Opinions of episode 3 + Choices + My thoughts..



  • You didn't get the option to high five Reuben is because you went for the amulet, And i guess Reuben was still mad at you.

    wishwash posted: »

    -Went for the amulet, because it is very important and I think my friends can beat the monsters. -Let Lukas lead, because he really wante

  • Weird, maybe I met with a bug, but my choices say I high fived him even though I went for the amulet... Although come to think of it, I don't remember doing that, hmm...

    Abeille posted: »

    I heard you don't get it if you save the amulet instead of Reuben and Axel (the first choice of the episode) because Reuben is still mad at you for it.

  • NOOO I love Reuben he can't be mad at me ;((

    Smellmeh posted: »

    You didn't get the option to high five Reuben is because you went for the amulet, And i guess Reuben was still mad at you.

  • edited November 2015

    Well you went for an object instead of your best friend, so thats why. :P

    wishwash posted: »

    NOOO I love Reuben he can't be mad at me ;((

  • That's true.. But I didn't know that Lucas could help aswell, I would have sent him to the amulet of course

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Well you went for an object instead of your best friend, so thats why. :P

  • My choices in this episode were
    1. Saving Rueben and Axel(I also high-fived Rueben)
    2. Following Lukas in the End
    3. I told Lukas the secret(then comforted him after)
    4. I took Ellegaard's armor

  • You know... I actually picked Ellegaard's even though I've bonded with Magnus the most (and have not really grown an opinion of Ellegaard) so I really friggin' dodged a bullet on that one!

    Not saying it wasn't a sad moment anyway but yeah... in the Telltale world it just felt like a somewhat victorious moment on my part...

  • Helped my friends - Considering that Jesse seems to be the better fighter of the crowd, with Petra being sick, I assumed that it would work out with me doing the fighting and Lukas doing the fetching

    Let Lukas lead - because why the hell not?

    High fived Reuben - a bit confused as to why this decision would be important... or hard but I loved the being able to high five my best pig!

    I revealed Petra's secret - This took me a while but I felt like it was for the best. Lukas is closer to Petra than My Jesse is (I feel like anyway) so it just felt right to let him in on what happened. I did feel a bit bad that he got even more sad but you know... in the long run I felt like it was for the best. + After playing Walking dead a few times you just kind of get tired of secrets.

    Chose Ellegaard's armor (regretted it right after because I love green and wanted Magnus armor instead.. and then stopped regretting it when I realized what would happen) - Okay, this is gonna sound "jerkish" but I totally feel like a dodged a bullet on that one. I went to find Magnus with Axel in ep2 and because of that just kind of feel "closer" to him than Ellegaard. And yes, I know Magnus is a prick but he kind of had the Kenny effect on me. Of course I was upset over her death but yeah... I mean in the end it was a lose lose situation.

  • Really great episode, probably the best one so far. Here are my choices:

    enter image description here

    I didn't even had a choice to high-five Reuben (which I guess would came up if I didn't go after the amulet), but I'd totally do that if I was able to. :D

    Also am I the only one who figured that the person without armor would die? That's why I chose Ellegaard's armor, because I liked Magnus more. Still, the scene was pretty heartbreaking, especially because I told Soren that Ellegaard was his friend.

    And I'm super glad I saved Gabriel in episode 1. At first I regretted it, because I thought that Petra died due to my inability to figure out that it was a choice between her and Gabriel (I honestly thought it was just part of QTE and I'd be able to pull them both out of the beam). But now that she's back (yay), her memory loss imo adds more drama to the story than Gabriel's, because she was your friend. AND she's not dying. Plus the reunion of the whole Order of the Stone was sweet.

  • The servivors that re trapped don't die because the whole split up wither storm rises up obviously freeing the trapped survivors

    My choices for this episode were... 1. I helped my friends. (Mostly for Reuben but I was nice and told Axel that I was helping both of them

  • Yeah if you say Soren is the persons friend of who dies then it's really touching and sad especially when they think the wither storm was defeated

    Pipas posted: »

    Really great episode, probably the best one so far. Here are my choices: I didn't even had a choice to high-five Reuben (which I gues

  • i didnt follow cause i didnt want to put him in danger.

    Abeille posted: »

    Only 34.5% followed Lukas?! Man, people really like to hog the leadership huh.

  • i chose it because i thought ellegaard might take a while to build something with redstone so she'd be more vularable.

  • no i saved him cause i thought he could save Petra easy but not vice versa

    SethAC posted: »

    Everybody is talking about Petra... Am I really one of the few people who saved Gabriel in Episode 1? * Helped friends * Let Lukas lead * I love Ruben. Totally high-fived him! * The truth * Magnus...

  • That's nice of you. What happened? Did he say anything to you about it?

    i didnt follow cause i didnt want to put him in danger.

  • Yeah, in my first playthrough I told him Ellie was his friend and took her armor in the end... Let's say what Soren said teared me up. "If only I'd known what Jesse told me. That you still considered me a friend, I might have... I let so much time slip by. And now..." I wonder what he meant by he might have. Give her his armor for protection, give Jesse his armor so she won't have to, spend more time with her...? Oh, wow...

    Yeah if you say Soren is the persons friend of who dies then it's really touching and sad especially when they think the wither storm was defeated

  • I imagine he meant he would have spent more time with her. He went on a self-imposed exile in the End because he was disappointed on people, right? It is what I got from everything he said. If he knew he still had friends outside, maybe he would have gone after these friends instead. After all, when they offered their armors, Soren already knew what Jesse told him.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Yeah, in my first playthrough I told him Ellie was his friend and took her armor in the end... Let's say what Soren said teared me up. "If o

  • The order still broke up for an unknown reason so there might be an even more tear jerking reason why he never went for his friends

    Abeille posted: »

    I imagine he meant he would have spent more time with her. He went on a self-imposed exile in the End because he was disappointed on people,

  • Hey guys, quick question. If Gabriel is with you in episode, will he offer his armor?

  • Nope.

    gijoe528 posted: »

    Hey guys, quick question. If Gabriel is with you in episode, will he offer his armor?

  • I couldn't high five Reuben because he was with Lukas, which is because I chose to save the amulet (to be different).

    Smellmeh posted: »

    How dare you...You didn't high five Reuben? Whats wrong with you?!

  • I helped friends cause the amulet is just an item and Axel and Rueben are people(and pig).
    I lead cause Lukas would be safer.
    Didn't high five Rueben cause I chose all other options first and it didn't allow me to.
    I told Lukas I shouldn't say whats wrong because it would make him panic.
    Took Magnus's armor cause Ellie might take a while to build redstone but Magnus could just place TNT quickly.
    Told Ivor he'd pay for this.
    Jumped down hole cause im not letting go of amulet again.
    Listened to all records cause I make all interactions.
    Became Soren's friend cause he was being nice, so why not be nice back.
    Saved all survivors to forfill Magnus's last wish.

  • Maybe everyone went on their separate ways, or it was because of Ivor. Maybe he kept everyone together -- I really want to give him a chance...

    The order still broke up for an unknown reason so there might be an even more tear jerking reason why he never went for his friends

  • What's weird is that I High-fived Rueben yet in the choice screen where it displays the choices you made it said I didn't High-five Rueben. So I don't know what's up with dat........

    Pipas posted: »

    Really great episode, probably the best one so far. Here are my choices: I didn't even had a choice to high-five Reuben (which I gues

  • 1: Helped Axel and Reuben

    2: Let Lukas lead coz why df not? XD

    3:High fived Reubenn!! :DD

    4: Told everyone about Petra's secret (Olivia and Axel too)

    5: Took Magnus' armor, coz it looked 'cool' :3

    Episode 4 will be BOSS doeee!! CANT WAITTT :D

  • I made all the same choices. :3

    michyxox posted: »

    1: Helped Axel and Reuben 2: Let Lukas lead coz why df not? XD 3:High fived Reubenn!! :DD 4: Told everyone about Petra's secret (O

  • Did you like Episode 3?

    michyxox posted: »

    1: Helped Axel and Reuben 2: Let Lukas lead coz why df not? XD 3:High fived Reubenn!! :DD 4: Told everyone about Petra's secret (O

  • YASS!! I lovedd itt!! xDD

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Did you like Episode 3?

  • yass!!!! I loved it!!!

    Smellmeh posted: »

    Did you like Episode 3?


    I made all the same choices.

  • Glad you enjoyed it. :)

    michyxox posted: »

    yass!!!! I loved it!!!

  • edited December 2015

    -I went after the amulet

    -I followed Lucas

    -Didn't have the option to high five Reuben

    -I told Lucas and didn't know you could tell Olivia and Axle, replayed and told them both

    -I took Ellegaard's armour and replayed because I thought Magnus' would be better for dealing with TNT, and because Elle was my favourite :(

  • edited December 2015

    A lot more people have gone for the grinder lately?
    Edit: yes the grinder will show us the way!

    I meant the amulet:P

  • I like to pick that option because Axel, Reuben and Lukas will get friendlier with each other. Although, Reuben will be mad at us... But it's worth it!

    A lot more people have gone for the grinder lately? Edit: yes the grinder will show us the way! I meant the amulet:P

  • The portuguese translation was so bad in this episode that the option to Help Axel and Reuben looked liked it was to call them for help.

  • Well you think i want to play in portuguese? I rather English because is my 1st language. But i can't change it, so is the way is gotta be...

    MimoDX2 posted: »

    The portuguese translation was so bad in this episode that the option to Help Axel and Reuben looked liked it was to call them for help.

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