Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Jack dancing in the background, though.

  • They confirmed Game of Thrones Season 2 but not even TWAU ;(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    batman game, huh wheres tftb and twau s2 tho

  • Hey there! There was a prompt I saw on Tumblr that I thought was really cute and funny! Did this quickly on my phone, so pardon me if there are any typos. Enjoy! :)

    It's been about an hour since Fiona and Rhys have been working on the tree. The amount of time taken so far could be cut in half if Rhys didn't somehow tangle himself in the Christmas lights. Yet, just because he's Rhys, he was able to do it. After getting those lights off her boyfriend with the assistance Loader Bot and onto the tree, their job was nearly complete. In front of them, was a nice-looking Christmas tree with small little ornaments from Hyperion and Atlas. Even though he hated working there, Rhys can't deny that they had the best little Christmas snowmen ornaments he's ever seen.

    Now all that's left is the store. Big problem, the actual star was nowhere in slight. Box after box, the only objects Loader Bot and Fiona could find is bubble wrap. "Goddammit, where's that star? Fiona groaned to herself, checking out another box. "Any luck on your end, Loader Bot?"

    "Negative. All I have been able to find is an unhealthy amount of bubble wrap." Fiona sighed.

    "Rhys, what about you?" Fiona asked her husband. She looked around the room, hoping to see him help with the effort. However, nowhere to be seen. At least, somewhere normal.

    "Rhys, why are you on the tree?" Fiona could hear Loader Bot ask. Oh. My. God. She looked up to the top of the tree to see her husband, wearing that black Atlas sweater, sitting like a King on the tree.

    "Don't you see, LB?" Rhys cleared his throat. "I AM THE STAR!" Rhys announces with a huge smile on his face. Fiona rolls her eyes.

    "Get down from the damn tree Rhys and help us. We need to find the actual star." Fiona opens up another box and continues to look for the star in there. "There's no point in looking. I...I sorta threw it out for this."

    "Excuse me?" Fiona glared daggers at Rhys, who finally started to see the flaw in his 'perfect' plan. He forgot to factor in that, although Fiona may love him, that doesn't excuse him from getting punched when he deserves it. "You did what with it?" Fiona steps closer to the tree, which translates to Death getting close to Rhys. However, before Fiona could give him pull him off the tree and straight into the carpet, a door creaks open.

    "Fiona, why is Rhys on the top of the tree?" Gortys came out of her room to see her father ontop of the Christmas tree.

    "Because I'm the star, Gortys! Don't you see?"

    "I thought stars were supposed to light up a room?"

    "Oh, I do! I light up the mood. Don't I, Fiona?" Rhys smiles, a bead of sweat rolling down his face.

    "Loader Bot..." Fiona said in an angry tone. She didn't need to say anymore, as Loader Bot already knew what she was eluding to.

    "Gortys, how about we watch some TV in your room? Fiona and Rhys need to finish up." Loader Bot takes Gortys' small black hand into his yellow hand.

    "Oh...okay! Bye Fiona and Rhys, the tree looks amazing by the way!" Gortys waves off the two before entering her room with Loader Bot to watch some nice Christmas specials. With the cute little robot gone, Fiona returned her focus back onto Rhys.

    "Now, I'll ask again because I feel like I misheard the first time." She took a step closer to the tree, which only made Rhys sweat even more. "What did you say?" She grabbed Rhys' leg and smiled, however her smile wasn't what one would call "happy." It twitched a couple of times too.

    "U-uh..." Rhys thought to himself. This was a life or death situation. He could repeat the truth or lie; fully confident that he would die with telling the truth and not sure of how he could get away with the latter, he puts on a nervous smile. "Y-you see...I um..." Having no rational option left, he leaped off from the tree, crashing down onto the floor and his girlfriend being the cushion.

    Once again, the door opened and the two saw Loader Bot peeking out. "Fiona, did you kill Rhys? I am not sure if I would be able to help you clean-" He sees the two ontop of one another. "Oh. Sorry for interrupting but I believe the preferred place for that is in your room." Loader Bot quickly closes the door and presumably goes back to what he was doing.

    "Hehe...That sounds like a wonderful idea!" Rhys jumps to his feet. "We can continue our search for the star later!" Before Fiona could protest, Rhys quickly ran down the hall at full speed and into their bedroom.

    "Goddammit, Rhys. Do you really think now is the time for that?" Fiona shook her head and instead of going back to the boxes, she went to the trash can. She picked it up and carried it away to their bedroom. "Oh Rhys, we're not done"

    "W-why do you have the trash?" Rhys asked, hoping the answer isn't what he thinks it is.

    "I came up with a wonderful idea. Since you, oh y'know, threw out our beautiful little star, you can go look for it." She pushes the trash can into his chest. "Go into the bathroom and do that. Until you find the star, don't call for me." She gives a quick peck on Rhys' cheek and patted his head. "Now be a good boyfriend and do that for me unless you want to get hurt.' Once again, she smiled but it only made Rhys gulp. He quickly nodded and ran to out of the bedroom to the adjacent room, not wanting to find out what would happen if he said no.

  • Try to tell her that I joined the gang,she'd probably change her mind ;)

    Eryka posted: »

    Try not to meet her IRL


    I'm doing good, hope you are as well. Haven't seen your face around here as often so I started to get worried. :)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So..ahem,sorry that I was away for a little but I was replaying ep2 of MCSM to warm up for EP3.How's everyone here? Also Sandra,if you could read this,please know that I'm very sorry for what happened to you,I didn't mean it really :'I

  • I'm good, m8 <3

    So... ZapThroat... When are you going to play GoT? ;^)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    So..ahem,sorry that I was away for a little but I was replaying ep2 of MCSM to warm up for EP3.How's everyone here? Also Sandra,if you could read this,please know that I'm very sorry for what happened to you,I didn't mean it really :'I

  • I think I told her.

    P.S. I didn't say BitchThroat, no I-I didn't

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Try to tell her that I joined the gang,she'd probably change her mind

  • Alpha Sapphire, I'm tired of waiting for Super Mystery Dungeon. :(

    It fills you with determination.

    armis37 posted: »

    Which version? Not yet, but the most important part is that I got motivation for it. It's a nice feeling

  • makes me sad... first Michonne is delayed and now this :(

    They confirmed Game of Thrones Season 2 but not even TWAU ;(

  • enter image description here


    It's just that the internet was off for a "while",they were upgrading the cables from copper to fibers or something :I

    I'm really good too,haven't got much on my plate tomorrow so I'm definitely gonna spend my time here :D

    P.S.Looks like TTG has been really active recently.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    ZAPPY! YOOOO, WHAT'S UP? I'm doing good, hope you are as well. Haven't seen your face around here as often so I started to get worried.

  • Yes, and now I'm full with Rhyiona. Thank you, Kristi. 4 fanfics to read in one day.... Oh my, oh my.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there! There was a prompt I saw on Tumblr that I thought was really cute and funny! Did this quickly on my phone, so pardon me if there

  • Hey dude,long time no see :D

    I'ma download it tonight and start EP1 tomoz probably ;) As I said before my internet was out -_-

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    I'm good, m8 So... ZapThroat... When are you going to play GoT? ;^)

  • For now we have 9 volunteers. I have everyone written down. I do not want to trouble you with hyperions while we are still lacking people to play.

    I was just about to ask if you wanted some reactions for random Hyperion employees.

  • It feels me with realization that life is strange, bro <3

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Alpha Sapphire, I'm tired of waiting for Super Mystery Dungeon. It fills you with determination.

  • BitchThroat,huh?

    enter image description here

    You've taken this too far,haven't you? >:[

    Eryka posted: »

    I think I told her. P.S. I didn't say BitchThroat, no I-I didn't

  • careful, I'm sure some LiS haters might be reading. :P

    armis37 posted: »

    It feels me with realization that life is strange, bro

  • I said to Sandra:

    BitchThroat × You

    (Best ship, am I right?)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    BitchThroat,huh? You've taken this too far,haven't you? >:[

  • I know, right?

    I'm not protected from it either. You can use Jack :D

    Oh no. You're using Rhys on me. It's like Juvia for Wolf.

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I said to Sandra: BitchThroat × You (Best ship, am I right?)

  • Kawaiii and Paul aren't back too :(

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    makes me sad... first Michonne is delayed and now this

  • I'm hungry. Where do you live? I can eat it right now, you?

  • Ugh... that sucks... I just hope your internet won't be out again :(

    And also, good to hear that you may play EP1 tomorrow. And... well... maybe you will need some help to understand things x3 If you need any help with that, you know where to find me ;)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Hey dude,long time no see I'ma download it tonight and start EP1 tomoz probably As I said before my internet was out -_-

  • @BigBadPaul



    Eryka posted: »

    Kawaiii and Paul aren't back too

  • Those beautiful assholes are making me crying

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @BigBadPaul @Kawaiii COME BACK HERE

  • I-I'm just curious,did you upgrade from "Lewd Eryka" to "Cannibal Eryka" or what?

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm hungry. Where do you live? I can eat it right now, you?




    I'd also like to know how it's physically possible to sit at the top of a Christmas tree. Mad skills, Rhys has.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there! There was a prompt I saw on Tumblr that I thought was really cute and funny! Did this quickly on my phone, so pardon me if there

  • I'm both.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    I-I'm just curious,did you upgrade from "Lewd Eryka" to "Cannibal Eryka" or what?

  • Tfw Paul was online on Steam a while ago :|

    Now he's away :|

    Goddamn it :|

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    @BigBadPaul @Kawaiii COME BACK HERE

  • K

    enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm both.

  • I'd rather be over-prepared, so I'll grab a handful for the random Hyperions while I'm going through episode 4.

    Mawula posted: »

    For now we have 9 volunteers. I have everyone written down. I do not want to trouble you with hyperions while we are still lacking people to play.

  • Mate... ZapThroat x Kristi OTP

    Oh shit... I should really stop with those member ships .-.

    Eryka posted: »

    I said to Sandra: BitchThroat × You (Best ship, am I right?)

  • Don't die, please.

    ZapThroat posted: »


  • ZapThroat × You

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Mate... ZapThroat x Kristi OTP Oh shit... I should really stop with those member ships .-.


    and I will revive Jack from that ECHO eye......


  • he must be busy ;-;

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw Paul was online on Steam a while ago Now he's away Goddamn it

  • Ugh... that sucks... I just hope your internet won't be out again :(

    Don't worry ;) They were just upgrading the cables,not gonna happen again..I hope :3

    Good,because I wanted to ask?:What should I know about the "A song of ice and fire" universe before I start?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Ugh... that sucks... I just hope your internet won't be out again And also, good to hear that you may play EP1 tomorrow. And... well...

  • "I AM THE STAR!"

    oh my god

    best line 10/10

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Hey there! There was a prompt I saw on Tumblr that I thought was really cute and funny! Did this quickly on my phone, so pardon me if there

  • This was flawless and I could literally feel the emotion and the scene! Great Job Mawula!

    Mawula posted: »

    The third third of "Left". A happier thing, but still angsty. Enjoy, my dearies! Rhys is tired. And it is not surprising, because he ha

  • Busy having sex with Jen.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    he must be busy ;-;

  • Some accountant (probably virgin) :))

    I'd rather be over-prepared, so I'll grab a handful for the random Hyperions while I'm going through episode 4.

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