Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Oh wow.

    That's so short and so powerful.

    Amazing job.

  • I'm sad, you know? (half-joking)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Forever alone.

  • Thank you so much, really.

    Yeah, it's 319 words, but I think ones like these are better shorter, because it's just click more effective.

    Thank you, thank you so much. <3

    Oh wow. That's so short and so powerful. Amazing job.

  • Absolutely adore this and you Joey!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    She doesn’t call him anymore. He misses their late-night talks, hearing her voice growing softer and softer as she desperately tries to stay

  • Ow. Ow, Cara.

    Brilliant. It's short but it conveys emotion... And ow that ending .~.

  • I want a PM too!

    Would you like me to PM you it? It's not really great because I cannot draw but I don't mind sharing. ^-^ Yeah.. hahah.. happy Rhyiona, right? nothing sad will happen to them in this one..

  • I have major trouble writing short but emotional things, I just tend to ramble on and on, so I find pieces like this very deserving of praise. Being able to say what you need in the least amount of words is a true skill.

    And this, all of these fics and art, this is what the Rhyiona thread should be. Today has been amazing.

    Thank you so much, really. Yeah, it's 319 words, but I think ones like these are better shorter, because it's just click more effective. Thank you, thank you so much.

  • Aww, thanks a bunch, love ya too! <3

    Absolutely adore this and you Joey!

  • So... It's 1:27 AM where I live and I'm bloody tired right now... Ugh... and if only I could stay awake for a few minutes ;-;

    Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! <3 ^-^

    enter image description here

    @OfficialSheriffMaybe, dayum, m8 ;^)

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited December 2015

    Sounds great

    Good night <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So... It's 1:27 AM where I live and I'm bloody tired right now... Ugh... and if only I could stay awake for a few minutes ;-; Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! ^-^ @OfficialSheriffMaybe, dayum, m8 ;^)

  • LMAO.

    Eryka posted: »

    Sounds great Good night

  • I can't deny it tho

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So... It's 1:27 AM where I live and I'm bloody tired right now... Ugh... and if only I could stay awake for a few minutes ;-; Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! ^-^ @OfficialSheriffMaybe, dayum, m8 ;^)

  • Yeah LMAO

    You really love Piper, huh? ;^)

    Should I start shipping you two? :)))

    I can't deny it tho

  • I'm sad.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    Eryka posted: »

    I'm sad.

  • enter image description here

    It's just a phase mkay, maybe...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah LMAO You really love Piper, huh? ;^) Should I start shipping you two? ))

  • Give me a hug, please.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • Me when I use that "special" mod on Piper

    enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah LMAO You really love Piper, huh? ;^) Should I start shipping you two? ))

  • lol Wolfe be like


    Wolfenus54 posted: »


  • :(

    lol Wolfe be like idgaf

  • edited December 2015

    Oh snap been there done that, I loved it Joey, so very real

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    She doesn’t call him anymore. He misses their late-night talks, hearing her voice growing softer and softer as she desperately tries to stay

  • "Fiona!" Rhys yells, while turning around. A gun shot is heard and it flies across the platform and pierces the air into a body, the left side of her abdomen. The body falls to the floor, blood seeping through her red coat.

    She screams, as she lands on her left arm, increasing the pain. Rhys runs over to her, panicking over the possibilities of what could happen to her.
    "Fiona, are you okay?" Rhys panics.
    "Yeah...fine..." Fiona says, her breathing becoming heavier and faster. Fiona tries to prop herself up on a nearby crate, but collapses on her weak arm.
    "Let me..." Rhys wraps his arm around her waist to lift her up, and Fiona unbuttons her red, patterned bodice to reveal a white blouse, which was now soaked with blood on the lower left side. Trying to get a better look at her wound, she tries to undo the shirt. She struggles; her hands are shaking and her breathing has only gotten more unstable.
    "Fiona, let me help you." Rhys offers.
    "No, you're already helped enough."
    Rhys reaches his hands out anyway, knowing that she can't do it herself. Fiona's pale caramel torso is clad with a red bra with black lace detail as the trim. Rhys couldn't help but look; every part of her was mesmerizing to him.
    "She's not gonna like that, Rhys..." Jack says inside Rhys's head. He appears a second later standing next to Fiona. "Unless she's into that kind of stuff. Which I'm sure she's not. "
    Rhys stays silent, attempting to ignore Jack by pulling up the flashlight on his arm.
    "Fi, you're losing a lot of blood." Rhys sighs.
    "Duh, dipshit. She got shot." Jack laughs.
    "Geez, Jack do you ever shut up?!" Rhys almost yells. He turns back to Fiona, realizing that she doesn't know about Jack. About to explain himself, he turns to her but sees her lifeless with her eyes closed.
    "Fiona?" He shakes her shoulders to wake her up.
    "Fi? Fiona?!" He puts his hands on her cheeks and tries to check her pulse.
    "God dammit!" He yells, getting up and kicking a nearby crate. It was painful but her ignored it, trying to figure out what to do with himself.
    "I doubt she dead, Rhys." Jack says. "But if you take her to my office, there's a medic kit in there."
    Rhys doesn't respond, but he begins to pick up Fiona, bridal style.
    On the way to Jack's office, Rhys is silent with Fiona unconscious in his arms. He looks down at her, scared that she won't make it through this.
    "I had a girlfriend like Fiona once. She was everything I love in a woman. Cunning. Ruthless. Beautiful and feisty. She liked me for who I was and I could relate to her. She was sexy and everything she said came out like a breath of fire. She wore a hat too." Jack sighs, and continued to talk about his former love. "I truly believe that she could've been the love of life. But then she died."

    "Sound familiar, Rhys?"

  • Just posted a fic, hope you like it when you wake up!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    So... It's 1:27 AM where I live and I'm bloody tired right now... Ugh... and if only I could stay awake for a few minutes ;-; Good night, everyone! GoT rated Rhyiona dreams! ^-^ @OfficialSheriffMaybe, dayum, m8 ;^)

  • That's a shame if you've been there, sorry man x)

    And thank you, may I say your fanfic was very good as well :D

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Oh snap been there done that, I loved it Joey, so very real

  • ah I was going to sleep but I couldn't because I'm having an headache. However now I'm glad because I had a chance to read this great fanfic of yours :)

    This is gloomy and sad but I love it :)

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    She doesn’t call him anymore. He misses their late-night talks, hearing her voice growing softer and softer as she desperately tries to stay

  • ErykaEryka Banned
    edited December 2015

    Am I annoying too much? Should I leave? :(

  • edited December 2015

    Teen romance, what are you going to do. Well thank you ^.^ not a bad first attempt. Also Peanut, Maw, Kristi and Wolfy's are much better then mine no need to add me to that list.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    That's a shame if you've been there, sorry man x) And thank you, may I say your fanfic was very good as well

  • Wow, Jack, that's cold...

    But I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

    "Fiona!" Rhys yells, while turning around. A gun shot is heard and it flies across the platform and pierces the air into a body, the left si

  • Ouch, I really hope you feel better soon Hanna. Try to get some sleep :(

    Ah thanks ^-^

    nohuhhuh posted: »

    ah I was going to sleep but I couldn't because I'm having an headache. However now I'm glad because I had a chance to read this great fanfic of yours This is gloomy and sad but I love it

  • Mm true, c'est la vie. It certainly wasn't a bad attempt and you deserve to be on the list as much as anyone else!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Teen romance, what are you going to do. Well thank you ^.^ not a bad first attempt. Also Peanut, Maw, Kristi and Wolfy's are much better then mine no need to add me to that list.

  • Oh... That's harsh and very good :D Love it!

    "Fiona!" Rhys yells, while turning around. A gun shot is heard and it flies across the platform and pierces the air into a body, the left si

  • Tried really hard to be cold yay

    Wow, Jack, that's cold... But I guess I shouldn't be surprised...

  • No, Eryka, you shouldn't. You could tone down the creepiness just a tad though :)

    Eryka posted: »

    Am I annoying too much? Should I leave?

  • Thanks Joey!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh... That's harsh and very good Love it!

  • Popping in to tell you to stop dissing yourself.

    Your story is Rhyiona, it's funny, it's in-character, and that's what matters.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Teen romance, what are you going to do. Well thank you ^.^ not a bad first attempt. Also Peanut, Maw, Kristi and Wolfy's are much better then mine no need to add me to that list.

  • That's the way I am.

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    No, Eryka, you shouldn't. You could tone down the creepiness just a tad though

  • Oh well.

    Eryka posted: »

    That's the way I am.

  • Well, you nailed it!

    Tried really hard to be cold yay

  • *when I'm joking

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Oh well.

  • tfw you're having a great Rhyiona day but the flu gets you ;-;

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