Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • This is "almost kissing 69 style" :)

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • I used to write this kind of thing all. the. time. I feel a little out-of-practice, so I'm glad I haven't completely lost my touch for these kind of scenes.

    I think replaying Episode 4 before I wrote this helped a lot since Fiona is much tougher for me to get right.

    I'm happy you liked it so much! :D

    Oh my goodness peanut. I didn't know you had it in you! "Besides, I'm Pandoran. We mark what's ours so no one else takes it..." This line was great. Sounded jus like Fiona. This was hot. Wow wow

  • Ohohohohoh :^)

    Mawula posted: »

    This is "almost kissing 69 style"

  • I kind of still have that headache, weirdly enough...

    And I only got about two hours of sleep...

    But yeah, I'm feeling great!

    Mawula posted: »

    Feeling better?

  • edited December 2015


    Okay, so...quick survey of opinions, here...

    Before his first time with Fiona, would Rhys be a virgin?

    And would Fiona be one?

    I have my own thoughts on this, but I want to hear everyone else's.

  • I( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)can't wait( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)to read it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    :B Heh heh. Expect something similar for your prompt gift thing...

  • Neither because how will they be so good in bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    In all seriousness I don't think so, but he'd still be really nervous so Fiona would have to assure him.

    WHOOOOO LOOK AT ALL THIS RHYIONA! I LOVE IT. Okay, so...quick survey of opinions, here... Before his first time with Fiona, would Rhys

  • Rhys is probably a virgin, but Fiona... I'm not sure...

    WHOOOOO LOOK AT ALL THIS RHYIONA! I LOVE IT. Okay, so...quick survey of opinions, here... Before his first time with Fiona, would Rhys

  • Z-ZAPPY!


    ZapThroat posted: »

    I'm good,finally got my internet back..fucking internet providers -_-

  • you want him so hard

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    Oh man, you want him so hard

  • She could feel her eye twitching involuntarily every few minutes and it was becoming more irritating than she could handle.

    To be fair, she exhaled loudly in annoyance, it wasn't technically her fault -- if only he would stop-

    "Or would you prefer... Fiona-kins? Oh man..." Rhys wiped a tear away amidst his torture session, "okay, not even I can take that one seriously."


    She was speaking through gritted teeth and it surprised even herself when the words still came out somewhat clearly. Rhys was too busy laughing, however, and she bitterly decided she'd need to take another approach if she wanted to go anywhere.

    "I could also call you princess." He just kept going. "Even though that's a little out of character, don't you think?"


    She was speaking clearly now and her voice was loud enough to imply anger. He'd heard her, she could tell, and he bit his tongue for a few seconds -- probably pondering what to do -- before he decided to just keep pressing on and she was suddenly reminded that he was never very good at making decisions anyway.

    "Aw, come on," his voice sounded mocking but she knew him well enough to know the subtle waver meant he was slightly scared now, "would you prefer Fifi? That sounds like cat name but if you want to, I mean-"

    "I swear," she glared at him with such an intensity that he shrunk in his seat, "if you don't stop you're going to be sleeping with the skags tonight."

    "Hey," he huffed, "at least Lee doesn't complain when I call him a fluffball or anything."

    "That's because he can't talk."

    Her eye roll made him shut up for a while but she knew he wasn't about to drop it just yet -- his fidgety fingers and bouncing leg gave away how nervous he was and she was suddenly left wondering why in the world he'd even brought this up in the first place.

    She was about to ask but he'd already intercepted her as soon as she tried opening her mouth.

    "Okay but consider this," he held up a shaking finger and she had to resist the urge to facepalm, "how about normal nicknames, then? Maybe muffin? Or... or maybe just h-honey...?"

    "What the hell is wrong with you?" She stood and crossed her arms and the sudden shift in perspective seemed to intimidate him. "Did you drink? Last time you got drunk you decided it was a good idea to get into a trash can and propose to me."

    "Listen, I put pink glitter and confetti on it so it'd look prettier-"

    "Not the point." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "But last time you were slurring and you're not right now so I guess that's off the list."

    "Maybe I just want to be a gentleman, you ever considered that?"

    Her snort made his cheeks get warm in embarrassment and he looked away from her in a futile attempt to hide it.

    "'You' and 'gentleman' don't go in the same sentence. And even if they did," she made sure to raise her voice so he wouldn't try to interrupt her again, "my parents gave me a name for a reason. So, use it."

    He was defeated, she knew, but she didn't have time to relish on her victory before someone quite literally crashed through their window, the glass cracks spilling all over the floor.

    "I knew it," they fisted pumped the air before Fiona had time to process that it was, in fact, Vaughn standing there, "you owe me money, Rhys."

    "What..." she was left blinking cluelessly, "what is..."

    Rhys cursed under his breath -- she could swear she'd heard him call him a money leech -- before shoving the content of his wallet inside Vaughn's hand as the latter just jumped out the window with a 'I told you so!' resonating as he left.

    "What the hell just happened here?"

    "You made a bet that you could make me swoon with your... with your nicknames?"

    "Well, maybe not swoon," Rhys nervously laughed, "but I figured you'd at least give in to one of them. Oh, come on, don't look at me that way," he started to sweat when her eyes got a glint that reminded him eerily of daggers, "I was upset you didn't accept my proposal from before and he started saying I just wasn't smooth enough! I had... I had to defend my honour."

    "You're not." She muttered dryly.

    "Gee, thanks, that makes me feel better."

    "Wait," she suddenly narrowed her eyes at him and he could feel himself shiver in anticipation, "you didn't actually think I rejected you, right? I'm just not about to say yes when you're drunk and inside a trash can. That's... reasonable, alright?"

    "So... you're saying yes?"

    "No," she shot down his hope filled frame as he hung his head in shame before she added, "not until you do it properly anyway."

    Hope filled his eyes again before he got down on one knee.

    "I was preparing for this," he chuckled dryly, "b-but it's not like I've been practising daily or anything. Nope. No sir, I just happen to bring this everywhere with me and-"

    "Just get on with it before I tackle you and you won't like what happens next."

    "Oh," he wiggled his eyebrows with a smile, "I think I'd like that, actually-"


    "Okay, okay! Fiona," he winked at her and she sighed in relief that it was her actual name now, "will you-"

    "You owe me now, hah!"

    Rhys stopped in his tracks before, slowly, they both turned towards the window.

    "Aw, man. I didn't think he'd actually have the guts to go for it. And I just earned this too..." Vaughn scratched his head with a pout.

    "Well," Sasha crossed her arms proudly, "I promise I'll buy you a coffee. Or something."

    "Wait," Rhys frowned as the two finally noticed they were being watched, "what's going on now?"

    "Well," Sasha shrugged, "a bet. You've been tricked into proposing. By me. I'm rich now."

    "You... planned this whole thing?" Fiona deadpanned.

    "You bet I did. I made a bet with Vaughn on whether he could man up and propose while sober. I knew he'd only do it if pushed so I convinced Vaughn to come up with the nicknaming thing using the failed drunk escapade from before. It worked." Sasha raised her hands up defensively at their looks. "Hey, I needed money, do you know how much guns cost these days?"

    "She... she played me like a damn fiddle." Vaughn teared up.

    "You know what," Fiona snatched the ring off of Rhys' hands as he yelped in surprise, "let's skip the formality, it's a yes. Let's just have a drink, I think I need it after all this."

    She almost choked on her drink later when a drunk Rhys scooted closer and started whispering nicknames in her ear.


    also this is probably not 100% what was asked for buuut I wanted to include more stuff ;-; sorry? pls forgive typos thx

    i promise i'll write cheese next

  • Instinct and true love, that's how.

    Yeah, even if he wasn't, it wouldn't be like he'd gotten any action recently...

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Neither because how will they be so good in bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) In all seriousness I don't think so, but he'd still be really nervous so Fiona would have to assure him.

  • First to like!


    Nothing else to say. Nicely written tho :D

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She could feel her eye twitching involuntarily every few minutes and it was becoming more irritating than she could handle. To be fair, s

  • Nice, very nice.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She could feel her eye twitching involuntarily every few minutes and it was becoming more irritating than she could handle. To be fair, s

  • hey, armis, long time no see. :D thanks, buddy, how you doing?

    armis37 posted: »

    First to like! ... Nothing else to say. Nicely written tho

  • thanks jacky <3

    Nice, very nice.

  • Just because you made a Rhyiona fanfic about nicknames doesn't mean I should get a nickname.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    thanks jacky

  • "Did you drink? Last time you got drunk you decided it was a good idea to get into a trash can and propose to me."

    "Listen, I put pink glitter and confetti on it so it'd look prettier-"

    I CAN'T

    I loved this so much, god bless you Wolf!

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She could feel her eye twitching involuntarily every few minutes and it was becoming more irritating than she could handle. To be fair, s

  • He already had a girlfriend. Think it's mentioned in episode 4 when they go after Vasquez's face. With or without this info I still don't believe he's a virgin. I mean it's endlessly fun to pick on him but he's definitely not as simple as people like to depict him. My two cents.

    Also, pff.. Fiona. Clearly not a virgin either. But if you ask me she's 100% demisexual.

    WHOOOOO LOOK AT ALL THIS RHYIONA! I LOVE IT. Okay, so...quick survey of opinions, here... Before his first time with Fiona, would Rhys

  • My day is complete.

    Also...I may or may not try to draw Rhys in a glittery pink trash can....

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    She could feel her eye twitching involuntarily every few minutes and it was becoming more irritating than she could handle. To be fair, s


    Just because you made a Rhyiona fanfic about nicknames doesn't mean I should get a nickname. Disillusioned

  • I'm alright, trying to achieve mah goals and enjoying life ^^

    What about you?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    hey, armis, long time no see. thanks, buddy, how you doing?

  • Lenny-face Lottii strikes again.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)can't wait( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)to read it( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • thank you thank you <3 glad you enjoyed

    lottii-lu posted: »

    "Did you drink? Last time you got drunk you decided it was a good idea to get into a trash can and propose to me." "Listen, I put pin


    My day is complete. Also...I may or may not try to draw Rhys in a glittery pink trash can....

  • Just because I'm telling you to not give me nicknames doesn't mean I'm mean.

    K I'll make you happy agian.

    You're... uhh... Special?

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »


  • I'm playing Pokemon. It's great. B)

    Hope you've achieved some of the stuff you wanted. :D

    armis37 posted: »

    I'm alright, trying to achieve mah goals and enjoying life ^^ What about you?

  • it's... it's something

    Just because I'm telling you to not give me nicknames doesn't mean I'm mean. K I'll make you happy agian. You're... uhh... Special?

  • Ayy no worries I'm a natural at it.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    it's... it's something

  • Yeah, but he also seemed to imply that he'd be okay if her face ended up as a skin pizza, so....I'm not too sure that was a good relationship... But I guess a relationship doesn't have to be good or healthy for sex to be involved. Unfortunately.

    Anyway, my view is this: I don't think he is either, but I still see him as relatively inexperienced. Going by Vaughn's mention of parties in college and how Rhys was "the cool guy" I'm sure he at least messed around a little.

    For Fiona, I figure she's been in this con business long enough that she's had to use some more...physical forms of persuasion to get what she wants, so she'd know a thing or two.

    He already had a girlfriend. Think it's mentioned in episode 4 when they go after Vasquez's face. With or without this info I still don't be

  • thx it made me feel better

    Ayy no worries I'm a natural at it.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »




  • That's what friends do, pal.

    So explain to me why you stopped those kisses, kinda miss em.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    thx it made me feel better

  • Poor Peanut, I'll give you some Rhyiona soon.

    I kind of still have that headache, weirdly enough... And I only got about two hours of sleep... But yeah, I'm feeling great!

  • oh no no no you're using juvia against me, I think I'll have to post them again then

    That's what friends do, pal. So explain to me why you stopped those kisses, kinda miss em.

  • Wanna say something? :)

    you want him so hard

  • No I'm not, I'm using a Juvia gif to express my emotions.

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    oh no no no you're using juvia against me, I think I'll have to post them again then

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