Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited November 2015

    Yea if those puppies go theres no babies.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    For health reasons, that is a wise dislike.

  • Its what I do, give random advice with things that seem unimportant.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Haha, it's an advice well taken ^-^

  • [removed]

    Dracu98 posted: »

    ooooooooooh, now I get it. in that case, forget what I said

  • I would totally ship that

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I should really use that face as my avatar one time xD

  • I don't know. Maybe I'll play Borderlands 2 for a while, listen to some of my favorite songs, do some of my homework and maybe go for a walk if I feel alright... I still have that god forsaken headache -_-

    Morphias posted: »

    I was gonna say. I would've came over there. So what are you up to wolfs?

  • enter image description here

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I would totally ship that

  • Dude, all you have to do is take some meds. Thats fantastic. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I don't know. Maybe I'll play Borderlands 2 for a while, listen to some of my favorite songs, do some of my homework and maybe go for a walk if I feel alright... I still have that god forsaken headache -_-

  • Enjoy ur meal ;)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    LMFAO. Well... right now... I just made a sandwich with a fried egg... it's not warm but it's not cold either but... it'll do ;p

  • Tfw you reply when I fully ate my breakfast LMAO

    Enjoy ur meal

  • Too bad I don't know how to build a fire :v

    Kennybadger posted: »

    you could always build a fire to cook your food

  • Or maybe I'll just take a nap ^-^

    Besides, in 2 hours the most, I'm sure it'll be gone by then :D

    Morphias posted: »

    Dude, all you have to do is take some meds. Thats fantastic.

  • exactly then who would lead house Morphias after you

    Morphias posted: »

    Yea if those puppies go theres no babies.

  • And you're pretty much good at it ;>

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Its what I do, give random advice with things that seem unimportant.

  • edited November 2015

    Wait were you talking about me because I'll probably be gone then too? If you are that is a good joke atleast i hope itd be a joke

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Or maybe I'll just take a nap ^-^ Besides, in 2 hours the most, I'm sure it'll be gone by then

  • edited November 2015

    What, no x3

    When I have a headache, it is usually gone after 1-3 hours :v

    Morphias posted: »

    Wait were you talking about me because I'll probably be gone then too? If you are that is a good joke atleast i hope itd be a joke

  • Omg your right but i have now entered House Rhyiona. So im all good.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    exactly then who would lead house Morphias after you

  • If Tom Hanks figured it out in Cast Away, I have faith you'll find a way.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Too bad I don't know how to build a fire :v

  • Not my fault my phone sucks x)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw you reply when I fully ate my breakfast LMAO

  • edited November 2015

    I actually just ate my breakfast so there's no need to find another way :v

    Kennybadger posted: »

    If Tom Hanks figured it out in Cast Away, I have faith you'll find a way.

  • Oh lol. But hey headaches can be a pain. But. enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    What, no x3 When I have a headache, it is usually gone after 1-3 hours :v

  • Haha... Loading the website with your phone takes forever, huh? ;p

    Now I'm glad I'm on my PC x)

    Not my fault my phone sucks x)

  • Wouldn't that be more like you swore fidelity to House Rhyiona, like the Forrester to the Starks??

    Morphias posted: »

    Omg your right but i have now entered House Rhyiona. So im all good.

  • you've got the touch

    enter image description here

    Yeah... I have a dirty mind ;p

    Morphias posted: »

    Oh lol. But hey headaches can be a pain. But.

  • No its like in the new Star Wars movie. So the imperial guys like hey my ship got blasted and crashed here so ima team up with these rebels. So he was lost and now he is found, But either one is good. Y'know?

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Wouldn't that be more like you swore fidelity to House Rhyiona, like the Forrester to the Starks??

  • XD lol

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    you've got the touch Yeah... I have a dirty mind ;p

  • Nvm then, I hope it was enjoyable.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I actually just ate my breakfast so there's no need to find another way :v

  • Even longer than that ;-;

    Yeah, lucky you...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Haha... Loading the website with your phone takes forever, huh? ;p Now I'm glad I'm on my PC x)

  • Sounds good to me

    Morphias posted: »

    No its like in the new Star Wars movie. So the imperial guys like hey my ship got blasted and crashed here so ima team up with these rebels. So he was lost and now he is found, But either one is good. Y'know?

  • Anytime bro Anytime. :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Sounds good to me

  • Hey Aura! how are you?

  • Groggy. How are you doing?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, everyone ^-^ How are you all today?

  • edited November 2015

    Well I'm gonna go get some Z's. Y'know. Have good one and take it easy! Cya everybody later. Bye <3 u all Goodnight! :)

  • edited November 2015

    enter image description here

    Too cute to not repost, for those who missed it. From infinitedawn last month <3

  • Don't forget the rest of the alphabet, how are you gonna make words? Bai bai Morph, sweet dreams ^-^

    Morphias posted: »

    Well I'm gonna go get some Z's. Y'know. Have good one and take it easy! Cya everybody later. Bye u all Goodnight!

  • Daww, her smile is so adorable <3

    Too cute to not repost, for those who missed it. From infinitedawn last month

  • awwww thank you! It's my art and it's totally sweet to see someone likes it <3

    I'm normally not into seeing animal versions of characters but this is adorable

  • Rhys' thoughts: <3 <3 <3

    Too cute to not repost, for those who missed it. From infinitedawn last month

  • Work In Progress))
    enter image description here

  • Oh shit, didn't know that you replied. Just woke up lol. I was basically playing games til 2:00 and on my phone til 3:00

    Morphias posted: »

    Lol its 7:23 PM over here. So what has the great Scrubbertons been up to?

  • I'm doing good. Just played Borderlands 2 for a while ^-^ That's why I didn't respond earlier xP

    Thank you for asking :D

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Groggy. How are you doing?

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