Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Inquisition is my last game atm.
    All ME, DA are great. I also love Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's gate, but they are really old-school rpg.

    DA: Inqusition is on my wish list. Not sure when i'd get around to it though, i don't have loads of time like some do either. Any other RPG's worth mentioning? The witcher 3 is one of the best of this year.

  • Wise words, friend. Solas/Lavellan is another ship of mine.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    A wise choice, for limited gaming.

  • I totally ship that, I tend to play male dwarfs or humans so I don't get that ship in my playthroughs sadly.

    Mawula posted: »

    Wise words, friend. Solas/Lavellan is another ship of mine.

  • edited November 2015

    Yeah, I wouldn't I be? You all know I deserve WAY better then Rhys.

    If Rhys, ever takes Fiona to the bone zone, I'll let you all know ;)

    RickSanchez posted: »

    reads previous posts Yes, I knew Sasha was always a Rhyiona! : ) Always knew I could count on ya, Sash!

  • If you want, you can check out my DAI fanfiction :) link

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I totally ship that, I tend to play male dwarfs or humans so I don't get that ship in my playthroughs sadly.

  • Good to hear! The mass effect trilogy is one of my favorite series' ever. I've probably played through all 3 games at least 10 times, lol.
    I've heard Baldur's Gate is great too.

    Mawula posted: »

    Inquisition is my last game atm. All ME, DA are great. I also love Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's gate, but they are really old-school rpg.

  • All of Bioware's games are awesome. ^_^

    Mawula posted: »

    Inquisition is my last game atm. All ME, DA are great. I also love Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's gate, but they are really old-school rpg.

  • O_O.........~goes of to read more fanfics~

    Mawula posted: »

    If you want, you can check out my DAI fanfiction link

  • Also, I heard there is mod for BG with modernized graphics. I played the original about two years ago and it is still cool despite being old-fashioned.

    Good to hear! The mass effect trilogy is one of my favorite series' ever. I've probably played through all 3 games at least 10 times, lol. I've heard Baldur's Gate is great too.

  • ...and all this time I hated fanfic, then I read one of Kristi's, then a few by Peanut, now yours, and I honesty enjoyed them quite a bit. Must be the hopeless romantic in me, Idk, but its the romance in it that I think does it.

    Mawula posted: »

    If you want, you can check out my DAI fanfiction link

  • Why did you hate it? I was a reader long before I was a writer. If anyone's interested, I can pm the link to the most awesome NWN2 fanfic I ever read.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    ...and all this time I hated fanfic, then I read one of Kristi's, then a few by Peanut, now yours, and I honesty enjoyed them quite a bit. Must be the hopeless romantic in me, Idk, but its the romance in it that I think does it.

  • edited November 2015

    Okay so I just came across something (again, this is along the lines of how I start every post on here lol so sad)




  • Hello everyone! I hope everyone are doing alright. I just woke up and is immediately writing this. Do you know why? I had a Rhyiona dream! And I am writing everything I just dreamt and sharing to you guys! I don't want to forget this one, so I immediately jumped out of bed, once the dream is over, wrote down everything I remember from the dream and immediately started writing. I hope you enjoy this story. :)

    Rhys and Fiona are looking around in a very dangerous location. There are lava and fire everywhere. Red rocks. It is very warm. Rhys and Fiona are both having a space helmet in order to protect themselves from the heat, so they aren't affected.

    Rhys: "So...This place is rather dangerous..."

    Fiona: "What did you expect? This is the Nether. An underground hell."

    Rhys: "Yeah, the fire, lava, the heat...This is hell. Why are we here again?"

    Fiona turned to Rhys.

    Fiona: "You know why. There is a vault, somewhere in this hell. The Vault of the Pyromancer. And we are going to find it."

    Rhys:"Remind me again...Why didn't we bring Sasha, Vaughn, LB and Gortys with us?"

    Fiona:"I don't know. I think someone is playing with us here..."

    They both got scared for a moment and they look around. Did someone bring them here? But they soon got their attention elsewhere, when a giant floating head appears.

    Rhys: "HOLY-...!"


    And our couple immediately did. They ran toward one direction. The floating head turned its red eyes on them and immediately starts spitting fireballs at them. Luckily, the fireball didn't hit them and only hit the rocks in front of them. The fireball made an explosion and there was a huge hole from where the rock used to be. The floating head keeps following them.

    Rhys:"Oh god! Run!"

    Fiona:"Yes, Captain Obvious! What exactly do think we are doing!?"

    They kept running until they find a bunch of mine carts and there are also train tracks.

    Rhys:"Why are these things here!?"

    Fiona:"Ask questions later! Get on them!"

    Fiona pushed Rhys into one of the carts and them immediately jumped into the one in front of him. The mine charts immediately started moving. The floating head watched as they made their escape.

    The mine carts moved through a large and long tunnel. There was a huge scent of earth, dirt and fire. Luckily, our couple was unable to scent them, due to their protective helmets. The mine carts reached an open area with lots of lava following down like waterfall and there was a lava river.

    Fiona:"This place is awful..."

    Rhys:"Oh really!? You don't say." He said sarcastically as he leaned back.

    The mine carts moved forward and then there was a large lava waterfall right in the path in front of them. Rhys immediately reacted.

    Rhys:"Fiona!" He pointed and Fiona look forward. She gasped.

    Fiona:"Oh god! There...There has to be a switch nearby. Or something!"

    Rhys:"There, Fi! At the right."

    Further up the track, there was a large lever. If was their only option. Stood up and held her hand out, preparing to pull the lever.

    Fiona:"Please don't miss...Don't miss." And Fiona managed to hit the lever, turning it.

    Rhys and Fiona:"Yes! Yes!"

    But then there was suddenly a loud noise. The path suddenly split in two direction. Fiona and Rhys got seperated.



    Now we are following Rhys, who is alone and quite scared. He wished that Vaughn, LB and Gortys are with him right now.

    Rhys:"Okay, Rhys...You have handled worse...You can deal with this one."

    Then a floating head appeared right behind him. The head immediately spit another fireball at him.

    Rhys:"Oh my god!" He made duck and the fireball flew right passed his head.

    Rhys pulled out his stun baton. The floating head fired another fireball and Rhys made a duck for it. The fireball hit his stun baton but instead of exploding, the stun baton instead repel the fireball back at the monster. The monster got hit by its own fireball and it dies. Rhys saw what happened and look at his stun baton. He made a smile.


    Then we have reached a graveyard looking place. There are a lots of tombs, tombstones and countless skeleton lying around everywhere. All in all, it is scary.

    Rhys:"Oh courage...Don't fail me now."

    Rhys' mine carts are suddenly picking up speed. Going a lot faster than it just did. Rhys made a surprised shout as he tried desperately not to fall off or accidentally lean the mine cart too much on one side. Then suddenly some bone hand grab his shoulder. Rhys turn and saw a skeleton right at his face and roaring at him. He shrieked and smack the skeleton with his cyborg hand. The skeleton got crushed by Rhys' mighty hand.

    The mine cart is now in another open area. And Rhys could see the other track and finally saw Fiona. She was shooting at the monsters behind him.

    Rhys:"Fiona!" He waved his hands, trying to get her attention. She turned and saw him.


    The two tracks got closer together and Rhys and Fiona could talk to each other at an arm length.

    Fiona:"Are you alright?"

    Rhys:"Oh, I have been better."

    Fiona:"Good. I have this idea, Rhys. How about we race to the Vault?"

    Rhys:"Racing? Is this really a good time for that!?"

    Fiona:"Hey, remember how we raced to the Vault of the Traveller? Well, you were the one who started the tradition."

    Rhys:"Oh so it is a tradition now? Since when?"

    Fiona:"Uhrm, since...Five week ago..."

    Before they could continue their discussion, three more floating heads appeared right behind them. And they are shooting fireball. Rhys reacted by smacking the fireball back with his stun baton like a baseball. Fiona responded by shooting at them. The fight escalates when tracks behind them is ending. Rhys turned and saw the path is leading them to a cliff.

    Rhys:"Look out-..."

    Fiona turned and made a gasped. Their distraction made them forget the monsters who are spitting fireballs at them. One fireball hit the track behind them and exploded. The explosion gave both of their carts a very large boost and propel them up in the air. They both made a startled shout. The two minecarts are flying briefly and is heading straight toward a continuing track. They both landed on the track, the mine carts are both moving on two wheels, because they are each using the same track, extremely close next to each other. Rhys and Fiona are out of breath but unharmed.

    Right in front of them, there is a large, very large Vault door.

    (This music played during my dream and during the scene. )

    Fiona:"Rhys! It is there! I see the vault." She has such a bright look on her face. Rhys can't help but smile when he saw that.

    Rhys:"And I am getting there first." He said and leaned his mine cart forwards so he was moving faster.

    Fiona:"Jerk! It is mine!" Fiona did the same and lean forward.

    Rhys:"No! Mine!"




    As the couple argue, they forget that they are still moving very fast with their mine carts and the carts are taking directly toward the large Vault door. Closed Vault Door. And by the time, they stopped bickering, it was too late to stop their mine carts. They both smack and crashed into the Vault door. By the time, they understand what is going on, they are both on the floor, lying next to each other, completely tired and in pain.


    Fiona:"Lets....Lets...Call it a tie..."

    Rhys:"Yeah...Let's...Let's do that..." Rhys got on his feet and helped Fiona up. He have a hand around her shoulders. She did the same.

    They both look at the large door. It was soo huge and tall. It was around 1000 meter tall and 500 meter wide. As I said, a huge door. The couple look at it for a moment. Then the door suddenly opened on its own. It opened slowly, but there was a bright light inside. They both held each other closer, as the light is covering them. The light doesn't hurt their eyes. It was a very comforting warmth. Like a warm blanket.

    Fiona:"Let's go in. Together." She smiled at Rhys.

    Rhys:"Together forever." He smiled back at Fiona.

    Arms in arms, they both walk slowly into the light.

    The Vault of the Traveler has granted them the power of teleportation. Thanks to that, Rhys and Fiona are able to travel all over the galaxy, where they will keep looking for Vaults, treasures and more adventures.

    Most importantly, they will be together forever...

  • edited November 2015

    Bias judgment, I assumed if I wanted to read something Mickey Spillane or Raymond Chandler would be the ticket. I just kinda of wrote it off as something bad or not anywhere near as good as what I read over the last few weeks. Hell now I'm trying to write one. ~shakes head~

    Mawula posted: »

    Why did you hate it? I was a reader long before I was a writer. If anyone's interested, I can pm the link to the most awesome NWN2 fanfic I ever read.

  • Now the ship is endorsed by Fiona's VA. Can we say WINNER

  • Cool! I'll be waiting :) it is Rhyiona, right?

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Bias judgment, I assumed if I wanted to read something Mickey Spillane or Raymond Chandler would be the ticket. I just kinda of wrote it off

  • Yeah I'm calling it "Rhyiona Noire" in tribute to my hero Mickey Spillane.

    Mawula posted: »

    Cool! I'll be waiting it is Rhyiona, right?

  • Wow, another new flavour of Rhyiona !

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Yeah I'm calling it "Rhyiona Noire" in tribute to my hero Mickey Spillane.

  • Mine carts? Have you been playing Temple Run lately? :D

    Hello everyone! I hope everyone are doing alright. I just woke up and is immediately writing this. Do you know why? I had a Rhyiona dream! A

  • Actually the Mine carts are inspired or copied directly from Minecraft Story Mode. In my dream, Rhys and Fiona replaced the protagonists of the Minecraft game. It was quite fun to see them in such a situation. I kinda wished I could record my dream and share it. :)

    Mawula posted: »

    Mine carts? Have you been playing Temple Run lately?

  • Ah, I should've guessed it. I never played Minecraft. Cool story, nevertheless.

    Actually the Mine carts are inspired or copied directly from Minecraft Story Mode. In my dream, Rhys and Fiona replaced the protagonists of

  • Hey, I was reading this last night and a question popped in my mind. Have you played Tales with the version in which Rhys chooses Jack in the Atlas factory? If so have you ever scanned Fiona with Jack-apedia? I found his lines pretty interesting.

    Mawula posted: »

    Thanks dear.

  • My heart goes out to you. That relationship is there to destroy people the way things play out.

    Mawula posted: »

    Wise words, friend. Solas/Lavellan is another ship of mine.

  • No, in my play, I trusted Fiona (duh!). But in the roleplay setup the Jack variant was chosen to get not paralyzed Vaughn (who wasn't able to participate after all, ironically). I know nothing of Jackapedia.....

    Hey, I was reading this last night and a question popped in my mind. Have you played Tales with the version in which Rhys chooses Jack in the Atlas factory? If so have you ever scanned Fiona with Jack-apedia? I found his lines pretty interesting.

  • Sold my heart to BioWare and I regret nothing.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    All of Bioware's games are awesome. ^_^

  • Oh, then you missed something that you might find interesting for your writing. Let me write a private message not to spam here with off topic.

    Mawula posted: »

    No, in my play, I trusted Fiona (duh!). But in the roleplay setup the Jack variant was chosen to get not paralyzed Vaughn (who wasn't able to participate after all, ironically). I know nothing of Jackapedia.....

  • I also ship past!Solas/Mythal and I made Mythal leave Solas' body for Ellana's. So he can love both women at once ;)

    My heart goes out to you. That relationship is there to destroy people the way things play out.

  • Okaaay, now I super intrigued! Fire it, my friend!

    Oh, then you missed something that you might find interesting for your writing. Let me write a private message not to spam here with off topic.

  • enter image description here

    I can see what the next image will be ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • You have two hands, buddy! Press both.

  • Oh glad to know I am not alone in this. I do believe there was something strong between Solas and Mythal. But right now, DA just left us with a lot of unanswered questions. Oh well, I can't wait for ME Andromeda. My fingers are itching for that game.

  • And it's not with you

    Dracu98 posted: »

    I got a baaaaad feeling 'bout this

  • I've got sad news from @Fleur_du_mal, Handsome Jack doesn't ship Rhyiona :( my heart is torn in two pieces...

    I can't love you anymore, Jack!

    looks at Jack gifs

    No, who am I kidding. I still love him....

  • Ah no babe, don't be like that!

    He still ships it, actually. He thinks they are 'precious'. Poogers has evidence:

    you guys are precious

    He's just in denial when things get real. He's a lovable coward like that.

    Mawula posted: »

    I've got sad news from @Fleur_du_mal, Handsome Jack doesn't ship Rhyiona my heart is torn in two pieces... I can't love you anymore, Jack! looks at Jack gifs No, who am I kidding. I still love him....

  • Hey, everyone. I'm back from school ^-^

    How are you all today? <3

  • edited November 2015

    enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    I've got sad news from @Fleur_du_mal, Handsome Jack doesn't ship Rhyiona my heart is torn in two pieces... I can't love you anymore, Jack! looks at Jack gifs No, who am I kidding. I still love him....

  • i'm awesome, fam, thx for asking

    enter image description here


    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, everyone. I'm back from school ^-^ How are you all today?

  • I'm good but I'm kinda angry right now cause Google Chrome is lagging on my PC because my brother is downloading CS:GO and it takes so much of the internet connection ;-;

    LMAO he got jealous that I got CS:GO so he decided to use my Steam account on his laptop since my PC is a total potato ;^)

    i'm awesome, fam, thx for asking wbu?

  • hahaha how rude :P

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm good but I'm kinda angry right now cause Google Chrome is lagging on my PC because my brother is downloading CS:GO and it takes so much

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