Spoiler For Episode Six Don't Read If Haven't Played I Need Help With A Decision?

edited November 2015 in Game Of Thrones

What happens to Ryon if you decide to kill Ludd instead of Gryff? the only reason I killed Gryff on my fist play through is b/c I thought it would save Ryon. But if I can save Ryon anyway than there is no reson to kill Gryff. Please I need an answer soon!!!!!!!!! And by save Ryon I mean does Beshka save him and get away, do you still get the scene with him and Beshka on a horse riding away?


  • Don't take my word for it, but I think Ryon lives either way.

  • He Does. who do you want to kill more. Mine was Gryff

    Don't take my word for it, but I think Ryon lives either way.

  • I don't really know. I want to kill Gryff more, but Ludd is much more capable. Killing Gryff is more for revenge, killing Ludd is the smart thing to do.

    reply671 posted: »

    He Does. who do you want to kill more. Mine was Gryff

  • But Gryff will be the new Lord Whitehill and lead the army. People say the third born will be heir but he serves Roose Bolton and is unable to fight in the war.

    I don't really know. I want to kill Gryff more, but Ludd is much more capable. Killing Gryff is more for revenge, killing Ludd is the smart thing to do.

  • But Torrhen is the new Lord if Ludd is dead. I understood that 'serves Roose Bolton' basically meant 'is a part of Bolton's army', not necessarily some really inportant position. And the Bolton army surely can take it if a few dozen men leave.

    reply671 posted: »

    But Gryff will be the new Lord Whitehill and lead the army. People say the third born will be heir but he serves Roose Bolton and is unable to fight in the war.

  • True

    But Torrhen is the new Lord if Ludd is dead. I understood that 'serves Roose Bolton' basically meant 'is a part of Bolton's army', not necessarily some really inportant position. And the Bolton army surely can take it if a few dozen men leave.

  • Do you get to choose which one you kill if you're Rodrick/ambush them? I poisoned Ludd as Asher, never got the option to kill Gryff. Smug bastard lives to see another day, cause Gwynn had to go and show her remorse for her family's actions by introducing my abdomen to her dagger.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah you do. You can kill Gryff if you decide to call off the poisoning, as Ludd runs out he will attack you, and you defeat him. I'm pretty sure Gwyn then saves you from a random soldier who stabs you 99% of the time.

    Wolf6120 posted: »

    Do you get to choose which one you kill if you're Rodrick/ambush them? I poisoned Ludd as Asher, never got the option to kill Gryff. Smug ba

  • Guess I should've gone for that instead. Still, while it may not make much of an in-game difference, the Whitehills are much worse off with Gryff in charge and Ludd dead than vice versa.

    AGentlman posted: »

    Yeah you do. You can kill Gryff if you decide to call off the poisoning, as Ludd runs out he will attack you, and you defeat him. I'm pretty sure Gwyn then saves you from a random soldier who stabs you 99% of the time.

  • Wouldn't Gryff's brother who serves the Boltons be in charge of the house, not Gryff?

    Wolf6120 posted: »

    Guess I should've gone for that instead. Still, while it may not make much of an in-game difference, the Whitehills are much worse off with Gryff in charge and Ludd dead than vice versa.

  • Yeah, I realized that too late. Still, it'll take the other brothers a while to show up, and Gryff can cause some serious damage with his stupidity. Also, with Gryff, it's likely the brothers might fight over power and over newly-acquired Ironrath. Ludd's a much more stabilizing force in the family.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Wouldn't Gryff's brother who serves the Boltons be in charge of the house, not Gryff?

  • edited November 2015

    I don't know, I mean if his oldest brother is in the Bolton army it wouldn't take very long at all for him to return to Highpoint, relatively. I think Gryff is weak enough that his brothers will easily take power from him, they used to bully him after all and only Ludd defended him, and he's gone.

    Wolf6120 posted: »

    Yeah, I realized that too late. Still, it'll take the other brothers a while to show up, and Gryff can cause some serious damage with his st

  • I think the fact that they used to bully him could exactly be the problem. When his brothers show up, Gryff will probably holed up inside Ironrath with most of his dad's army and a severe case of paranoia from the whole murder thing. It's possible that he'll snap and just refuse to acknowledge his brothers at all. I wouldn't mind seeing the Whitehills killing each other for a change.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I don't know, I mean if his oldest brother is in the Bolton army it wouldn't take very long at all for him to return to Highpoint, relativel

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