Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • I'm happy either way :)

    I'm super excited!! I'd love to take Fiona, honestly....if no one else wants her. I can always go back to August, too.

  • We shall carry this ship to the stars.

    Don't do it, Cara.

    Don't do it...

    DON'T D-

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    goddamnit she did it she put a lenny face in a conversation

    I'm super excited!! I'd love to take Fiona, honestly....if no one else wants her. I can always go back to August, too.

  • Straight to the top, babe...

    enter image description here

    We shall carry this ship to the stars. Don't do it, Cara. Don't do it... DON'T D- ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) goddamnit she did it she put a lenny face in a conversation

  • Wait, she's online on Skype!?

    Gets on Skype quick.


  • Now all we need it Paul and it will be like good o'l times!


  • enter image description here

    Never heard you swear before, m'lady,

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    In narattor's voice. And the a wild Wolfenus comes out of nowhere. Sees Rhonu's last visit. Fook fook fook fook fook! Goddamn it. ;-;

  • He's busy gaming yo

    Do you know why he left? I have no idea lol.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Now all we need it Paul and it will be like good o'l times!

  • edited December 2015

    Wait Paul's left????


    He's busy gaming yo Do you know why he left? I have no idea lol.

  • Well he hasn't been online for a while.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Wait Paul's left???? WHEN IN THE FRICKTY FRACK WAS THIS??

  • Maybe he's busy with work?

    Tbh I have no idea.

    Well he hasn't been online for a while.

  • edited December 2015

    enter image description here

    As long as we can 'go down' later, am I right?

    lamepickupline.exe failed to acquire bae's attention

    Straight to the top, babe...

  • 15th of November xP

    lottii-lu posted: »

    Wait Paul's left???? WHEN IN THE FRICKTY FRACK WAS THIS??



  • edited December 2015

    enter image description here

    It's something I don't do a lot, Gared... But I swore in the past. I'm trying not to swear much but I'm doing the best I can do.

    Dayum, we should RP as Gared and Mira more often :D

  • Guys, how do you do this spoiler tags with custom description? I wanna post a non-Rhyiona work (or better not do it here?).

  • edited December 2015

    Go to spoilers click on others than type the spoiler tag.

    Mawula posted: »

    Guys, how do you do this spoiler tags with custom description? I wanna post a non-Rhyiona work (or better not do it here?).

  • I'll meet you in the bedroom, Rhys...

    enter image description here

    As long as we can 'go down' later, am I right? lamepickupline.exe failed to acquire bae's attention

  • Click the spoiler tag, and when it tells you to specify which game, scroll to the bottom of the list and click "Other", it will give you a text box to write in your custom spoiler :)

    Mawula posted: »

    Guys, how do you do this spoiler tags with custom description? I wanna post a non-Rhyiona work (or better not do it here?).

  • enter image description here

    Sorry, my Lady. It's just a bit surprising, is all.

    I would be down for that. Maybe on a weekend or something when we have nothing to do. :D

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It's something I don't do a lot, Gared... But I swore in the past. I'm trying not to swear much but I'm doing the best I can do. Dayum, we should RP as Gared and Mira more often

  • enter image description here

    It's okay, Gared. I know that ladies don't usually swear... well... sometimes.

    Haha... awesome ^-^

    Sorry, my Lady. It's just a bit surprising, is all. I would be down for that. Maybe on a weekend or something when we have nothing to do.

  • Be ready...

    enter image description here

    I'll meet you in the bedroom, Rhys...

  • edited December 2015

    Inspired by this beautiful image (source)

    enter image description here

    Your dream has finally come true. You meet Handsome Jack in your dream.

    You're walking on Pandoran sands, red from the setting sun. Or is it a sunrise? You do not know. But sunset suits Jack more.

    You see him standing near his car at the edge of this huge plateau you're walking upon. This is a dream, so you reach him in no time, crossing the distance instantly.

    So you stand there, behind his back. Unbelievable. You can see the various fabrics of his clothes, smell the burnt tyres from the car...the Pandoran air is hot and dusty in your throat, and you sound rusty when you say: "Good evening." You want to be polite. And, to be honest, you're afraid not to.

    Jack turns to you, and you're nearly tripping over your feet with the intensity of your emotions. This, this is what you wanted...his attention.

    "Who the hell are you?" He wonders, frowning just so slightly, you can almost miss it. Of course, you do even not deserve a full frown from the king, you think sarcastically.

    You allow yourself to watch him for a second. It is really him - the mask, the differently colored eyes, the yellow Hyperion sweater... But you didn't come to stare, that you could've done before. You've come to talk.

    "I'm, uh, your fan?" It sounds stupid. But pouring personal information would be even more.

    "Yeah, welcome to the club, I'm my fan too!" Jack exclaims in a light voice. Still something unsettles you. Maybe it is the hints of tiredness in his voice, maybe it is the strange shift from menace to cheer...it makes you wonder...

    "...do you ever stop?" You blurt out. "Stop being...Handsome?" You try to explain and soften the edges, but you know it is already too direct for a question to Handsome Jack.

    He watches you with suspicion, ready to search for the hidden meanings of your words, but then he narrows his eyes dangerously at you. To think that you just accused him of acting, not being Handsome Jack...

    "Oh, you think you're so clever? So funny?" He steps nearer. "I can be funny too." He reaches out his right hand and tries to grab your neck.

    His fingers go through you with no impact.

    You let out a breath you've been holding.

    "This is my dream. Sorry." You explain it to him.

    Jack crosses his arms, irritated. "I hope you have to rise at 6 AM then." He mutters under his breath.

    He leans his back on his car, and sets a hard glare on you.

    "So, what do you want?" He grunts.

    You're dumbfounded for a moment. All the time you've been thinking about it, and you do not know. "Me?" You ask, automatically.

    He nods, annoyance evidence is his sharp features. "Yes, you, you ass-head. What do you want from me?" He becomes more agitated ad he speaks. "What do you fans usually want? Make a photo with you, hug you, kiss you, fuck you senseless, strangle you with my bare hands? Never mind, already tried the last one..." He adds, sounding almost disappointed.

    And all of a sudden, an idea crosses your mind. Inspired by his words, no less.

    "Actually," you start, and you can't help smiling at him, smiling at Handsome-goddamn-Jack, "I'd like to shake your hand."

    And you stretch out your right arm in an inviting gesture.

    Jack glances at it, hesitant. "But I can't touch you, kiddo..." He looks up at your face again. He's calmed down, it seems. You hope, that maybe it is because of your friendly and respectful choice of what to ask.

    "This is my dream, Jack." You repeat, not even noticing you called him by his name. He does not mind though. " If I want to, you can touch me."

    Jack nods, then grabs your hand in an energetic fashion. His hand is very warm, so soft (he is rich!), but strong. You realize, that now, when you're physically accessible, he can break your arm if he wants. But he doesn't.

    After a couple if seconds, he releases you, but the warmth still linger.

    "And now, please fuck off, pumpkin." He smirks at you almost cordially.

    You feel the blush creeping up your cheeks at such familiarity. Perhaps, it is indeed time to leave.

    "Well...take care, Jack." You say quietly.

    "Hope to never meet you again." He answers, and he doesn't sound like he is joking or angry. Just... quiet. And you wonder what it's meant to mean.

    You wake up with a big grin and a troubled heart. And you think: "If he could stop being Handsome, he would be beautiful."

    Consider it a mood creator for the rp, so that it is not complete offtop. I'm sorry for waisting your time.

  • edited December 2015

    enter image description here

    I think that a lady can say what she wants. I won't think any less of you, Lady Mira.

    oh GOD, I'm getting into this. We better stop as to not cause a long comment chain. :)

    Also, these two GIFs of Mira and Gared are making me very happy. Look at our cinnamon buns. <3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It's okay, Gared. I know that ladies don't usually swear... well... sometimes. Haha... awesome ^-^

  • enter image description here

    Alright! I'll read it tomorrow because I gotta sleep.

  • Yeah, maybe we should stop for now... It was good while it lasted D':

    Ugh... I just really love GoT RPs ;-;

    I think that a lady can say what she wants. I won't think any less of you, Lady Mira. oh GOD, I'm getting into this. We better stop as to

  • Good night :)

    Alright! I'll read it tomorrow because I gotta sleep.

  • Me, too. ;-;

    That's why I made the new tumblr blog, but it's not going that well. :3

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, maybe we should stop for now... It was good while it lasted D': Ugh... I just really love GoT RPs ;-;

  • We can RP on Tumblr instead. But I will use my normal blog for RPs, too ^-^

    I just don't feel like having two blogs x)

    Me, too. ;-; That's why I made the new tumblr blog, but it's not going that well.

  • HELLO @sirscrubbington told me to get here real quick to talk to you guys so here i am!! sorry for being away, lots of things happened (most of them good don't worry <3) and you know i get overwhelmed when i haven't been here for a while, because of my anxiety i feel very afraid to come back because i get scared thinking i don't belong in here anymore, but i do eventually overcome this fear. i started theatre school again and classes are on evenings so i can't be here as often, but on thursday i start my holidays so i'll be here then! thank you so much... i didn't know you missed me ;; i am sorry!!

    ps rhys are you eating well please put a jacket on it's cold

  • enter image description here

    Welcome back, Lady Rhonu of House... eh... I forgot...

    (Sorry, I just really love RPing as Mira xd But... welcome back ^-^ We missed you <3)

    rhonu posted: »

    HELLO @sirscrubbington told me to get here real quick to talk to you guys so here i am!! sorry for being away, lots of things happened (most

  • Aurora, HI! Hello hello hello how have you been? :D I'm glad good things happened to you ;) Aw please don't feel like that, we've reassured you multiple times that you will never not belong here, you have a special place here and it's permanent. That's right, girl, you beat that fear B) Ooh theatre school sounds so fun, you must do a lot of acting (duuuh Joey). Do you have the normal classes, too? And 'course we missed you, it's great that you'll have more free time after Thursday.

    rhonu posted: »

    HELLO @sirscrubbington told me to get here real quick to talk to you guys so here i am!! sorry for being away, lots of things happened (most

  • rhonu of house... rhyiona...?

    thank you friend <33 i missed you too!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Welcome back, Lady Rhonu of House... eh... I forgot... (Sorry, I just really love RPing as Mira xd But... welcome back ^-^ We missed you )

  • i know! the bad thing about anxiety is that even that you know that fear comes from something that isn't true, it still makes you feel bad and that's the worst... ´_` but at least it wasn't like the other time i wasn't around because i had surgery and i couldn't do anything and i was very sad, this time i haven't been here because i've been actually doing things and at least being distracted made me avoid feeling as anxious as before. so i guess i am learning to deal with it x)

    yes i have normal classes and i get stressed sometimes too, but i'm okay <3 thank you so much, it means a lot to me!

    JumpyJoey posted: »

    Aurora, HI! Hello hello hello how have you been? I'm glad good things happened to you Aw please don't feel like that, we've reassured you

  • rhonu of house... rhyiona...?

    Maybe... I mean, all of us are from House Rhyiona ;^)

    thank you friend <33 i missed you too!

    Aww... <3 Hugs Rhonu.

    rhonu posted: »

    rhonu of house... rhyiona...? thank you friend <33 i missed you too!

  • It's true, that's how it works. But the only way to rid yourself of these thoughts when you get them is to pop in and say hi, see what response we give you :D Oh yes, at least it wasn't because of that surgery :( Being busy is good to some extent, unless you overwork yourself. It's also the best cure for overthinking things, good on you for overcoming this.

    Stress is unpleasant but all too natural in this case, please try not to stress too much :( Aw, hon, you're welcome <3 Glad to have you back with us.

    rhonu posted: »

    i know! the bad thing about anxiety is that even that you know that fear comes from something that isn't true, it still makes you feel bad a

  • So as Christmas-I mean, Mercenary Day draws closer, would anyone want to have a good old fashioned traditional visit to Gingerton or Marcus' Mercenary Shop?

  • Nice, Mawula. I'm sure it will be great just like the other one. Nice work! :)

    Mawula posted: »

    Hi guys. I'm ready to share the first part of the roleplay intro. Also, this time it is going to be different a bit: * Each character w

  • edited December 2015

    Guess who's back back again again. Morphias is back back. Tell a friend friend! Wooh now everyone report to the Rhyiona Party! :)

  • edited December 2015

    Come here little kiddies, on my hip

    Guess whose back with a brand new ship

    And I don't mean ship as in a new case of yaoi bdsm relationship


    No worries, Greens got a brand new thread for you

    Where else could I possibly go to be lewd?

    I done touched on everything but lotti-lu

    That's not a stab at John Smith

    That's just a metaphor, I'm just done with

    I get a little bit crazy sometimes

    I get a little bit out of control with my rhymes

    Now I'm gonna make you dance

    It's your chance

    Yeah Rhys shake that ass

    Ooops I mean Fi,

    Fi, Fi, Fi,

    Girl you know you're my world

    Alright now lose it

    Morphias posted: »

    Guess who's back back again again. Morphias is back back. Tell a friend friend! Wooh now everyone report to the Rhyiona Party!

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