Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • edited December 2015

    I also found this .___.


    Also, side note... Those were canon in BL1? Also, the "Kill Yourself" side mission raises so many questions. And now I believe that all the BL1 characters are just digistructed versions of them. Not the real ones, which can be distubring...

    New-U's aren't considered canon. Anthony Burch has admitted it was just a plothole he didn't feel like fixing when he wrote BL2. New

  • edited December 2015

    Well there's all the continuity mumbo jumbo- timey wimey stuff between the first 2 games alone. So there is so much grey area to decipher, at least between BL2 and TPS is easier because its the same writer and therefore same rules apply

    enter image description here

    I also found this .___. Also, side note... Those were canon in BL1? Also, the "Kill Yourself" side mission raises so many questions.

  • omg you are alive

    I can't believe I missed the group picture thing Though lol@ Ayase standing. I call bullshit xD

  • edited December 2015

    I love how ClapTrap's just being a freakin' waiter XD

    But that Jack pic was also on Dameon Clarke's twitter. The art he receives and posts is truely amazing. Some Holo-Jack in there aswell

    Well there's all the continuity mumbo jumbo- timey wimey stuff between the first 2 games alone. So there is so much grey area to decipher, at least between BL2 and TPS is easier because its the same writer and therefore same rules apply

  • “The way I see it, I’m alive, I’m getting new guns, there’s alcohol here, and my girlfriend’s got some kinda surprise for me, so I’d say I’m doin’ alright.”

    Ouch, that burn, August! That's my unstable baby!

    So I have to disappear for the rest of the day to finish an essay, but I want to contribute my daily Rhyiona. First: I managed to get

  • Rabbit didnt choose the thug life the thug life chose him.

    i'd slap you but I don't want to get slut on my hand

  • Im doing great. I had to the Asher is real! <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey, guys! I'm back from school ^-^ How are you all today? Sees that @Morphias changed his avatar to Asher. Yas! YAS

  • Asher is bae <33333

    Morphias posted: »

    Im doing great. I had to the Asher is real!

  • Always and forever.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Asher is bae <33333

  • pops into the thread

    Not gonna lie, I sort of enjoyed his character but didn't really like him till Episode 4 when I rejected Hyperion. That was the moment I went, "Oh. My. God. I...I think I love you now."

    (Mostly because that was the moment I knew that is threats weren't so empty and I was like YES GOOD GIVE ME MORE. What can I say? I love a good villain....)

    Mawula posted: »

    What can I say?... I didn't like Jack till our first roleplay. I can't explain it. He just.... got into my head, out of control... Edit.

  • Excellent.

    Morphias posted: »

    Im doing great. I had to the Asher is real!

  • Still on semi-hiatus for During the Mayhem (gotta love final essays, yay), but I wanted to post this moment that popped into my head for some reason...

    There's a brief sort of pause before Rhys struggles, his Adam's apple bobbing as he tries to figure what to ask the figure before him.

    Why are you here?

    What does this mean for all of us?

    How can we trust anything you've said?

    "Why her?" He asks instead, his voice wavering more than he wants it to as the figure crosses their arms.

    The figure chuckles, a low sort of sound that seems to vibrate in his bones before they respond.

    "Why not?"

  • Pls i hope Asher and Gwyn hook up in S2 although i didnt finish the first but i still hope. One can only dream.

    Pipas posted: »


  • Oh, I'm sorry Peanut, even as tired as I was, I should have guessed that.

    Coming out of lurking to clarify, here. I'd meant BigBadWolf was writing the Christmas fic, my bad. There are two "wolf"s around here, lo

  • All I want for Christmas is Rhyiona.

  • Get the art flowing

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    Mad Source

  • All I want for Christmas is @Morphias, @Kawaiii and @BigBadPaul

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    All I want for Christmas is Rhyiona.

  • edited December 2015

    Yea it happens,

    Eryka posted: »

    All I want for Christmas is @Morphias, @Kawaiii and @BigBadPaul

  • Asher.....Always and forever!

    Pipas posted: »


  • From what I saw in the patch notes, making a lot of the bosses respawn for farming largely alleviated that issue? Know what else could have been done to satisfy people?

    Yeah, I enjoyed it too. I actually enjoyed the game unlike the people ranting about the endgame. Which is pretty weak but it isn't game ruining, it was more based on the story.

  • This is quite hot...

    Well there's all the continuity mumbo jumbo- timey wimey stuff between the first 2 games alone. So there is so much grey area to decipher, at least between BL2 and TPS is easier because its the same writer and therefore same rules apply

  • edited December 2015

    1st-Love Rhys's cocky grin and Fiona is quite lovey

    2nd- I'm a rock and metal dude, but that was lovely.

    3rd- Awesome can't wait to read the rest ^_^

    So I have to disappear for the rest of the day to finish an essay, but I want to contribute my daily Rhyiona. First: I managed to get

  • enter image description here


    Poogers555 posted: »

    Get the art flowing Mad Source

  • Fiona's skintone is perfect in the first picture. So cute!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Get the art flowing Mad Source

  • When someone tries to force Rhysa down your throat

    enter image description here

  • edited December 2015

    God isn't that the truth, I want to Spartan kick them down a well.

    When someone tries to force Rhysa down your throat

  • Then you get their address

    enter image description here

    Kennybadger posted: »

    God isn't that the truth, I want to Spartan kick them down a well.

  • Then walk away like a boss

    enter image description here

    Then you get their address

  • From Dusk Till Dawn, entertaining movie :)

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Then walk away like a boss

  • Loved that movie, the Series is pretty awesome too.

    From Dusk Till Dawn, entertaining movie

  • More dlc with more raid bosses.

    The Claptastic Voyage was really well received. But sadly they stopped making DLC. It might have been a better game if they made more DLC.

    From what I saw in the patch notes, making a lot of the bosses respawn for farming largely alleviated that issue? Know what else could have been done to satisfy people?

  • Oh yeah I forgot about that. The developers probably didn't have the motivation to and 2k australia closing down might have had something to do with it. Would have been nice if Gearbox picked up the reigns though.

    Least the proper sequel Bl3 will have 4 full length DLC's, not including those short headhunter packs.

    More dlc with more raid bosses. The Claptastic Voyage was really well received. But sadly they stopped making DLC. It might have been a better game if they made more DLC.

  • Sees the GIF


    When someone tries to force Rhysa down your throat

  • edited December 2015

    I had to do it. :)

    enter image description here

    also King Leonidas shipping Rhyiona confirmed


    You're my hero, bro.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I had to do it. also King Leonidas shipping Rhyiona confirmed

  • edited December 2015

    Aww thanks Peanut. <3

    though to be honest, Unnamed Soldier #3 needs props for getting the Rhysha hate flowing in my head.


  • enter image description here

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I had to do it. also King Leonidas shipping Rhyiona confirmed

  • True, true. I'll thank both of you, then! Long live the Rhyionan Empire!

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Aww thanks Peanut. though to be honest, Unnamed Soldier #3 needs props for getting the Rhysha hate flowing in my head.


  • May it reign forever.

    True, true. I'll thank both of you, then! Long live the Rhyionan Empire!

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