to them, you make sure they get in as few men in as possible. Anyone who knows anything about sieges know that storming castles is a last resort and isn't an easy thing. They just walked up to the walls, said "lol no" and walked in.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Oh sorry I didn't know that you're an expert on medieval sieges! Well they had to smash a big gate down with a massive ram, so I'd hardly call that effortless.

  • People. For sieges (at least when you storm a castle) you need a fuck ton of people. An actual castle has people actively defending the wall, boiling water, arrows/bolts being fired, stones being dropped, shield walls infront of the gate. The style of ram Ludd used was impractical as it left its inner workings and users exposed. The Forresters could have tried to set it alight, or dug trenches to fuck its wheels, or something. Anything

    Storming castles wasn't an option here because even with the army the Whitehills pulled out of their ass they still didn't have enough to plausibly risk a siege. Starving the Forresters out was the best course of action by far.

    Make a choice:

    Camp out for a while and wait for an effortless victory


    Lose a shitload of men to take a small castle with a dying house inside

    rousseau posted: »

    the men on top of the walls only took pot shots at the Whitehills rather than preparing any sort of actual defense. They stood on th

  • There is if their opinions are wrong.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    No need to call people idiots for having a different opinion.

  • Insulting because of opinion only makes the other look like a petty asshole.

    There is if their opinions are wrong.

  • I dont know what the fuck you are talking about but that episode was the best episode I have ever played by Telltale. I love cliffhangers, I love Game of Thrones. And why the f are u complaining about cliffhanger. Thats the best part. To emotionaly and рhysically prepare you for what might or will happen in the future. This episode had everything I wanted and I am really hoping for a dlc or season 2. I think that TTG really did an amazing job on both GoT and Borderlands and I expect even better from them because they are goddamn TTG and by far the best story based company in my opinion. I know you are probably gonna reply to this with even more shit but you know what, I dont give a fuck. Thats my opinion and will be my opinion. :)

  • whoa whoa whoa there horsey.....YOU'RE the one who came into his thread. Same could be said to you. Leave if you don't like it..and don't comment on his opinion as well.

  • [removed]

    Green613 posted: »

    You're on a streak of making negative posts as always too, I see.

  • I LOVE THAT SCENE. "Die, Bitch!"

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You just reminded me Mira's execution ;_; I cri evrytiem :'c

  • GOT was my favourite game on my list. But after E5 and E6? I told myself "Nah, that ain't happening" and I look at TFtB.

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Well don't worry because I share your enthusiasm for the game and I thought it was a great series! I understand completely what you're sa

  • Yes, that is our opinions, so why are you bashing me? Also, you cannot compare GoT with TFTB at ALL.

    FetchWalker posted: »

    I dont know what the fuck you are talking about but that episode was the best episode I have ever played by Telltale. I love cliffhangers, I

  • I was super fucking disappointed with episode six, so anti-climactic and my story had nothing even remotely good happen. The final fight scene kept glitching up so badly I could hardly tell what was going on. I liked every episode before this one though. I'm just ready for another season of Wolf and Walking Dead. I have yet to find fault with those games.

  • Hmmm I actually enjoyed the episode and the whole season in fact. looking forward to a season 2!

  • game was so horrible, i want to forget i ever played it.

  • My experience exactly.

    "Well that was fun. A nice mix of action and drama, setting things up nicely for Season 2 while showing us some new, epic, and cool stuff. Worth the wait and fun as a game. Let me guess what the forums have to say..."

    And yes, sure enough, hate. Hatey hate hate. Sure, it wasn't as good as TFTB. Yes, it had faults. But it was a damn good hell ass game.

    DillonDex posted: »

    It does seem like there's no pleasing them... I finished it and thought "Well that was good! A great balance between tragedy, revenge and

  • edited November 2015

    Dude. First of all, there were a lot of people there. Second of all, it was established in episode fucking one why the Forrestors don't have a lot of people. They're dead. They died at the Twins. Third of all, you're seriously, SERIOUSLY going to get into the logistical design of the battering ram?

    It's a video game. It made sense enough. Battering ram = door gets knocked down. Any more crap than that and you're playing historian like a crazy person. How realistic were the wights and blood magic?

    Now I get it. There are bounds to realism and suspension of disbelief. But this is way, way too nit-picky. Just let them tell a story.

    People. For sieges (at least when you storm a castle) you need a fuck ton of people. An actual castle has people actively defending the wall

  • Agreed.

    I was super fucking disappointed with episode six, so anti-climactic and my story had nothing even remotely good happen. The final fight sce

  • This. Forresters made no effort at an actual defence. They gave away the walls without a fight (and mediaval castle walls were designed to be defensible even if the courtyard was lost) and instead of retreating to the keep at that point (you know, the one made of virtually inflammable ironwood and stone) they fought in the courtyard. The open space where superior numbers could be used to the fullest effect and without cover from enemy archers.

    Yes. Yes it was. Siege warfare is about not letting people get to your walls. When they do get to them, you make sure they get in as few men

  • I wouldn't say it was horrible, just not as good as the others.

    Istibul posted: »

    game was so horrible, i want to forget i ever played it.

  • I'm just sick and tired of him sh**ing on everything telltale does and I'm 100% sure I'm not the only one

    koban4max posted: »

    whoa whoa whoa there horsey.....YOU'RE the one who came into his thread. Same could be said to you. Leave if you don't like it..and don't comment on his opinion as well.

  • edited November 2015

    I hate how so many people seem to think that is what GoT is about. Yes, the good guys don't always win because it would get boring and repetitive. But, the bad guys shouldn't always win either, because that will get just as boring. Both sides need to take casualties.

    Forrester Deaths:

    Asher Forrester,
    Gregor Forrester,
    Elissa Forrester,
    Ethan Forrester,
    Mira Forrester,
    Arthur Glenmore.
    And they lost Ironrath.

    Whitehill Deaths:

    Gryff Whitehill,

    Obviously, Telltale is following the misconception about GoT.

    Wistful posted: »

    "oh bad guys win, git rekt good guys! wow, many edge much plot!" Couldn't have said it better any other way.

  • The episode was bound to fail anyway due to the mess they did in episode 5. Asher arriving with barely 10 men, Rodrik getting ambushed somehow in the port, Glenmore soldiers missing and so on. I mean, of course they won't have enough men, telltale killed them in a dumb way in other episodes. I am still laughing at the fact a chest filled with gold only bought 10 men lol.

    I hate how so many people seem to think that is what GoT is about. Yes, the good guys don't always win because it would get boring and repet

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