The alive, the dead and the determinant

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

This is a collective list of everyone from the relevant areas and there fates after the finale. I excluded show characters.



Talia – Talia is one of the few characters fates that is set in stone from ironrath, she always turns up at the end with someone to save the acting lord.

Ryon – Again the youngest forrester always has the same fate, riding away on horseback.

Beskha –The sellsword saves ryon and rides off with him

Gwyn– Gwyn is the only one on this list with two endings. For most she stays back at ironrath with her family however she can be at the end with asher.

Eleana – I see plenty of talk about her however as far as I can see eleana always survives, she either leaves the battle beforehand and is not seen again (I’m guessing this always happens in ashers). Or she is dragged away during the battle. For what its worth I’m thinking this is all that happens, nothing else seems implied. Either way shes last seen during the chaos at ironrath.


Asher/Rodrik –The lord chosen in episode 5 is heavily wounded at the end. I’m guessing he lives and has a role next season, the two were interchangeable this episode that could continue.

Duncan/Royland – Duncan and royland have six fates. They are either traitor and with the lord, traitor and alive, traitor and dead. Or not a traitor and dead, not a traitor and alive or not a traitor, alive and with the lord. Even if with gwyn the codex confirms either the traitor or the sentinel if the traitor is dead is alive. While this seems complex this really just comes down to if you have Royland or Duncan still alive. This change I feel is also manageable, to be honest they have been doing this with these two all season.

Ludd/Gryff- Either way the assassination on the Whitehill’s doesn’t go perfectly and one of the two survives the chaos. I’m unsure how these two being alive/dead will change things, though really it could be another rodrik/asher scenario. The two are fairly simaler.

Bloodsong/Erik/Bowen– I threw these three in at the end, their fates are either dead or alive and I think from this point they are done. They are likely all dead by the ending regardless and they were never all that relevant.


Elissa – The only family member who has to die in the finale, Either way she goes out in a powerful scene trying to save her family.

Harys – Killed by Rodrik/Asher in arguably the best one on one we’ve seen

Ortengryn – The maestor’s pointless role in the story continued with his death which is offscreen. The codex confirms that he died in the battle. He at least provides some hope to everyone else as it shows everyone else is fine via the codex.

Amaya - The last of ashers little force is killed in rain of arrows

Kings landing


Sera – The bastard survives though her end fate varies based on miras actions. Shes either married to tarwick or alone and either still in margerys service or not.

Tarwick – He lives, though he never had much of a role

Morgryn – The main villan from mira’s story always survives, either with or without mira as his future wife.

Lucan – He lives also.


Mira – Mira can continue to be stubborn or noble and defy the marriage proposal resulting in her execution. Alternatively she can accept and be alive though her future looking grimm. Mira’s is the fate most in the air, she has no alternative of a similar level, I personally think some optional scenes with her next season could be possible (especially as mira never really interacted with the rest of the cast much anyway), though her lasting impact on the story is done.

Tom – Mira can sacrifice tom in her place. However even if tom lives I think his role in the game is over, I doubt he even knows who turned on mira and as a coalboy cant hope to accomplish much.


Andros – Either version he’s executed before Mira/Tom

The north grove


Gared– Gared survives the game (the only protagonist to always do so). He does end in different scenarios either staying at the north grove or leaving.

Sylvi – Like gared the only change for sylvi is what gared decides for her.

Josera – Again, either going or staying

Ellsera – The same as the others however the choice with cotter appears to have the most effect with her. The cult followers she has are either more or less aggressive.


Finn- Finn is now 100% dead or alive no halfway wight status anymore.


Cotter – Gareds last friend from the wall is dead, the only difference being if gared kills him quickly or mutilates his corpse.

So thats everyone I think. If i missed someone or got information wrong let me know. I'm not sure what peoples thoughts on the possible futures for everyone.


  • Dude thanks for writing this up. I was wondering where to find it. As for Maester Otengryn, we haven't seen him die onscreen, which means he is unknown. Remember Rodrik was once shown dead in the Codex, so it's not really trustworthy. Anyway, if he is actually dead, it opens up the possibility of my theory that Ebbert Whitehall will eventually be assigned to Maester at House Forrester. I think that would be an interesting dynamic, from choosing whether to obey the Citadel or to obey his family.

  • Why do people think that if you they don't see characters die onscreen there not dead or unknown, Maister Ortengryn is confirmed dead Eleana is dead unless you break her heart and Bloodsong is so dead.

  • The lord chosen in episode 4 is heavily wounded at the end.

    I think you meant episode 5 instead of 4. Either way, thanks for writing that. ^-^

  • But it is outright stated that the Maester was slain, I don't see why they'd say that if it wasn't true. Rodrik is a different story entirely, they had to keep his survival a secret in order to not ruin the surprise. Maester Ortengryn was kind of pointless and I don't see why they would keep him alive. He's basicall smallfolk, and the Whitehills slaughtered them all eventually anyway.

    Dude thanks for writing this up. I was wondering where to find it. As for Maester Otengryn, we haven't seen him die onscreen, which means he

  • Thx for the info. I wonder if Telltale staff have something similar written up?

  • I think he means episode 6.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    The lord chosen in episode 4 is heavily wounded at the end. I think you meant episode 5 instead of 4. Either way, thanks for writing that. ^-^

  • Yeah your right changed it, I'm just so used to 5 episodes

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    The lord chosen in episode 4 is heavily wounded at the end. I think you meant episode 5 instead of 4. Either way, thanks for writing that. ^-^

  • When is eleana ever dead? When does she die?

    Because being pulled offscreen doesnt even imply she died

    NicWarden posted: »

    Why do people think that if you they don't see characters die onscreen there not dead or unknown, Maister Ortengryn is confirmed dead Eleana is dead unless you break her heart and Bloodsong is so dead.

  • Don't forget Malcolm and Croft

  • There not in the last episode so I didnt bother with them, theres all the guys at the wall too etc. This was just for the last episode

    Don't forget Malcolm and Croft

  • I think they were just assuming anyone who stayed at Ironrath was killed. No one saw. Maybe the Whitehills enslaved him.

    But it is outright stated that the Maester was slain, I don't see why they'd say that if it wasn't true. Rodrik is a different story entirel

  • edited November 2015

    I think hes dead, to be honest that random soldier who picks you up towards the end and tells you that you need to go should have been the maestor

    I think they were just assuming anyone who stayed at Ironrath was killed. No one saw. Maybe the Whitehills enslaved him.

  • Yeah or the guy riding out on horseback.

    I think hes dead, to be honest that random soldier who picks you up towards the end and tells you that you need to go should have been the maestor

  • That's not a bad idea actually. Maybe the soldier stabs the Whitehill, then is hit by an arrow, the Maester comes in and says 'My Lord, we have to get you...' and catches an arrow to the throat. Would defintiley have been better than just writing in the Codex 'btw he died'

    I think hes dead, to be honest that random soldier who picks you up towards the end and tells you that you need to go should have been the maestor

  • edited November 2015

    no no no no no. Tom is alive, he can kill a guard in an armor using a rock. you think a execution will stop him? No game, try harder. He just lost his head. I see no problem with it. Tom is a ninja and made a jutsu to appear dead. If it was ingrown toenail or hit the little finger at the bed i could believe it, but have his head separated from the body? pfff this is nothing. Tom is gonna save Mira from Morgryn , he will throw tons of coal at him while sleeping. then we return to house Forrester with an army of ninja coal boys and We kill the whitehills, Ramsay, all of them. Its obvious , Tom is awesome.

    Iron from coal!

    ( this is a joke if you didint notice)

  • I'm kind of glad I married morgryn in my game as I ran away from the guard, tom really should have died 4 episode ago

    igormp posted: »

    no no no no no. Tom is alive, he can kill a guard in an armor using a rock. you think a execution will stop him? No game, try harder. He ju

  • Elaena I would definitely have under determinant at the very least, even though I'm going to be crying inside until we find out what happens to her officially. ;_;

    NicWarden posted: »

    Why do people think that if you they don't see characters die onscreen there not dead or unknown, Maister Ortengryn is confirmed dead Eleana is dead unless you break her heart and Bloodsong is so dead.

  • Why? When does she die?

    lilithnight posted: »

    Elaena I would definitely have under determinant at the very least, even though I'm going to be crying inside until we find out what happens to her officially. ;_;

  • ( this is a joke if you didint notice)

    enter image description here

    igormp posted: »

    no no no no no. Tom is alive, he can kill a guard in an armor using a rock. you think a execution will stop him? No game, try harder. He ju

  • Elaena is probably dead. I don't want to sound sexist, but in war, women are usually raped, several times, and then killed. Although because Elaena is Highborn, than the Whitehills will probably rape her, and marry her off to Torhen or Gryff, if he's still alive, so that they can have the Glenmores in there army.

    When is eleana ever dead? When does she die? Because being pulled offscreen doesnt even imply she died

  • So I know if you choose to spare the traitor in Episode 5, that they are the one who appears with Talia at the end to help you up, whereas if you kill them your Sentinel shows up with Talia instead. So does that mean your Sentinel definitely dies if the Traitor is spared? In my play through I had killed the traitor, and in the video I watched of an alternative it just showed the Sentinel getting into a big fight.

  • edited November 2015

    For lack of unknown I'm saying determinant and really it could go either way, we just don't know. If you're Asher you don't see her much and she kind of disappears but as Rodrik if you don't basically break up with her and send her away you see her being dragged off by some dude... she may not necessarily be killed but it's a real possibility and anyway nothing good is going to happen to her. And as Asher who knows where she got off to or what she's doing. Basically I'm still crying over it because Elaena is bae.

    Why? When does she die?

  • Is anyone else sad/pissed about Mira being determinant? Her story wasnt all to great at the beginning, but really picked up towards the end. Telltale could have done soooo much with her story! Especially with the whole rivalry between her/Morgryn. Dammit

  • No, he means whether you choose Rodrik or Asher in episode 5.

    I think he means episode 6.

  • My sentinel got stabbed and sure looked like he was dead. He was surrounded and losing. Realistically, there's no way he was going to live.

    HWenham posted: »

    So I know if you choose to spare the traitor in Episode 5, that they are the one who appears with Talia at the end to help you up, whereas i

  • Either way, one of them is dead and one of them is alive by the end of episode 6.

    HWenham posted: »

    So I know if you choose to spare the traitor in Episode 5, that they are the one who appears with Talia at the end to help you up, whereas i

  • That was the most disappointing part about the finale for me - Telltale just straight up gave up on Mira's storyline.

    Suzy222 posted: »

    Is anyone else sad/pissed about Mira being determinant? Her story wasnt all to great at the beginning, but really picked up towards the end.

  • Oh, but in episode 5 they werent wounded they were killed.

    Flog61 posted: »

    No, he means whether you choose Rodrik or Asher in episode 5.

  • He's saying 'the lord you chose to save in episode 5 is heavily wounded at the end of episode 6'.

    Oh, but in episode 5 they werent wounded they were killed.

  • I don't quite get what you two are arguing about, you seem to be saying the same thing. Anyway I changed it already anyway

    Flog61 posted: »

    He's saying 'the lord you chose to save in episode 5 is heavily wounded at the end of episode 6'.

  • I agree, in the end she had very little impact to the story.

    Suzy222 posted: »

    Is anyone else sad/pissed about Mira being determinant? Her story wasnt all to great at the beginning, but really picked up towards the end.

  • Yeah, that part for me kind of was bullshit how Mira's story ended. When I said Cersei is my ally to Morgryn, he basically shit himself, yet it never leads to anything that in the end of day, I used Cersei, Margaery, etc all to my advantage, yet none come to help me. Really bullshit.

    Suzy222 posted: »

    Is anyone else sad/pissed about Mira being determinant? Her story wasnt all to great at the beginning, but really picked up towards the end.

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