Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Welcome to the family, friend, enjoy it here!

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Eyy, been lurkin' around these parts a while taking in all the glorious Rhyiona fanfics and fanart so thought I'd drop a comment and let you

  • The Wolphias Army will remember that.........in a great way. No problem bro I believe in you and so do many others.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    thanks man. hashtag never forget

  • you made the right choice, buddy, welcome!

    Mich19 posted: »

    i love rhys and fiona... i really ship them they had so many moments.. and i don't care if alot of people ship rhys and shasha more than this... they are so freakin adorable.. fiona and rhys ftw

  • yooooooooo this is sick!

    Wow, those welcomes! Thanks! Heh, I'll be around as much as I can. Though I usually spend my time on tumblr and steam so if anyone's around

  • mfw I get

    "I can find you other work"


    "aww Rhys dont tell me you're worried about me"

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Eyy, been lurkin' around these parts a while taking in all the glorious Rhyiona fanfics and fanart so thought I'd drop a comment and let you

  • toasty-chan wants Loader Bot-senpai to notice her :(((

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    Today I drew a toater with anime eyes. Yeah. This was a weird day.


  • Hey, welcome! No worries, your English is fine. : )

    We played this game as Rhys and Fiona. And in the end we have a option to make them "in a more friendly relationship" with each other !!! Do not know what you guys think, but It's sound like I'm going to f*** myself !!! Sorry for my bad English !

  • Tales used to much slang language, and I've just learned English for 2 month, so this game took me 2 playthrough to fully understand :D
    Sorry for my bad English, again :D

    Morphias posted: »

    Well,hello friend. I have a feeling your new. Welcome and so hi!

  • I loved them as well as the Roughneck cartoon but I digress

    Morphias posted: »

    I will I'll pull out my space laser and blast those disgusting before they grow to the size of a dinosaur . Btw they were good movies. Atleast i thought

  • Dat eyebrow raise tho. ;)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    mfw I get "I can find you other work" and "aww Rhys dont tell me you're worried about me"

  • But that choice still there !!! It's mean we still have the option to f*** ourselves.
    Even I choose I like Sasha, later Fiona still remind me again, well now It's look like I was jealous with myself TT

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Well, don't take the choice? No one is forcing you to.

  • LOL thanks for the support

    Morphias posted: »

    You are a genious kenny. #kenny4prez

  • enter image description here

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Dat eyebrow raise tho.

  • Nah its good man for two months your doing just fine. So how are ya?

    Tales used to much slang language, and I've just learned English for 2 month, so this game took me 2 playthrough to fully understand Sorry for my bad English, again

  • Thanks man :D

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Hey, welcome! No worries, your English is fine. : )

  • Yea seeing an army slaughter bugs while getting slaughter. But in the end humans prevailed by killing the mother of those gigantic insects

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I loved them as well as the Roughneck cartoon but I digress

  • lol, seem like this topic is still very active.
    Fine, and what do you want to know ???
    Of course this is a Rhys x Fiona thread, so I ship them :D

    Morphias posted: »

    Nah its good man for two months your doing just fine. So how are ya?

  • Np bro. XD

    Kennybadger posted: »

    LOL thanks for the support

  • There are people who want that choice, though. everyone in this thread so it's only natural that it's there and we can play how we like.

    As I see it, you just play along with Rhys/Fiona but they're not blank states so I don't feel like I am them at all and have no problem with this.

    But that choice still there !!! It's mean we still have the option to f*** ourselves. Even I choose I like Sasha, later Fiona still remind me again, well now It's look like I was jealous with myself TT

  • Idk we usually talk about random-ish things like just a little bit ago i slaughtered a fly that was turning me insane. What are you up to? :)

    lol, seem like this topic is still very active. Fine, and what do you want to know ??? Of course this is a Rhys x Fiona thread, so I ship them

  • It's really nice to have support, thank you buddy. :D Gonna be longer than what I usually write though so I'm just a little nervous, haha

    Morphias posted: »

    The Wolphias Army will remember that.........in a great way. No problem bro I believe in you and so do many others.

  • Don't worry bro. Thats where your fault is there is no worry. The people can just wait y'know. Farmers produce food they dont have to but we are thankful for it. We are thankful that you are creating an amazing fanfic but we can wait. So dont sweat it. :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    It's really nice to have support, thank you buddy. Gonna be longer than what I usually write though so I'm just a little nervous, haha

  • About the whole "effing" yourself thing I have to disagree entirely. I don't see playing as Rhys and Fiona any differently than playing any other character in a video game. They are two separate individuals with their own personalities. It's their story, not yours. I don't view them as me at all. Their words and actions are still their own whether I am in control or not. Never did like that argument as a reason not to ship them. Kinda silly if you really think about it. Not to disrespect you if you don't like the pairing, to each their own, but I'm just saying not liking it for THAT reason is kinda ridiculous in my opinion. I'd rather someone not ship them because they don't like their interaction or something.

    Tales used to much slang language, and I've just learned English for 2 month, so this game took me 2 playthrough to fully understand Sorry for my bad English, again

  • Aw sheesh you beat me to it, haha, what he said : D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    There are people who want that choice, though. everyone in this thread so it's only natural that it's there and we can play how we like.

  • Hah, you still explained it better :D

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Aw sheesh you beat me to it, haha, what he said : D

  • Then again the whole telltale thing is the story is adapted to your choices thing, I can see your point but just saying.

    RickSanchez posted: »

    About the whole "effing" yourself thing I have to disagree entirely. I don't see playing as Rhys and Fiona any differently than playing any


    I may end up settling for something in the middle.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Well I should have it done by the end of this week if not sooner. The Christmas theme could easily work with both, just the tales crew being

  • edited November 2015

    Read news in my country, google translate something you guys just said and finally, wrote this comment =))

    Morphias posted: »

    Idk we usually talk about random-ish things like just a little bit ago i slaughtered a fly that was turning me insane. What are you up to?

  • Lol XD

    Read news in my country, google translate something you guys just said and finally, wrote this comment )

  • But they have 1 in common, we control them :D
    Sorry for think that way !!!
    About their interaction, I think except the 1st time they met, everything was fine.

    RickSanchez posted: »

    About the whole "effing" yourself thing I have to disagree entirely. I don't see playing as Rhys and Fiona any differently than playing any

  • O_O never even thought of that....awesome jobs Peanut

    I'M WAITING. EAGERLY. I may end up settling for something in the middle.

  • edited November 2015

    Well friends its been fun, but this guy has to go. So enjoy your night and long live RHYIONA

  • That's true, keeping that in account I view it more as being a divine force moving the story along in the background, I still don't see myself as Rhys and Fiona personally. Mostly because Rhys and Fiona's dialogue more often than not is not what I would personally say anyway haha.

    Morphias posted: »

    Then again the whole telltale thing is the story is adapted to your choices thing, I can see your point but just saying.

  • Okay so I'm gonna feel pretty dumb asking this but I've been staring at the avatar page for like 10 minutes and I don't see where you are able to use a custom avatar? How are you guys doing that? I feel like it's probably pretty obvious but it isn't to me right now haha

  • edited November 2015

    I'm using my Steam avatar since I linked my profile to this account.

    The Steam option and the Gravatar option are at the end of the list of icons near the top where you can choose which game you want to pick from. (If you didn't know. If you did, ignore this, lol.)

    RickSanchez posted: »

    Okay so I'm gonna feel pretty dumb asking this but I've been staring at the avatar page for like 10 minutes and I don't see where you are ab

  • But then again you force the characters to act differently based upon dialogue/choices, So you are rhys and fiona in a way, You may not be able to say whatever you want but choices are there,

    RickSanchez posted: »

    That's true, keeping that in account I view it more as being a divine force moving the story along in the background, I still don't see myse

  • See ya later, Kenny!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Well friends its been fun, but this guy has to go. So enjoy your night and long live RHYIONA


    Morphias posted: »



    Saltlick123 posted: »


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