Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



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    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    "I'm going to destroy you."

  • no, I mean that Loader Bot is okay, he's fine

    loader bot is fine tho It isn't fine if I cried about Jack? That's what I meant.

  • wtf y tf is dis so good????????

    lottii-lu posted: »


  • Yes but I still cried when left on Helios.

    That brofist was so emotional ;-;

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    no, I mean that Loader Bot is okay, he's fine

  • I've been wanting to write something involving Stacey for a while...and it probably won't be too pretty...

    I've never actually played through the "Trust Jack" option, only watched it, but I do want to play through and explore dialogue options for it sometime.

    I think Fiona would be his first in a long time. I mean, we don't even know if Stacey worked in Hyperion (but we can assume, since the feasibility of her face being on a psycho would be really low if she wasn't at least near Pandora), so who knows how long it's been. Fiona would likely take the lead...at first, anyway. ;P

    ...now you're making me want to use a completely different dynamic. Inexperienced but confident Fiona and awkward, nervous Rhys.... I like it...

    No need to apologize at all! I love character analysis!

    Yep. Exactly. For his previous relationship. Well.. in regards to how he feels about his ex it can also have a lot to do on how the relat

  • Isn't there time for both...? :)

    Mawula posted: »

    This is madness, I'm torn between reading and writing... o_O

  • But...but I'm so hyped!

    Isn't there time for both...?

  • Fiona would likely take the lead...at first, anyway.

    This!! This is exactly how I see it. I've been playing with a lot of ideas about them and what their dynamics would be after they become an established couple. (maybe with a bit of luck and free time I will put some of them in words as well). Fiona is good at improvising and Rhys is the one with a plan. This is how they work during the entire game. I am sure it applies to all the small things in their personal lives without them even noticing. Rhys has a mind that works at a fast peace and well, Fiona and her confidence is an enabler. So there you have it. The reason why I believe they have an entertaining private life.

    Right :)) Character analysis - I'm all game for this.

    In the meantime I'll just go explode some Torgue stuff in BL2.

    I've been wanting to write something involving Stacey for a while...and it probably won't be too pretty... I've never actually played thr

  • edited December 2015

    The third third of "Left". A happier thing, but still angsty. Enjoy, my dearies!

    Rhys is tired. And it is not surprising, because he had almost two shifts today. Still, he is pretty much content, as Jack does not seem to be returning any time soon.

    Rhys enters the room, where they are all sleeping these days. It is dark, but the moon fills it with somewhat magical light, that Rhys is still getting used to. There is no moonlight on the moon.

    He passes Fiona's bed. She is already sleeping... Is she? Rhys notices her straining herself a bit as he nears her. What is there to loose more, Rhys wonders. So he sits at her feet. He can try.

    "Hey. I-I really hope you're not sleeping, well, huh, in fact I'm pretty sure you're not, cause I hear your breathing, and it's not even.... And I would not be talking to you if I didn't think you're awake, it is stupid to talk to a sleeping man...wo-woman, I mean... oh, god help me, I'm not good at it..."

    Rhys stops to take a breath. He fears he is getting on her nerves with all that trash talk. He must gather himself, this is so damn important.

    "I want to explain you everything, Fiona." There it is, a whole good sentence without jokes or stuttering, or laughing. Rhys continues, encouraged a little bit. "I admit it was very wrong to keep the information from you, and others, of course, I mean, you plural, not like I'm talking about you specifically..." Rhys has to pause again, putting his folded fingers to his nose, closing his eyes to concentrate. "I was a coward, right? I was." His guilt eases its grasp with those words. "I was afraid to lose what we had - trust, friendship, a-affection... And I lost it." Rhys sighs. "B-but..." He finally turns his face to look at her, meaning the back of her head on a pillow. The wave of tenderness sweeps over him. "...can you give me one more chance?" He waits for her answer, heart beating too loudly for him in the night quietness.

    There is none.

    No way he is abandoning it now. Nope, not after all he's said.

    "Look, I know you hear me. I know you're kind. You're the second-chance-giver. You even spared Felix!" Rhys resumes his speech, his desperation revealing a new level of self-confidence.

    At these words, Fiona moves, and sits upright, clutching the blanket around her chest. "Never compare yourself to him." Her eyes glitter in the dark, as she glares at Rhys, indignant and hurt. "Felix was my family... or at least I called him that once." She adds in a broken whisper.

    Rhys reaches out his flesh arm and his fingers brush her crossed hands in front of him. It is involuntarily that he tries to comfort her, but she shivers away from his touch. She doesn't say anything angry though.

    "I w-was your friend...or at least you called me th-that once." Rhys repeats after her, watching her gently.

    Fiona's face reflects her confusion. But after a moment her mouth softens and she slumps her shoulders, relaxing her posture. She drops her hands to her knees, the blanket following.

    "You're right, Rhys." Fiona says quietly. Their eyes meet finally. "I..." She sighs. "I wish I could trust you, I wish it so much!" She exhales. She looks so tired, exhausted, worn out. She is so small and simple, night hair, old tank top, dark circles under her eyes.

    Rhys covers her hands with his left one. It is all he can think off, no words coming into his head.

    Fiona continues: "I can't trust you while you have him in your head. But we have to work together. I want to know everything: his plans, his thoughts, his opinions... You tell me everything you know." She states forcefully.

    Rhys lets out a short nervous laugh. "I d-don't think you w-want to know all." Fiona arches an eyebrow at him, urging him to elaborate. "Jack has a thing for you... big, dark, twisted, kinky thing." Rhys swallows, finding it hard to look at her.

    "What?!" Fiona asks in a high-pitched voice, almost a squeak.

    Rhys nods shamefully. "That night he really enjoyed himself. And your reaction." He can swear he is glowing red now. But what's worse, when glances up at Fiona, he finds her in the similar state.

    "Fiona..." He calls her softly. "I know, you liked that, but..." He pauses and tries to start again. "I know Jack is one hell of a charmer, I used to w-worship him... and partly because m-most Hyperion girls were all over him..." Rhys squeezes her fingers, seeming desperate. "I b-beg you, Fiona... whatever comes, stay away from Jack."

    Fiona smiles genuinely. "Rhys, there is nothing for you to worry about." She relaxes and begins to lie down.

    Rhys watches her suspiciously. He has to make his point clear. And he fears so much for her, after all he heard from Jack.

    "Wh-why? Do you mean you'd never or..." He musters up his courage. "...you'd already...." He can't voice his worst fear.

    Fiona covers herself with the blanket and turns her back to him again, curling into comfortable position. Then her reply comes, muffled by the pillow:

    "I mean I'm interested in someone else."

    Rhys chooses to believe what he wants to. He promises himself he will never betray her trust again.

    Little does he know what awaits him on Helios.

    Full chapter here

  • I'm here for all of this! Please and thank you :))
    Loved it.

    Mawula posted: »

    The third third of "Left". A happier thing, but still angsty. Enjoy, my dearies! Rhys is tired. And it is not surprising, because he ha

  • "Look, I know you hear me. I know you're kind. You're the second-chance-giver. You even spared Felix!" Rhys resumes his speech, his desperation revealing a new level of self-confidence.

    Sorry not canon in my story.

    No seriously, it's a really good chapter. Lack of Jack though.

    haha... Lack of Jack...

    enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    The third third of "Left". A happier thing, but still angsty. Enjoy, my dearies! Rhys is tired. And it is not surprising, because he ha

  • It was hard for me, but Fiona isn't me, she hates Jack. I don't know how to explain it, but in fact it amuses me to write characters who I disagree with...

    "Look, I know you hear me. I know you're kind. You're the second-chance-giver. You even spared Felix!" Rhys resumes his speech, his desperat

  • Thinking about their dynamic like this makes it so much easier to imagine, somehow...

    I'd be happy if season 2 was just "the life of Rhyiona". Like them doing mundane things. I love imagining how they interact in a domestic setting. And I'm sure their sex life is insane.

    In the meantime I'll just go explode some Torgue stuff in BL2.

    "And, uh...don't worry about the subclauses about explosions 'n all that...I mighta copied it from Torgue..."

    Fiona would likely take the lead...at first, anyway. This!! This is exactly how I see it. I've been playing with a lot of ideas abou

  • I'll put it all together on AO3. I like it together even more.

    I'm here for all of this! Please and thank you ) Loved it.

  • Dang I need to remember to subscribe to you!

    Mawula posted: »

    I'll put it all together on AO3. I like it together even more.

  • Today has been such a good day for Rhyiona.

    This was beautiful. :)

    Mawula posted: »

    The third third of "Left". A happier thing, but still angsty. Enjoy, my dearies! Rhys is tired. And it is not surprising, because he ha

  • I'm waiting for your Rhyiona there :)

    Dang I need to remember to subscribe to you!

  • Agreed. It was amazing. First fanfic from Kenny, first steamy fic that I read from you, first fanfic after a pause from Wolf, me getting back into Rhyiona after my Jacksome sway.... This day was marked.

    Today has been such a good day for Rhyiona. This was beautiful.

  • I'm probably put one up tonight. Hopefully...

    Mawula posted: »

    I'm waiting for your Rhyiona there

  • edited December 2015

    Because the second role play I'm planning to write happens on Helios, I'm starting to write it now. And only after it I'll do the last chapter "Right".

    And I really hope it will inspire me as wonderfully as the first one.

    Jack will be the main character, I have to warn ya all ;)

  • I think this is relevant again.

    enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    Agreed. It was amazing. First fanfic from Kenny, first steamy fic that I read from you, first fanfic after a pause from Wolf, me getting back into Rhyiona after my Jacksome sway.... This day was marked.

  • Today favors Rhyiona!

    I'm probably put one up tonight. Hopefully...


    Okay. Then I'll put up the first chapter of my Blurbs collection tonight.

    Mawula posted: »

    Today favors Rhyiona!

  • I better get going on those reaction pictures...

    Mawula posted: »

    Because the second role play I'm planning to write happens on Helios, I'm starting to write it now. And only after it I'll do the last chapt

  • So..ahem,sorry that I was away for a little but I was replaying ep2 of MCSM to warm up for EP3.How's everyone here? <3

    Also Sandra,if you could read this,please know that I'm very sorry for what happened to you,I didn't mean it really :'I

  • Hey dude,missed ya too <3

    enter image description here

    How ya doing?

    @ZapThroat ZAPS BACK

  • She also said that she wanted to kill you or some shit.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So..ahem,sorry that I was away for a little but I was replaying ep2 of MCSM to warm up for EP3.How's everyone here? Also Sandra,if you could read this,please know that I'm very sorry for what happened to you,I didn't mean it really :'I

  • Ask Rhys to do the html tags for you :)


    YOU'RE RIGHT. Okay. Then I'll put up the first chapter of my Blurbs collection tonight.

  • enter image description here

    Mawula posted: »

    Because the second role play I'm planning to write happens on Helios, I'm starting to write it now. And only after it I'll do the last chapt

  • Write a role-play? Huh?

    Mawula posted: »

    Because the second role play I'm planning to write happens on Helios, I'm starting to write it now. And only after it I'll do the last chapt

  • Oh no.

    You're using Rhys on me.

    It's like Juvia for Wolf.

    Mawula posted: »

    Ask Rhys to do the html tags for you

  • edited December 2015

    Oh, that'd be really cool.

    Also, guys, I think some Hyperion employees should be participating in the rp. Anyone wants to play them? I can write them according to your wishes (gender, occupation, age etc.)

    I better get going on those reaction pictures...

  • WOAH

    enter image description here

    B-but..I apologized more than once,and if she really wanted to come back on here again,she could just create another profile.

    I'm really really sorry once more ;_;

    Eryka posted: »

    She also said that she wanted to kill you or some shit.

  • You gonna like it. No lack of Jack, nope.

  • Well, now I'm sad about the fact to many TellTale games will be coming out before a new Tales. If they even announce one :(

  • I write a situation and the characters point of view. You choose a character and try to manage in the given situation.

    Write a role-play? Huh?

  • Which version?

    Not yet, but the most important part is that I got motivation for it. It's a nice feeling :)

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I'm playing Pokemon. It's great. Hope you've achieved some of the stuff you wanted.

  • enter image description here
    Try not to meet her IRL

    ZapThroat posted: »

    WOAH B-but..I apologized more than once,and if she really wanted to come back on here again,she could just create another profile. I'm really really sorry once more ;_;

  • batman game, huh

    wheres tftb and twau s2 tho :|

  • I was just about to ask if you wanted some reactions for random Hyperion employees.

    Mawula posted: »

    Oh, that'd be really cool. Also, guys, I think some Hyperion employees should be participating in the rp. Anyone wants to play them? I can write them according to your wishes (gender, occupation, age etc.)

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