Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I've been checking the thread for 1 hour, nothing happened.

    So, how's everyone?


    lottii-lu posted: »

    Oh I forgot to share that someone made a fanfic on tumblr Surprisingly, the rhyiona tag hasn't been updated, something which I'm not used to lmao.

  • I'm glad to hear that! :']

    RockMySocks posted: »

    Aww shucks, the sock missed you too

  • Catch a riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!

    RockMySocks posted: »


  • Heyyy! :)

    It's going great! I'm very excited to learn everything about game development :']

    kristi78968 posted: »

    HANNA! VICEY! TACKLES YOU How's school so far?

  • I missed you and everyone else too! :) hopefully I can spend more time here during the weekend :)

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I've missed you </3

  • I was wrong then. My bad.

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I'm a serious girl, I don't play with people. especially not when it comes to fanart! that's serious business! @SirScrubbington you actually ran this game. thanks pal! I actually recognized a few artworks

  • That is... I can't find the word. Mind blowing? Heart twisting?

    No, wait, I know the word. Jacksome.

  • The king is here!

    I've arrived to take the crown, ladies.....

  • enter image description here

    Ohhhhh kiddo....you're gonna regret saying that. ;-)

  • Many thanks for the link! That's...I think, this is a new flavor of Rhyiona.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Oh I forgot to share that someone made a fanfic on tumblr Surprisingly, the rhyiona tag hasn't been updated, something which I'm not used to lmao.

  • Hi, Eryka! I only finished my paperwork, gonna check all the new fanfics.

  • edited November 2015

    There is a new very entertaining fanfic on ao3.

    The name of it is too long :)

    If the author has an account here, come here, dear, let me hug you !

    Update. I invited her/him here.... The first time I did that. Have to wait now :)

  • Are you good? ^^

    Mawula posted: »

    Hi, Eryka! I only finished my paperwork, gonna check all the new fanfics.

  • Pretty much. I always wondered why I didn't get feedback on ao3 in the form of comments. Now I do, and I know the reason now - people want smut :) okay, then, I oblige.

    Eryka posted: »

    Are you good? ^^

  • Give me some lewd stuff

    Mawula posted: »

    Pretty much. I always wondered why I didn't get feedback on ao3 in the form of comments. Now I do, and I know the reason now - people want smut okay, then, I oblige.

  • Writing something for the 1 year anniversary of Tales. Woo woo.

  • Eryka posted: »

    Give me some lewd stuff

  • speaking of 1 year anniversaries

    rhys and fiona gather up the family to celebrate gortys' one year birthday

    theres a prompt for anyone to steal

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Writing something for the 1 year anniversary of Tales. Woo woo.

  • Nice! I'm waiting patiently. Patiently because I already had 3 new Rhyiona fics today :)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Writing something for the 1 year anniversary of Tales. Woo woo.

  • -points up at Green's post-

    Seeeeeeeeeeee.....? Better get on that...

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Writing something for the 1 year anniversary of Tales. Woo woo.

  • Oh no. I enjoyed it ;)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Now I feel bad for Morphias xD

  • edited November 2015

    Awww you missed me! I feel apreciated. :D

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm sad cauz' @Morphias is at school.

  • That would be fitting to write for the 23rd of June tbh.

    Green613 posted: »

    speaking of 1 year anniversaries rhys and fiona gather up the family to celebrate gortys' one year birthday theres a prompt for anyone to steal

  • That's what I was thinking. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    That would be fitting to write for the 23rd of June tbh.

  • edited November 2015

    Oh thanks Mr.Scrubbington your giving me your blessing. Your the Handsome Jack father i never had. :)

    I wouldn't if you didn't tag me. Yo @Morphias go ahead pal.

  • Idk i think the second one that guy is so awesome. I love him and i think he loves you too......eh eh? ;)

  • Awww stop it.......you can continue. ;)

    Eryka posted: »

    I think I'll just have Morphias, because at least he's answering to my Skype messages. (plus, he's better)

  • Well how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

    RockMySocks posted: »

    Damn, I wonder what it was about...

  • See, it's a good idea ;)

    kristi78968 posted: »

    That's what I was thinking.

  • technically gortys was in the episode 2 preview that came with episode 1 on the 25th of november

    but tru

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    That would be fitting to write for the 23rd of June tbh.

  • Okay, so I'm pretty much tired right now and as always, I need some sleep... Ugh... stupid dogs ;-;

    Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! <3 ^-^

  • Yep, I know, but...

    Initiating Gortys startup sequence. Gortys activated. Happy birthday.

    ...this? I thought it was cute.

    Green613 posted: »

    technically gortys was in the episode 2 preview that came with episode 1 on the 25th of november but tru

  • cya

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Okay, so I'm pretty much tired right now and as always, I need some sleep... Ugh... stupid dogs ;-; Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! ^-^

  • Cool

    Mawula posted: »

    It is all here.

  • That's dedication ! Hope it gets a good amount of attention.

    Mawula posted: »

    Nice! I'm waiting patiently. Patiently because I already had 3 new Rhyiona fics today

  • enter image description here

    "I know you're not a candle, but I still wanna blow you."

    enter image description here


  • edited November 2015

    Happy 1 year to Tales! <3 Decided to write a quick piece for the occasion. I hope you guys like it. :)

    “To one year!” The entire group shouted as their glasses of alcohol hit one another, creating a long ding. The tiny robot and the much longer one stand, admiring their four human companions taking a sip of their desired drink. The music Moxxi’s bar played in the background as the group celebrated the one year anniversary of their adventure.

    “Can’t believe it’s been a year since I met you two. It’s even more unbelievable that you two managed to stay alive up until this point. Thought you would die the moment you landed on Pandora.”

    “Helios really didn’t teach you combat up there?” Sasha asked the two former Hyperion employees.

    “Aside from the occasional finger gun shootouts? No. To be fair, I trained in my office while Rhys continued to fill his stomach with ice cream. I was ready for any actual fight while...Rhys was ready to eat another carton of ice cream.” Vaughn pats Rhys’ tummy teasingly, “isn’t that right?”

    “The fact that you have a six-pack despite your tiny body makes me uncomfortable...” Rhys sighs, taking a gulp of his drink. “Well, I did have my stun baton and you have to admit, I kicked ass with it! Sasha was there with me when I knocked out a guard at that race!”

    “Oh yeah, You did, right after you attempted to choke him out. Now, how did that go again?”

    “Like the time I tried to push you of the caravan...You barely were able to hold on.” Sasha smirked while taking in another gulp of light beer. Rhys sighed, while he could hear Fiona and Vaughn chuckle at his expense. As much as he didn't want to remember, he nearly lost his life by almost getting pushed out of moving vehicle. Oh god, if he actually landed on the ground at that speed, what would his face look like? Rhys shivered at the thought.

    “Yes. I remember when you and Fiona told me that story. It...pretty sad.” Loader Bot cut into the conversation. He was told this among the rest of the adventure while he was in that suit while looking for the Gortys’ piece.

    "What happened?" Gortys chimed in, glancing at Sasha and Loader Bot hoping for an answer.

    "Well, you see. It was when..." Rhys leans himself forward over the table and covers Sasha’s mouth, glaring at her.

    “Listen, we’re going to act like that didn’t happen. Instead, we’re going to say we had a lovely tea party, deal?”

    “As long as you get your metal hand off my mouth, then yes.” Sasha says, her agreement muffled from Rhys’ hand. A wave of relief hits Rhys and he takes his hand off Sasha’s mouth as promised, relaxing into his seat.

    “Now, can we remember something that doesn’t involve me nearly getting killed?”

    “How about the time you feel off that platform and busted your head? There was blood everywhere.” Fiona suggested and just her sister earlier, she said it with a grin.

    “I don’t remember that happening…” Vaughn said.

    “That’s because it didn’t!” Rhys cried out in defense.

    “I must agree. I did say that part was a bit exaggerated.” Loader Bot coming in Rhys’ defense.

    “THANK YOU! All I did was fall off and hit my head. I didn’t explode.”

    “How...did you exactly tell our adventure to Loader Bot while Sasha and I weren’t around?” Vaughn asked curiously, his face showing concern.

    “Yeah, same. I’m curious on how else you two twisted the story. To be honest Fiona, if you told me that I wouldn’t even believe you. You may be a good liar but not that good.” She smiles playfully at her sister.

    “Well...” The two said at the same time, trailing off to think of something.

    “He claimed that he ‘blew’ August’s mind back at the deal. Or did you say you ripped out his heart? It must of been that stupid that I forgot.” Fiona remembered. “Which one was it?”

    “Okay, enough about me! Sheesh...” Rhys takes a large gulp of his beer, hoping to forget this part of the celebration tomorrow. “Any good moments to share or are we going to pick on me all night?”

    The entire group is silent, their faces showing extreme concentration.

    “IT’S NOT THAT HARD! REALLY GUYS?! C’MON!” He puts his drink down and lays his face into his hands. This was supposed to be a happy occasion, not ‘let’s poke fun at Rhys’ day! The head of Atlas thought to himself. Minutes went on by, which only added to Rhys’ despair. Really, are there no good moments where I shined?!

    “You trusted Fi back at the Atlas facility.” Sasha speaks up. At those words, Rhys can feel his cheeks heat up. At the time, he didn't think nothing of the choice. To choose between Jack and Fiona, the latter was wouldn’t get as many people killed. If Rhys were to give Jack some control, who knows what would've happened...Now though? He does look back at the moment as the start of his small crush for Fiona, that eventually grew into something bigger.

    “Well, it’s because I trusted Fiona more. Her plan sounded more sound than the psycho’s idea who just so happened to be stuck in my head.”

    “Yeah, if you didn’t go with Fiona’s plan, I probably would've ended up with more than just Vasquez’s bullet in my head.” Vaughn joined in.

    “Though, I would of enjoyed August shutting up for once. Maybe those robots could of made him quiet for once." Sasha sneered.

    "Too bad I had to lose my hat to get Gortys back..." Fiona said quietly.

    “You wasted your hat on me?! Fiona...” If Gortys could cry, she would be on the verge of tears right now. Realizing what impact her words had on Gortys, she puts on a smile.

    “D-don’t worry about it Gortys! See, I got a new hat!” Fiona points to the black hat on her head and smiles. “Don’t you worry your cute little head over it.”

    “But you created a bit of a fuss over it...” Rhys mumbles until his breath.

    “What did you say, Rhys? Fiona turns her attention to him, her smile and eyes twitching.

    “N-nothing!” He waves his hands.

    “Thought so!”

    A few moments went by as the group continued to chat about their journey, this time with less moments poking fun at Rhys.

    “Oh! Wait, you guys are forgetting the best part!” Everyone directs their attention to the source of the voice, Vaughn. He rubs his beard with a large smile, “the grand finale, the fight against the Guardian of the Vault!”

    “That’s when I turned huge! And then I used a bunch of powers, like Rhys’ finger guns!” Gortys points out, mimicing what she did that day with her tiny little fingers. "And Rhys made all the sound effects. He went like 'BANG BANG!'"

    “Wait, you shot beams out of your finger?!" Sasha exclaimed.

    “Yep! I also did a bunch of other cool things, like meditate and then immediately doing some super cool ninja moves while Rhys freaked out!”

    “Wished I could of witness that. Too bad Fi and I were stuck in its body.”

    “Too bad you almost died because of that; trying to be a hero and all.” Rhys comments, “I admired that but you nearly made Fiona and I break down.” Sasha laughs. “What’s so funny?! Was our sadness that amusing to you?”

    “No, far from that, my heart broke in two when I saw Fiona crying. I could say the same for you. But...How should I word this without hurting your feelings?...When you tried to heal my wounds with your tears and said it worked in the movies, that was pretty funny. How old are you again, Rhys?”

    “DIDN’T I SAY WE WOULD STOP MAKING FUN OF ME?!” Rhys cried out in agony. This is going to be a long night...

    Hours went by as the group continued to ramble on about their crazy adventure, one that every single one of them could look back on with fondness. Minius Helios crashing and nearly getting killed by Jack, that wasn’t fun at all. The group exits the bar, waving goodbye to Moxxi for the free drinks. Fiona being a Vault Hunter really does pay off! Rhys and Fiona, however, stop at the door, watching the rest of the group walking away. “Hey Rhys.”

    “What is it?”

    “We made a great team, all of us.” Fiona commented as she watched her sister along with the others chatting away, with Loader Bot supporting the drunk Vaughn.

    “Yeah...we did. You were certainly something else, Fi. I’m...I’m sorry for calling you what I did before. The same goes for your sister. I...I didn’t know you or her before what happened.”

    “Same goes for you and Vaughn. I thought you were guys were regular Hyperion scum. Not to mention you had Jack in your head, so I didn’t quite know what to expect out of you. It did relieve me when you told us about him.”

    “I was scared to. I didn’t know how Sasha would react...How you would react.” Rhys admits. “I was so close to not saying anything. I didn’t want you to hate me. If Sasha hated me I don’t think I would be able to be around you like I am now.”

    Like I am now.

    They were finally alone, like after the beat the Guardian to the Vault of the Traveler. A feel nostalgia hits Rhys. He side-eyes Fiona, his heartbeat slowly getting faster at the sight. He grasps her tan hand in his, "and I forgot one part. Us."

    "Thank God you did. I don't think any of them would of wanted to hear our love story. How we want from hand holding to second base over the course of our disappearance." Rhys remembers the two being very awkward at first with each other. When things weren't trying to kill them, they held hands, taking quick peeks at one another to see how embarrassed they looked. Slowly, they got over that and when they kissed for the first time? It was like bliss, as if they weren't on a planet full of things that were after their blood. The two turn to look at each other, smiling.

    "I love you, Fiona so much."

    "I love you too, even if you can be a big idiot at times." She gets on her toes and places her lips on Rhys' for a quick kiss. "A cute idiot."

    "Cute? I think I'm quite handsome." Rhys leans forward for more of her kisses.

    “HEY!” A drunk Vaughn calls out to the two of them. “I REALLLLLLY DON’T WANT TO LOOK FOR YOU TWO AGAIN! HURRRRRYY UP!”

    "Dammit..." Rhys says under his breath. "OKAY! G-give us a second!" He yells out to Vaughn. "Looks like we have to cut this short...And we were just getting started too!"

    "Don't worry, we have all the time in the world later." Fiona winks at Rhys. He can feel the blood immediately go to his head at what she just insinuated. "Now, let's get going before your drunk bro yells at the top of his lungs again. The people of Sanctuary may be loud themselves, but they REALLY like their sleep." Rhys nods and they both walk at fast pace to catch up with their friends, but they make sure to not break their grip with each others' hands.


    Catch a riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!

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