Opinions of episode 3 + Choices + My thoughts..



  • edited November 2015

    I actually chose Magnus his armor, because I thought he's an expert in explosions it would have helped me endure the explosion of the Formidi bomb.
    I was surprised it didn't really matter and that he died.... :-(

  • Oh ya! Thats some hard stuff. THE FEELS!!!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I went for the amulet. Everyone followed me in the End. Didn't high five Reuben (that was a choice???) Revealed Petra's sickness Chose Ellie's armor (omfg I nearly cried when she said "Hey. At least I got to go on one more adventure....")

  • To high five Rueben you have to talk to him in place made of wool and one of the dialogue options is to give him a high five.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I went for the amulet. Everyone followed me in the End. Didn't high five Reuben (that was a choice???) Revealed Petra's sickness Chose Ellie's armor (omfg I nearly cried when she said "Hey. At least I got to go on one more adventure....")

    • Helped my friends first because why not?
    • I followed Lukas because I want to be his best friend
    • High-Fived my pig
    • I kept Petra's secret, I think it was a bad choice and I regretted it
    • I had Ellegaard's armour, I completely regret that, I wanted Magnus' cause I can't stand him

    This is was a good episode I guess. But man, that ending made say that last reaction for this episode being WHAT?. At least I'm glad Petra and Gabriel are both alright, for now.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I enjoyed this episode, i chose Ellegaard's armor which meant she died at the end of the episode :(

    I also liked some of the game mechanics in this episode like the part where we swam under water.

    Here are my choices

    enter image description here

  • edited November 2015

    Helped my friends out of the grinder

    Let Lukas lead us out if the End

    High fived Reuben (how did so little of it us do this??? around 39% when I finished)

    Revealed Petra's secret

    Chose Ellegaard's armour

    Overall I'm happy to say I don't regret any of my decisions ( I wish Ellegaard didn't die because I think she's great but no regrets nonetheless)!

  • feels like a slap to the face

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Welp, I might replay and save Magnus, I liked him alot more.

  • edited November 2015

    Helped my friends out of the grinder

    Let Lukas lead us out

    High fived Reuben

    Didn't reveal Petra's secret

    Chossed Magnus's armour.

    Ep4 is going to be so awesome.

  • nods thats exactly what I did and I cried to my bedroom, not even watching the ending after THAT

    "Who's Petra?" drops mic

  • the FEEELS Im still feeling it even after 5 hours Q.Q

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I went for the amulet. Everyone followed me in the End. Didn't high five Reuben (that was a choice???) Revealed Petra's sickness Chose Ellie's armor (omfg I nearly cried when she said "Hey. At least I got to go on one more adventure....")

  • but didnt you see what they had in store for episode 4? >.> he dropped down to the ground and the words that went with it suggests he/she MIGHT actually die!

    AronDracula posted: »

    * Helped my friends first because why not? * I followed Lukas because I want to be his best friend * High-Fived my pig * I kept Petra's s

  • I didnt nuuh it was a thiing >.<

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    Helped my friends out of the grinder Let Lukas lead us out if the End High fived Reuben (how did so little of it us do this??? around

  • Don't be dramatic. Minecraft Story Mode is not like TWD, GOT or even Until Dawn. Minecraft is not for only for adults and teenagers, it's more for younger audience. Don't give me that "What about Ellegaard/Magnus?" situation, he/she didn't die brutally, but died a hero. Minecraft is not something which makes people cry. If Petra and Gabriel die from their whiter sickness, then we were focusing on a cure for nothing. I sure say Telltale learned from their mistakes from their games of 2014.

    • Went for the amulet in the grinder - I was getting tired of always picking the selfless/trying to please others/nice options
    • Let Lukas lead - I wasn't sure about it, but then he asked me to give him a chance, and I figured it would be the same outcome only with a slightly happier Lukas
    • High-fived Reuben - Apparently. I don't actually remember doing so.
    • Told Lukas about Petra's illness - which I regretted immediately, because he got even more sad
    • Chose Magnus' armour - which I feel really guilty about because although I wasn't a huge fan of him beforehand, it's my fault he's gone. R.I.P. Magnus the Griefer, and the most dapper man in the whole damn universe.
  • 1) Helped friends in the grinder

    2) Let Lukas lead - Didn't see a problem in Lukas leading.

    3) High-fived Reuben - Don't remember

    4) Shared Petra's secret with Lukas - Petra's illness is an immediate threat to the entire group, so it's only fair that for their own well-being they should know about it. We don't know what'll happen to Petra, and it could pose a serious risk to someone in the group.

    5) Chose Magnus' armour - I chose Magnus' armour for two reasons: 1. Magnus' armour is presumably more reliant to explosive damage (so the impact of the F-Bomb would be reduced), 2. I was afraid that taking Ellegard's armour would put her life at risk.

  • My choices next.

    1. Prioritized the amulet over my friends (what, that makes me a bad person? It was our guiding light, what if we had lost it?)
    2. Let Lukas lead the way through the End (because I like him and I was giving him a shot after he was a bit cranky earlier)
    3. Didn't give Reuben a high-five (I honestly didn't know this was a choice. If I had known, I probably would've done it.)
    4. Told Lukas about Petra's WS (Because she's honestly a fool if she thinks she can keep something this serious secret, and Lukas was already cottoning on anyway)
    5. Chose Magnus' armour (In all honestly, I was just giving Magnus a point here because I had got Ellegaard instead of him...I honestly didn't think he was going to die because of it....goddamnit, Telltale.)

    As you can probably tell, the ending of this episode depressed me. Didn't think it was quite on the level of Lee's death in WD S1 though.....

  • edited November 2015

    I loved episode 3. I hope episode four comes out soon but anyway here were my choices.

    (1) I helped my friends

    (2) I let Lukas lead

    (3) I high fived Ruben he is just so adorable and awesome

    (4) I told Lukas about Petra's illness if the walking dead has taught me anything it is to always tell the group if anyone has a illness or anything

    (5) I chose Magnus's armor I though that since he usually used tnt and blew things up that his armor would be better against explosions I didn't know that he would die ;(

  • Wow, that was the best episode i've played so far. The choices in-episode really made difference, and it had the most dramatic ending. Can't wait for Episode 4, wich i bet it will come in December. I give it a 10/10. There's nothing wrong with it, if there's then i don't want to notice. And the bugs doesn't make any difference. I must admit, a lot of the bugs are fun to me (?). I'll miss Ellegard, she will be forever on my or ours hearts.
    I was playing with my brother, each loading we gave the controller one to another. Then he did some choices.

    1 - My Brother - He was after the amulet (He didn't know what was the other choice).

    2 - My Brother - He let Lukas lead.

    3 - Me - As a consequence from choice 1, Reuben was angry, so i couldn't talk with him at all. So i couldn't hive-five him.

    4 - Me - I told Lukas that Petra was sick.

    5 - Me - I got Ellegard's armor, or better, i killed her. :(

    R.I.P Ellegard the Redstone Engineer

  • edited November 2015
    1. Went for the amulet

    2. Let Lukas lead hoping he would stop fucking whining

    3. Didnt high five the pig, didnt even see the option to do it

    4. Told the truth

    5. I wanted an option to refuse both of them as I hate them so much, I mean not as much as olivia and ruben but enough. Anyway I also figured whoevers armor id take would die so I took Magnus's as at least Ellegard and Olivia have slightly different personalities.

    Anyway the episode was fine, the whole section in the new guys house took forever, everything with the endermen just seemed to drag on.

    Anyway about the other characters

    Petra, Lukas and Axel were okay, all three were a bit annoying and whiny but expected nothing less. The pig seems to have got the message that I dont care about it. Olivia still remains the worst by her constant complaining. The new guy seems just as bad as the rest of the "order".

    I'm not sure why those other two were the main decision as they were not in the episode at all.

  • The extra choices:

    enter image description here

  • wow your rather harsh :\

    AronDracula posted: »

    Don't be dramatic. Minecraft Story Mode is not like TWD, GOT or even Until Dawn. Minecraft is not for only for adults and teenagers, it's mo

  • I made exactly the same choices as you, OP! I don't regret keeping Petra's secret, I wanted to respect her wish that she should be the one to tell. I do regret, however, that I did t chose Magnus' armor and left HIM unprotected. :/

  • Everybody is talking about Petra... Am I really one of the few people who saved Gabriel in Episode 1? :D

    1. Helped friends
    2. Let Lukas lead
    3. I love Ruben. Totally high-fived him!
    4. The truth
    5. Magnus... :(
  • I helped Reuben and Axel -my best mates name is Reuben and I love Reuben if it was just Axel I would have went for the amulet but I thought saving Reuben and letting Lukas get the amulet seemed like a win win

    I let Lukas lead- I'm tired of leading I would've let anyone have a shot, it also felt like a way of ,asking up for keeping the secret

    Why wouldn't I high five Reuben if you red the reasons above

    I told Gabriel's secret- I do agree with Gabriel saying that sentiment can be bad in these times but it was destroying Lukas and he could tell something was up so it seemed better to tell him and then he was really nice to me after just a bit down

    Magnus' Armour- thought naturally he would have blast resistance, also thought he can take care of himself better than Ellie without armour, and that Ellie could build better than Magnus so Ellie was more valuable for the time being, I regret the desicion I don't really like Ellie, she seems like a snob even in these dark times

    • Helped my friends - It was the most reasonable thing to do.
    • Let Lukas lead - I believed Lukas, and he did not dissapoint
    • High-fived him - Reuben is love and reuben is life!
    • Kept Petra's secret - I respected her decision for me not to tell anyone about the witherstorm disease
    • Magnus Armor - I liked Magnus way more than i like Ellegard. I mean, i am neutral with Ellegard. Man i regret that choice.

    Minor Choices:

    • I yelled 'come back and fight' to Ivor
    • I jumped down to the hole alone
    • I became Soren's friend
    • I saved all the survivors.
  • This is my opinion of episode 3:

  • My choices:
    · What did you yell after Ivor when he ran away? : Told him to come back and fight
    · Did you drop the Amulet or jump down into the dug hole? : I dropped the Amulet down
    · Did you listen to all of Soren’s records? : Yes I listened every record
    · Did you become friends with Soren? : Yes, I agreed to be Soren's friend
    · Did you save all the survivors? : I saved all the survivors

  • edited November 2015

    Here we go:

    Major Choices-

    • Helped my friends. (I didn't know what to do, so I let the game decide for me.)
    • Let Lukas lead. (I figured nothing bad could happen. Didn't want him to go too crazy.)
    • High fived Reuben. (Why not? I like high fives, high fives are cool!)
    • Kept the secret. (I want to see how this plays out later.)
    • Took Ellegard's Armour. (Had no idea someone would die from this. "Really? Why do I have to decide? To make me look cooler?" I thought to myself as the option came up.)

    Minor Choices-

    • Told Ivor to come back and fight.
    • Dropped the Amulet.
    • Became Soren's friend.
    • Didn't save all the survivors. (I think I missed the first one. The other two I got though.)
  • Here are mine:

    • I helped my friends
    • I let Lukas lead
    • High fived Reuben
    • I told Lukas about Gabriel's sickness (and also Axel and Olivia)
    • I took Magnus' armor (although Jesse looks better in Ellegard's armor)

    Minor choices:

    • I told Ivor: ''You'll pay for this!''
    • I jumped down the hole alone.
    • I listed to every record.
    • I became Soren's friend.
    • I saved all the survivors.

    Overall good episode and I rate it 9/10!

  • That was my thought as well. Really didn't expect what happened, although I definitely don't regret my choice.

    I thought that since Magnus was an explosive guy, then his armor probably was more blast-resistant.

  • My Choices:
    Major Choices

    • Helped my friends
    • Let Lukas lead (because he is my favorite out of the group)
    • Didn't High five Reuben
    • Told only Lukas about Petra's disease
    • Took Ellegard's armor
      Minor Choices

    • Said "Come back and Fight!" to Ivor

    • Jumped down the hole
    • Listened to every record
    • Became Soren's Friend
    • Saved all of the survivors

    My Choices: Major Choices * Helped my friends * Let Lukas lead (because he is my favorite out of the group) * Didn't High five Reube

  • My choices for this episode were...
    1. I helped my friends. (Mostly for Reuben but I was nice and told Axel that I was helping both of them)
    2. I let Lukas lead the way since he was being a jerk, and I hoped he would be nicer afterwards. Nope.
    3. High-Fived Reuben :D
    4. Revealed the secret to everyone (Axel was really cute when I opened the door and went in, he went to HUG Petra. Too bad she declined it.
    5. Chose Magnus' Armor (R.I.P.)
    My Minor Choices
    I told Ivor to Come Back and Fight
    I dropped the Amulet down
    I listened to all of Soren's records
    I became Soren's Friend (Who wouldn't? Oh yeah, the other 5.3% that DIDN'T)
    I saved all of the survivors (20% left them to die ;-;)
    This episode was SOOOO much more intense than both episodes and SOOO much cooler than Episode 2. Plus, if you mess around a lot, this episode is about as long as Episode 1! Truly an outstanding episode, and here comes the hype for Episode 4!!! :)

  • I got Gabriel, too.
    1. Got the amulet. Yeah, I feel bad for not helping my friends, but hey, it worked out in the end. They were safe anyway, and Axel became friends with Lukas.
    2. Let Lukas lead
    3. Didn't High-Five. If you chose the amulet, Reuben would be next to Lukas in Happyland, not wanting to high-five.
    4. I kept the secret.
    5. I chose Magnus. I chose Ellegaard at first, but I realized why there wasn't a timer for the choice and what a lack of armour would mean (I didn't see the death scene before switching). Besides, I thought Magnus's armour had some sort of blast protection. So I went back and chose Magnus.

    SethAC posted: »

    Everybody is talking about Petra... Am I really one of the few people who saved Gabriel in Episode 1? * Helped friends * Let Lukas lead * I love Ruben. Totally high-fived him! * The truth * Magnus...

  • I totally didin't even see the option to high five Ruben :( I think alot of people did

  • I heard you don't get it if you save the amulet instead of Reuben and Axel (the first choice of the episode) because Reuben is still mad at you for it.

    Crydog posted: »

    I totally didin't even see the option to high five Ruben I think alot of people did

  • edited November 2015

    I helped my friends because they were more important to me.

    I let Lukas lead because I believed in him.

    I high fived Reuben because he's Reuben.

    I kept Petra's secret because she's my friend and I respect her decision.

    And I took Ellegaard's armor because I thought it looked cooler...yeah, I should have thought that one out more.

  • Here ya mine:
    -Went for Friends
    -Let Lukas lead
    -High-Five Reuben
    -Kept Gabriel Secret
    -Magnus R.I.P.
    -Soren is my friend
    -Saved all survivors
    -Jumped down in the hole
    -Told Ivor: You'll pay for this!
    -Listened all records

  • edited November 2015

    -Went for the amulet, because it is very important and I think my friends can beat the monsters.

    -Let Lukas lead, because he really wanted to and I wanted to make him happy.

    -Didn't high five Reuben, didn't get the option :( But I would have if I would've got the option!

    -Kept Petra's secret, because she wanted to tell about it herself when it's time. It would've caused panicking in the group if I told it.

    -Took Magnus' armor, because he's the explosive guy so I thought that the armor would be better for that AND I actually was quite sure that the one who has no armor will die or get hurt, and I like Ellegaard better than Magnus so I didn't want her to get hurt or to die, so that's a reason too.

  • How dare you...You didn't high five Reuben? Whats wrong with you?!

    My Choices: Major Choices * Helped my friends * Let Lukas lead (because he is my favorite out of the group) * Didn't High five Reube

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