Opinions of episode 3 + Choices + My thoughts..

edited November 2015 in Minecraft: Story Mode

All i can say about this episode is.....Wow. Just Wow...THAT. ENDING!!! Ok so...i really loved this episode. Is my favorite so far. Also the most intense episode so far. After this episode, i need to know what happens next! I gotta play it again on my 2nd file because it was so good! I don't know if you guys loved this episode has much as i did, but i really loved it. I give this episode: 10/10

My choices: (ever since episode 2, the language was changed into portuguese. I don't know why, but ill do my best to translate)

1: I helped my friends in that crushing place

2: I followed Lukas out of The End (I just wanted to stay on his good side, because he was a butt in this episode)

3: I high fived Reuben (I founded that scene just...adorable)

4: I kept a secret. (bad move)

5: I took Ellegaard's Armor (I wish i picked Magnus)

So anyway there you go. Can't wait for episode 4!!!



  • edited November 2015

    The first choice is obvious, IMO. Save your friends, right? However, I think the outcome for saving the amulet and asking Lukas to help Reuben and Axel is better. Axel and Lukas can be seen making emends if you do that, AND you don't get Lukas hogging the amulet!

    Letting Lukas lead isn't such a hard choice either. I mean, he is being kind of a jerk in this episode but we know he has a good heart, so why not let him lead? It won't kill Jesse to let someone lead for a change.

    ...Why was high-fiving Reuben a major choice?

    Now, telling Lukas about Gabriel/Petra's sickness. That was a more conflicting choice, I believe. Petra doesn't want anyone to know, but on the other hand, Lukas already is pretty sure something is wrong. And if there is something The Walking Dead taught me is that you must ALWAYS tell your group if someone is infected. Petra/Gabriel might not have been bitten by zombies, but we don't know what this wither sickness can do to them, since it is different from the normal wither sickness. I would trust any of these guys with my life, Lukas included, so I would tell Lukas.

    That last choice... Am I the only one here that is absolutely heartbroken by the last choice?

    I really didn't see that coming. I can see people picking the member they like the best or that they think looks the cooler one so we can have our Jesse wearing their armor, thinking "Well this is Minecraft, what's the worst that could happen?"

    And now your favourite between Ellie and Magnus is dead, and it is your fault. Way to shatter hearts, TellTale. If there is one thing you guys get right every time is how to make us feel our feels.

    VERY good episode, all in all. I laughed, I cried on the inside, one of my theories was confirmed (I'm on a roll this month!), Soren is the nice kind of crazy... I love it. Pretty solid episode.

  • edited November 2015

    Man that Episode was pretty rough...In a good way of course. Am I the only one who found the swimming underwater scene insanely well done. Having to struggle for air but also saving Petra that was stressful as all hell, and I had a feeling something wasn't right when they let us choose between their Armor, but man I feel really shitty for Magnus's death. What a sad way to go being crushed into a wall at full force. This episode was pure chaos (in a good way...again). It was short, but not too short (just a bit over 90 minutes if you look at EVERYTHING). I'm glad Telltale was able to bring back the fun and excitement of episode 1 and add some exploration without it feeling too much or too little. Overall I give the episode a 9/10 - Best one yet!

    As for choices. I was pretty jerkish/selfish with the first one.

    I went after the Amulet

    I told Lukas about Petra's sickness, but I didn't tell Olivia or Axel since I'd assume Axel would've flipped.

    I Followed Lukas because I feel like it was his turn to help out.

    I didn't high five Rueben? (didn't even know that was a thing...)

    And...I used Magnus's armor :(

    This game is for children yet I feel shitty. Curse you, Telltale and your well written stories!!!

  • edited November 2015

    I went for the amulet and Lukas was the hero,

    I didn't keep Gabriel's secret,

    Lukas led us through the End,

    High fived Reuben,

    I took Ellie's armor.

  • I helped my friends.

    I followed Lukas.

    I high fived Reuben.

    I revealed Petra's secret.

    I chose Ellegaard's armour.

    Dang. That was intense. I was fighting off tears when Ellie died, especially as I had said nice things about her to Soren. I feel horribly guilty now and Ellie was one of my favourites.

    The entire episode felt more grim, what with Lukas, the One Ring-style fighting over the amulet, Petra looking more and more ill and the whole Magnus/Ellie situation, I felt awful at the end, which is why I'm really annoyed at Telltale for putting the Frienderman song on the credits.

  • I know...i liked Ellie too. I wonder if Magnus dies if you choose his armor.

  • He does.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    I know...i liked Ellie too. I wonder if Magnus dies if you choose his armor.

  • Oh really! But i think ill stick if Ellegaard's death, makes the story better. Because if Magnus dies in my game, i wouldn't care.

    He does.

  • Let me say the bad first. I don't know why Lukas is suddenly acting like a jerk for no reason. I have been nothing but kind to him at this point. So that part really weird me out. I get really annoyed by Axel's screaming and him landing on Lukas every time. The lead up to finding Soren was a bit padding.

    Now to the good stuff. The episode did get better as the episode went on. It got better than episode 2. I like the better character interactions between Jesse and the rest of his friends. With the exception of his screaming and landing on Lukas, I actually like Axel a bit better than the previous episodes. I like the better interaction between Jesse and Petra. I am constantly worried about her health. And despite some of the out of character stuff with Lukas, I managed to patch things up by trusting him to lead and telling him about Petra's sickness. And Reuben remains my beloved pet.

    My favorite part is the last act of the episode. The battle against the Wither was well done. I play Jesse as a humble and selfless person, so he was willing to build the Formidi-bomb against the Wither. I was deeply surprised when my choice to take Ellegaard's armor caused Ellegaard to die and I feel incredibly guilty for doing that. I like the ending when the Wither split into THREE! I was like "Oh shit..!". But I am glad that Gabriel is still alive, even through he has amnesia. I think I would have been more depressed if I got Petra first.

    So here are my choices:

    Save my friends.

    I told Lukas about Petra's sickness, but not telling Axel and Olivia

    I let Lukas take the lead.

    I gave high-five Reuben of course. :)

    I used Ellegaard's armor

    All in all, an improvement. So I give this episode a 8.5

  • 10/10 response!

    MimoDX2 posted: »


  • edited November 2015

    Okay... I helped my friends, followed Lukas, high fived Reuben, I told Lukas about the sickness, I chose to take Magnus's armor. I'm just, feeling to many feels right now.

  • ...

    MimoDX2 posted: »


  • You have some pretty good points there.

    MimoDX2 posted: »


  • I got Magnus killed and I wish I didnt ;-;

  • Why?

    Magnus was a jerk (R.I.P my deepest condolences)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I got Magnus killed and I wish I didnt ;-;

  • Iunno, I just liked him, he kinda reminded me of Jack from Wolf among us

    Why? Magnus was a jerk (R.I.P my deepest condolences)

  • Great Episode... I know right, I actually rewinded just to pick Magnus' armor after I seen what would happen if I chose Ellegaard's... but I felt terrible seeing Magnus die. Also his armor looks better on me.... =P

  • Yea @ my ending the choices was something like 55% highfived Reuben, I think it's lower because people either didn't bother to talk to him, or just didn't make that choice when interacting with Rueben.... who would have thought it would have been a major choice for the episode.

  • I saw how Magnus dies...i kidna feel bad for calling him a jerk now.....

  • I am pretty surprised that 9,5 % chose Ellegaard's armor. Did they simply just like Magnu's armor better?

  • Or maybe they knew what would happen of what armor they chosed.

    I am pretty surprised that 9,5 % chose Ellegaard's armor. Did they simply just like Magnu's armor better?

  • It was a pretty fishy scenario. I imagined someone would get hurt... But uh, death took me off guard.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Or maybe they knew what would happen of what armor they chosed.

  • Only 34.5% followed Lukas?!

    Man, people really like to hog the leadership huh.

  • It's probably press stats, they'll even out as time goes by.

    Abeille posted: »

    Only 34.5% followed Lukas?! Man, people really like to hog the leadership huh.

  • I wonder what happens if you don't follow him.

    Abeille posted: »

    Only 34.5% followed Lukas?! Man, people really like to hog the leadership huh.

  • Yeah I would like to know what he says, if he says anything at all.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    I wonder what happens if you don't follow him.

  • Where can you high five Rueben? I never got the option and what did you think of the episode?

  • Where can you high five Rueben?

    Talk to him while you're searching for the 3 levers, you get the option.

    I thought the episode was pretty good, better than 2.

    Where can you high five Rueben? I never got the option and what did you think of the episode?

  • Huh. I talked to him, but nothing came up. Could it be because I didn't help him and Axel and went for the Amulet instead?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Where can you high five Rueben? Talk to him while you're searching for the 3 levers, you get the option. I thought the episode was pretty good, better than 2.

  • I.....I cries I can't take this anymore!!! PETRAAA ELLIE!!!!! twitch twitch twitch

    oh why did I choose Ellie's armor? and why did I choose Gabriel over Petra Q.Q unless....Gabriels gunna die and Petra lives...OMG Im thinking cruelly

  • dude...you DONT wanna see how Ellie dies ;.;

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I got Magnus killed and I wish I didnt ;-;

  • I know right? How did Gabriel / Petra get amnesia anyway?

    "Who's Petra?" drops mic

  • Id like too, how does she die?

  • Same as Magnus. She gets hit by the wither storm. (just like Magnus) And because she didn't have any armor, she died from the powerful hit of the wither storm.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Id like too, how does she die?

  • Welp, I might replay and save Magnus, I liked him alot more.

  • I went for the amulet.

    Everyone followed me in the End.

    Didn't high five Reuben (that was a choice???)

    Revealed Petra's sickness

    Chose Ellie's armor (omfg I nearly cried when she said "Hey. At least I got to go on one more adventure....")

  • My current theory is that they have an advanced form of the wither sickness that is afflicting the other one (the one that Jesse saved on episode 1). They don't just have amnesia, they look pretty weird too.

    Smellmeh posted: »

    I know right? How did Gabriel / Petra get amnesia anyway?

  • I thought that since Magnus was an explosive guy, then his armor probably was more blast-resistant.

    I am pretty surprised that 9,5 % chose Ellegaard's armor. Did they simply just like Magnu's armor better?

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