Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Oh but you've seen a bit of it! That's like a thousand plus points in my book xD

    Morphias posted: »

    Bender and Fry are my favorite. Although i do not watch Futurama too much

  • this is going to be 100% me as soon as I get it :D even though I made it short since I haven't had much time, it still took me an hour to get my character done (he looks like lex luthor. awesome.). bad thing about it: worked on the face for 59 minutes. finds mask after two minutes into the game.

  • Yeah, I've heard mixed reviews about ESO. I think an MMO format for the Elder Scrolls games is cool to bring a potentially new audience to the franchise, but I've always loved single-player RPGs...

    Morphias posted: »

    Im just gonna put it out there that i think Bethesda should just not claim eso as theirs that was terrible. Hammerfell would be great to see. Btw Fallout 4 is great.

  • Well its not horrible its better if your playing pvp and dungeoning then its really fun but playing story for me was boring. But thats just my opinion.

    Yeah, I've heard mixed reviews about ESO. I think an MMO format for the Elder Scrolls games is cool to bring a potentially new audience to the franchise, but I've always loved single-player RPGs...

  • Yay i have received Joey points XD

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh but you've seen a bit of it! That's like a thousand plus points in my book xD

  • My dad is cool. He's such a gaming nerd, so he raised my sister and I as gaming nerds. Best family ever.

    I've been playing ES games since Morrowind (which was actually the first game I ever watched Dad play, I think), but Skyrim is a good place to start. However, if you can suffer through slightly-outdated graphics, you should go back and play Oblivion. It has some of THE BEST questline stories. Especially for the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood.

  • sure you can ^^ check 'ya PM's

  • I like playing multiplayer with a cooperative team as opposed to PvP, but I may eventually cave and try ESO out. Someday.

    Morphias posted: »

    Well its not horrible its better if your playing pvp and dungeoning then its really fun but playing story for me was boring. But thats just my opinion.

  • Yea thats usually how i am but pvp is great going out with your friends laying wasted to enemy aliances and seiging castles......Where do i sign up?

    I like playing multiplayer with a cooperative team as opposed to PvP, but I may eventually cave and try ESO out. Someday.

  • Trust me, they are twice as fabulous as normal points :D

    Morphias posted: »

    Yay i have received Joey points XD

  • How many Joey points do i have? :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Trust me, they are twice as fabulous as normal points

  • Sup suckas, it's Hellie. I haven't been on here in a bit, because of Thanksgiving and school. I have a project due in two days and I've barely started.

  • My dad probably plays a little too much....but I'm not complaining as long as he keeps trying to find Halo 2 for me, lol.

    You definitely should. And if you have to get only one DLC, get the Shivering Isles. It's a blast. If you did the "Mind of Madness" quest in Skyrim and liked that, then you'll love Shivering Isles.

  • They're over 9000!

    No but seriously, you tolerate me and I'm kinda half crazy so I appreciate that :)

    Morphias posted: »

    How many Joey points do i have?

  • Yeah, it's 2:13 AM right now where I live and I really need some rest since I woke up at 7 AM. LMAO, next time, I should wake up at 8 or 9 AM ._.

    Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams <3 ^-^

  • Ey, hello! I noticed you were gone for quite a while :)

    Unfinished project due soon? Join the club. Only mine is due today at 23:59 xP

    Sup suckas, it's Hellie. I haven't been on here in a bit, because of Thanksgiving and school. I have a project due in two days and I've barely started.

  • edited November 2015

    That dbz reference. Dont sell yourself short. Tbh your a generous,caring,and funny gal. Your one of kind and anybody would be lucky to have you. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    They're over 9000! No but seriously, you tolerate me and I'm kinda half crazy so I appreciate that

  • See ya later, Wolfenus! Sleep well!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, it's 2:13 AM right now where I live and I really need some rest since I woke up at 7 AM. LMAO, next time, I should wake up at 8 or 9 AM ._. Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ^-^

  • Good evening folks, how's everyone doing this fine day.

  • Good, you?

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Good evening folks, how's everyone doing this fine day.

  • That is really sweet of you, it means a lot to me <3 You know, Morph, same to you. You caught on to the whole argument thing and you're not above a joke which makes you funny, you're kind as you just proved and your puns are glorious :D

    Morphias posted: »

    That dbz reference. Dont sell yourself short. Tbh your a generous,caring,and funny gal. Your one of kind and anybody would be lucky to have you.

  • And you said you couldn't stay up late xP

    Sweet dreams, Wolfenus :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, it's 2:13 AM right now where I live and I really need some rest since I woke up at 7 AM. LMAO, next time, I should wake up at 8 or 9 AM ._. Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ^-^

  • edited November 2015

    Great, played a round of golf with my Grandfather, got all the yard work done, and spent time with the family over dinner. I have to say pretty darn awesome.

    Good, you?

  • Yea, I just thought I'd mention that...heh heh, But you are truely a great gal Joey. Thanks btw.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    That is really sweet of you, it means a lot to me You know, Morph, same to you. You caught on to the whole argument thing and you're not above a joke which makes you funny, you're kind as you just proved and your puns are glorious

  • Productive, nice!

    I got a little bit of my Christmas shopping done today, so that's at least a couple things off my checklist.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Great, played a round of golf with my Grandfather, got all the yard work done, and spent time with the family over dinner. I have to say pretty darn awesome.

  • And you're truly a very cool guy ;)

    Mm, it's pretty late, 1:30 AM, I should sleep. Night, Morph :)

    Morphias posted: »

    Yea, I just thought I'd mention that...heh heh, But you are truely a great gal Joey. Thanks btw.

  • Huh Thanks ;) Hope to see you around. Well goodnight Joey and uhh take easy. :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    And you're truly a very cool guy Mm, it's pretty late, 1:30 AM, I should sleep. Night, Morph

  • ~groans~ I hate Christmas shopping I guess I got to do it soon though. Need to be more like you Peanut, having a checklist and getting stuff done.

    Productive, nice! I got a little bit of my Christmas shopping done today, so that's at least a couple things off my checklist.

  • What's your's on? Mine is a box. I have to make the outside represent how people see myself, and the inside how I see myself. For my geography class. I don't know why.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Ey, hello! I noticed you were gone for quite a while Unfinished project due soon? Join the club. Only mine is due today at 23:59 xP

  • edited November 2015

    To be more like me, you'd have to make the checklist, stare at it everyday, do maybe one tiny thing off of it, and then add three more things to it and stay awake for a couple hours thinking about how you're going to get more done tomorrow, then wake up the next day and not do anything and then freak out about how much you have to do.

    < / sudden confession>

    Kennybadger posted: »

    ~groans~ I hate Christmas shopping I guess I got to do it soon though. Need to be more like you Peanut, having a checklist and getting stuff done.

  • I do most of that, besides the checklist, freaking out, worrying about it in general. Ok, maybe I don't do any of that. LOL

    To be more like me, you'd have to make the checklist, stare at it everyday, do maybe one tiny thing off of it, and then add three more thing

  • Then you're probably better off.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I do most of that, besides the checklist, freaking out, worrying about it in general. Ok, maybe I don't do any of that. LOL

  • kind of, either way nothing gets done. That is why I use the lets just wing it method. If it gets done Great if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be.

    Then you're probably better off.

  • edited November 2015

    Sorry to hear that and I hope you'll be able get your project finished in time.

    Also I love your new Gaige icon <3

    Sup suckas, it's Hellie. I haven't been on here in a bit, because of Thanksgiving and school. I have a project due in two days and I've barely started.

  • Oh thank you! I just updated my gravatar like two minutes ago! :D

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Sorry to hear that and I hope you'll be able get your project finished in time. Also I love your new Gaige icon

  • If it gets done great if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be.

    I wish I could do that, but honestly, just reading that makes me anxious. I guess I've just been raised to try to make everything that needs to happen actually happen somehow.




    How's your fanfic coming along?

    Kennybadger posted: »

    kind of, either way nothing gets done. That is why I use the lets just wing it method. If it gets done Great if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be.

  • LOL I ARGEE RHYIONA IS NOT DEPRESSING. The fanfic is going good i'm stoked with the concept, now i kinda of want to write another one after this one. ~Shudders~

    If it gets done great if it doesn't it wasn't meant to be. I wish I could do that, but honestly, just reading that makes me anxious.

  • wololo

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, it's 2:13 AM right now where I live and I really need some rest since I woke up at 7 AM. LMAO, next time, I should wake up at 8 or 9 AM ._. Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams ^-^

  • I have so many ideas that I want to write, but I really need to focus on one at a time. And I'm also thinking about giving Christmas fics to the members of my non-Borderlands fandoms SO I HAVE A LOT OF WRITING TO DO.

    now i kinda of want to write another one after this one.


    Kennybadger posted: »

    LOL I ARGEE RHYIONA IS NOT DEPRESSING. The fanfic is going good i'm stoked with the concept, now i kinda of want to write another one after this one. ~Shudders~

  • Yes i did I have officially beat the hardest level in Happy Wheels. Omg Im now gonna listen to the best around. I barely play Happy Wheels just bored, I did it :)

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