Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited November 2015

    Not gonna lie, I love the pose and the expressions, but that massive hole where his arm should be is a little scary.

    Also, Rhys could kill someone with his eyebrows.

    EDIT: Also, what happened to HIS HAIR. IT LOOKS LIKE JACK'S.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I'm making a bae list on (my) tumblr and i'm giving you all code names. Now to apologize for the lack of rhyiona i'll re-share this Re-sourcing this

  • It's so beautiful ;-;

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I'm making a bae list on (my) tumblr and i'm giving you all code names. Now to apologize for the lack of rhyiona i'll re-share this Re-sourcing this

  • Green Day

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Hm, you mean by another group? Or do you want Green Day to make more songs?

  • There are still those who have not seen this masterpiece?enter link description here

  • edited November 2015

    Okee, everyone. I have a timed essay to write and work to go to in a couple hours, but I'll share a few sentences of the next little scene I'm almost done with as my daily Rhyiona contribution, so enjoy!

    “That blush says you know exactly what I’m talking about.” Sasha stopped walking and crossed her arms over her chest. “So go ahead and tell me why I catch you staring at my sister practically every time I look at you.”

    “I...uh...ha, I don’t stare, okay? I…” He drew in a deep breath. He could do this. He could say it. Sasha wouldn’t shoot him. They needed to hack the security system and she couldn’t do it without him, so he was safe...right? “Fine, I...think she’s...really beautiful. There, I said it. Happy?”

  • This is so great thanks for sharing this. :)

    Rayx123 posted: »

    There are still those who have not seen this masterpiece?enter link description here

  • You sneaky fuck.

    Why didn't you tell me you had a tumblr

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It's so beautiful ;-;

  • This is so great. Nice work peanut! :D

    Okee, everyone. I have a timed essay to write and work to go to in a couple hours, but I'll share a few sentences of the next little scene I

  • I actually don't know. Maybe because I still haven't recovered from the finale of Game of Thrones and I had lots of things in my mind. Plus I wanted to see your reaction, that's why I didn't tell you xD

    BTW sneaky Wolfenus is sneaky c;

    lottii-lu posted: »

    You sneaky fuck. Why didn't you tell me you had a tumblr

  • Now if only the Flower scene went like this instead.

    Okee, everyone. I have a timed essay to write and work to go to in a couple hours, but I'll share a few sentences of the next little scene I

  • okay that's...wow O-O Yeah, shipping shouldn't be that serious..

    Of course this is not a problem, I was just a bit curious to know your reasoning... it's okay :>

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I did so I could be in the huge "rhyiona vs rhysha"-picture. I actually told grumpy I'd like in the rhysha-part, but he told me that I'd hav

  • So excited for the whole thing!

    This "uh..ha" is 1000% Rhys!

    Okee, everyone. I have a timed essay to write and work to go to in a couple hours, but I'll share a few sentences of the next little scene I

  • Thanks! I'm sure you'll love the finished product!

    Morphias posted: »

    This is so great. Nice work peanut!

  • That's what fanfiction is all about, isn't it? And trust me, things get a lot better...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Now if only the Flower scene went like this instead.

  • And trust me, things get a lot better...


    That's what fanfiction is all about, isn't it? And trust me, things get a lot better...

  • Pssst.....i know ill love the finished product! :)

    Thanks! I'm sure you'll love the finished product!

  • All of the dialogue just kind of clicked into place in my head this morning, so I've been working on it all day! It'll most likely be done by tomorrow!

    Writing his speech is one of the best things ever. Stuttering and awkward laughter for the win.

    Mawula posted: »

    So excited for the whole thing! This "uh..ha" is 1000% Rhys!

  • Only in America you'd have a holiday about being thankful for what you have, immediately followed the next day by running people over in stores to get what you don't have.

    enter image description here

    Winter is coming

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Thanks, man, now I know exactly how to behave on Thanksgiv- oh, I live in Sweden... Damn

  • enter image description here

    What Jake said :D

    Rayx123 posted: »

    There are still those who have not seen this masterpiece?enter link description here

  • Here it is, my latest art:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

  • The ending so damn funny and disappointing

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    I think it was ok, what did you dislike about? My dad said the last scene remind him of my mum and him after the war

  • You can watch it, but it's kind of long and disappointing.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    It isn't? Damn, I was planning on seeing it next week.

  • 10/10

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Here it is, my latest art:

  • I suppose you mean Black Friday? The US is... strange that way, maybe, but what do I know? I'm just waiting for Christmas.

    You know, I do think winter is coming, it's been slightly chilly these past few days, -3°C outside.

    Only in America you'd have a holiday about being thankful for what you have, immediately followed the next day by running people over in stores to get what you don't have. Winter is coming

  • You got the touch,The power! thumbs up

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Here it is, my latest art:

  • Oh. Is it close to the book ending? I thought that was pretty good.

    Eryka posted: »

    You can watch it, but it's kind of long and disappointing.

  • I don't know

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh. Is it close to the book ending? I thought that was pretty good.

  • Thanks guy :)

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Here it is, my latest art:

  • ...?

    Eryka posted: »

    The ending so damn funny and disappointing

  • Rhys looks threatening. I never thought I'd see the day ;D

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Here it is, my latest art:

  • edited November 2015

    The aftermath:

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    (I did hold back the wolf fight just so I could release this straight after)

  • enter image description here

    Morphias posted: »

    You got the touch,The power! thumbs up

  • edited November 2015

    Here is Up chapter 1. If you missed it somehow.

    Here is Up, chapter 2. I've posted first part yesterday, but I'll repost it here to make the reading easier.

    Dark. It is too dark. He can't see anything.
    He tries to move his limbs. He can't feel his left arm. In the dark he can't even know if it is lost or just not responding.

    He hears voices, quiet, worried, loud, angry, too many of them.

    "The cybernetics are damaged. We must switch them off the body." An old man's voice, he sounds very sure.

    No, no, no, no! They can't do that!

    "Is it safe?" Woman asks, doubtful.

    "I won't call it safe hardware removal. The connected parts of his body may take damage. And of course the hacking abilities will be unavailable further on." The first voice explains.

    Someone snorts. "Why would we need him then?" Another woman.

    "Sasha's right. We need to keep the cybernetics. The upgrade is still protected by ASS." First woman intervenes. "Is there no other way to wake him from this coma?" She sounds desperate.

    Some pause.

    "Let us give him time. Till morning." The old man concludes.

    Voices continue to argue, but become quieter, as their owners walk away.

    This is it. He has time till morning. He is furious, he would gladly smash something if any blasted object was in range. Jack grits his teeth. He would not let them kill him.

    This damned Rhys, so clumsy to get electrocuted by his own stun baton. Rhys is still unconscious. Jack decides to reboot the cybernetics himself.

    He runs the debug procedures, identifying bad memory sectors. It is not easy, because his own body projection lacks some parts, and some parts are unstable.

    "Not enough RAM, procedure aborted." Jack curses the time he decided to record his error messages in Nisha's voice. It sounds like she is mocking his helpless state, which is the very thing she'd do in this situation.

    He runs it one more time, trying to use Rhys' cybernetics built-in memory.

    "Access denied. Trying to hack the firewall. Not enough RAM, procedure aborted."

    Jack cries out, devastated. He need to keep calm, he says to himself. He need to think.

    "What's the use of thinking, if you don't have enough brain?" Jack mutters sarcastically. It is crystal clear he requires a connection to the network.

    Time passes so slowly. He paces around in this nowhere space. Rhys' sensing systems are not responding, only the hearing and touch is available. But it is so damned bloody quiet. And his hand can't reach anything but the bed.

    Is this insanity? Is it what avaits him when they disconnect the cybernetics? This suffocating solitude, this pointless anger, this strange feeling...fear?

    His thoughts ponder to the mistakes he's done. He could have hacked Rhys systems earlier. He could have installed the overload protection. He could have made the backup copy.

    He's been reckless. How could he leave any control to that halfwitted employee? Jack is drowning in self reproach. This is not characteristic of him. He feels like he is losing himself, his personality, the thing that have kept him whole all along.

    Fiona can't sleep. She is worried about the lifeless body of her Vault hunting partner. She tried to think it was all about the Vault and the Gortys imprinting, but she can't. His boyish grin as he left them, disappearing in the forest with Sasha, his pained grimace as her sister brought him back. Sasha explained that Rhys tried to fight some jellyfish thingies with his stun baton, but somehow was striken by the electricity.

    Fiona gets up. Maybe a walk will clear her mind. The guilt is gnawing at her soul. What was she thinking? Rhys was, is, she corrects herself as a sharp pain goes through her heart, is a kid, just like Sasha. She should not have sent them together. So infatuated with Athena and the Vault hunting, she forgot her place as the only sensible adult.

    She walks up to Rhys, lying on the bed in the center of the room. There is a table nearby with computer and all types of wrenches prepared for the disconnecting operation. Fiona sits in the chair. She looks at Rhys, who looks like a corpse in the moonlight.

    Is he...? Fiona leans forward to hear his weak breathing, relieved a bit. She is still doubting, so she feels the pulse on his neck.

    "Good." She whispers. "Rhys... We need you," she begins in a trembling voice. She has a feeling it is right thing to talk to him. "I need you..." She adds.

    That night in the van, she can't forget it. She is still blushing at the thought. But still, it was a wrong thing to do. He never mentioned it again. Nothing changed between them after that. It is unbearable.
    Fiona never wanted her romance being like that. Drunken, needy embraces in the dark and secret. She feels dirty. She feels like she has ruined any chances of normal relationship with Rhys. What must he think of her... She doesn't want to know.

    Her eyes return to him after watching the floor in her shameful state.

    "We can't do it without you. Please, wake up." Fiona asks him softly, her fingers curling around his cybernetic hand, giving him a gentle squeeze.

    She thinks of leaving when metallic fingers move to form a firm grasp around her wrist.

    Fiona gasps in surprise. Is it just a reflex? Or does he hear her? Her heart is beating wildly at the thought. Maybe, he needs something, maybe, he is not lost to them, to her.

    She tries to calm down. She tries to control her breathing.

    "Rhys." She says, the best effort at sounding reassuringly. "You need something, you tell me."

    The grip relaxes a bit. He did hear her! The excitement and hope are rising in her chest, the soft smile lightens her face.

    Rhys presses his forefinger into her palm, and taps it. After some seconds Fiona realizes there is a pattern. Short tap, long, long, short. Pause. Short. Pause. Long, short. Pause. And then it repeats.

    It is some signal he wants to give her. Fiona remembers how Felix taught her to use the radio to catch other people conversations. He said the signal can be coded. He told her about the oldest code that was invented for that - the Worse code.

    With some intellectual effort Fiona is able to decode it. P-E-N. He wants a pen.

    "I got you, a pen. Please let me go, and I will return shortly." She urges her hand free. And he lets go of her.

    Pushing the chair aside to let it wheel away, Fiona rushes to the table and searches the drawers frantically. She is afraid he won't be talking to her anymore if she is slow. Finally, she finds a pen and a notebook, and flies back to him.

    Fiona lowers herself on her knees beside his bed, and puts the pen in his fingers, holding the paper in her both hands near.
    He flexes his fingers and begins to write. It is slow, and the letters are crooked and ugly, but still understandable.

    "Plug me to the computer." The letters say.

    "Why? What for?" She mutters. "No, wait, do not trouble yourself writing, I'll do it...." Fiona looks around. "But, Rhys... You're not compatible with Atlas systems. Ah, I see Vaughn's tablet right there. Will it do?" She suggests.

    "Yes. Do it, Fi." He writes, and she flashes him the brightest smile at that name.

    Fiona puts the paper and the pen on the floor, gets up and takes the mentioned tablet. Fortunately, it is equipped with the wire compatible with Rhys' head.

    She hunches over him, and plugs it in, after short hesitation. She doesn't want to hurt him. Then she resumes her position at his bed's side, and turns on the tablet.

    After the standard loading, the blue face appears on the screen.

    "Well, hello there, babe!" The man greets her, and it is not Rhys.

    Fiona frowns. Her intuition tells her this is a bad turn of events.

    "Who are you?" She exhales in surprise. Too many surprises for her to handle this night.

    He grins, then looks at her arching an eyebrow gracefully. "I bet you know me," he says pointing his finger at her from the screen.

    And it dawns upon her, the posters on Pandora, the H letter engraved on Vaughn's tablet... "Ha-handsome Jack?!" She whispers, covering her mouth with a hand, her eyes widening.

    He nods with a content smirk. There is something very catching in his expression, and Fiona stares at the image, mesmerized.

    "But why?... Is it something installed on Hyperion computers?" She suggests, prying him for information.

    He shakes his head. "No, it is something installed in the head of your unlucky partner." Jack inclines his head to his right, where Rhys' face is situated.

    Fiona looks in that direction, then back at the screen. "Where is he?" She demands, trying to control the situation.

    Jack shrugs his shoulders. "Timing out every time I ping him. Unconscious, I mean." He adds seeing she furrows her brow, confused at his terms.

    "B-but I talked to him seconds ago! He's there!" Fiona protests. She refuses to believe those words.

    "I talked to you." Jack remarks matter-of-factly, looking down at his own fingers. He has his sight back due to active tablet camera, and he is busy checking his systems.

    Fiona feels like she is drowning. Rhys is not responding...no, how can it be? He touched her, he spoke to her...

    "... but he called me 'Fi'." She almost whines, looking at Jack pleadingly.

    Jack watches her for a second. Then his lips curl up. "All me, pumpkin." He pauses, and his face becomes serious. "Now, I need you to..."

    The shock on Fiona's face appears, only to be replaced with helpless rage, as she tries to reach for the connecting wire: " I'm not going to help you...Aaagh!" She yells in pain, as the robotic hand grabs her upper thigh roughly, keeping her in place. Fiona trips over and falls over the tablet on Rhys' torso.

    "Stay still, you Pandoran..." Jack drops his curse unfinished, collecting himself.
    "Listen, I'm trying to help you here." His grip eases a bit. "I appreciate the view, mind you." He adds playfully, his voice coming from under her breasts.

    Fiona straightens herself, her cheeks gaining color against her will. She wants to be angry, but she is flushed. She hates him for it. She makes an effort to look at his face again.

    "I hate you." She states.

    Jack does not give a damn, obviously. "Your choice, girl. I'm extremely loveable. And helpful."

    "Helpful? Explain yourself!" Fiona is proud how her voice is firm and demanding, while he still holds her leg, rubbing it gently.

    "I can reboot Rhys' cybernetics. It is them keeping him out, that man was right." Jack elaborates, and for a moment he is sounding just normal and not annoying at all. It doesn't last long, of course.

    "You surely need this cyber-things of him. Hacking, messaging, scanning... and do not forget high precision touching in the most sensitive places..." Jack moves Rhys' hand up Fiona's leg. She almost shudders at his touch.

    "I-I do not know what you're talking about." Her voice is trembling, her body is strained. She clutches the tablet with her hands forcefully.

    "Oh, we both do know it. It was my doing, sweet thing." Jack purrs at her. "Do you want another go, baby?" His fingers are less than an inch away from it.

    Fiona feels the heat rising in her face. She is aroused and ashamed, and aroused more by her shame. It was Jack doing her that night?! The man who destroyed her home, her planet, the man whom she hated since childhood? This is so sick.

    She notices he's getting carried away too. She can escape, but...she can't. She need to continue to talk, or else she will submit to those piercing blue eyes, prying her open.

    "How did Rhys allow you that?" She asks, ignoring her racing heart.

    Jack laughs. "It was his idea, in fact. He wanted to satisfy you, such a show-off."

    Fiona frowns. If it is true, then... Rhys is such an ass! Who is he to toy with her like that? Making her see the stars under the touch of her enemy, dead enemy?! Without even telling her...

    "Well, it will be better to teach him some humility," she decides angrily, " and to switch off..." She yelps again, as Jack applies small electricity shock on her.

    "You cooperate, or I will overload his teensy brain with random data. And he'll be as good as any other vegetable." Jack's voice is quiet, but very menacing. Fiona keeps silence, terrified. "Good. Now turn off the firewall on this tablet..." Jack gives her instructions, and soon the lines of code fill the screen as he is reprogramming Rhys' files.

    "All done," Jack informs her in a light voice. "I'll stay in touch, babe." He gives her a small squeeze on the ass, then the screen blacks out.

    After a couple of seconds, Fiona hears some movement on her left. Then she hears Rhys' weak voice:

    "Uh...Fiona? Why is my hand on your ass?"

  • Idk when he ripped off his arm. That was intense

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Rhys looks threatening. I never thought I'd see the day ;D

  • Oh shit, I forgot to put "is" between the word ending and so

    Yami_Wolf posted: »


  • Np nice work! :)

    Yami_Wolf posted: »

    Thanks guy

  • edited November 2015

    Remember I did that Werewolf Rhys and Ninja Rhys (I should probably write fan fictions on them)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Rhys looks threatening. I never thought I'd see the day ;D

  • Happy productive Sunday! The inspiration is in the air today!

    All of the dialogue just kind of clicked into place in my head this morning, so I've been working on it all day! It'll most likely be done by tomorrow! Writing his speech is one of the best things ever. Stuttering and awkward laughter for the win.

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