Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!




    Nah, that's fine. I like sour stuff, so.

    Plus, I kind of take it upon myself to prove to everyone that bees shouldn't be feared. I know a lot of people who are scared of them, but I love them. Wasps, however, are a whole 'nother ballgame. Unless they're Cicada Killers. In which case, I don't care, they won't hurt me. Red wasps? Nuh uh. Yellow Jackets? Hell no.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Not going to lie, if those bees did forget to pollenate a few grapefruit I wouldn't mind. Sounds like a great topic Peanut, as someone who has a garden, I thank you.

  • FT?

    enter image description here

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I've been reading manga all day and I forgot to do the final touches on the christmas story and now I'm getting ready to do it at 2AM. what a good life.

  • Not Fairy Tail, I'm up to date on that.



  • Have fun with that. :P

    Well, it wouldn't even have to be every single day. I mean. Just...here and there...until...Christmas...or something... I'mma...go over here and...write this essay now...

  • AHA, but he does it at night so he sneaks in not to wake anyone. Just like a proper gentleman.

    So what if it bites me......it's probably just its way of showing affection.

    sneaking into peoples houses to leave gifts to all the good little children. sneaking into peoples houses Sooooo trim and proper.... I KNOW. But hugging a badger is probably a bad idea.

  • enter image description here

    Eryka posted: »


  • he does it at night so he sneaks in


    ......you keep telling yourself that while I drive you to the emergency room, mmkay? Kay.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    AHA, but he does it at night so he sneaks in not to wake anyone. Just like a proper gentleman. So what if it bites me......it's probably just its way of showing affection.

  • I actually had to take a look at the first gif to make sure it wasn't this one tbh

    Eryka posted: »

    (haha, sorry)

  • edited December 2015

    LMAO Peaches, Apples, and Grapes(the good kind) that is my all star fruit line up.

    Not a fan of sour fruit, but that's the Southerner in me, sweet everything

    Hairspray and a lighter is the answer to any wasp problem. Yeah, bees are cool, just use some common sense don't mess with them they don't mess with you.

    (Should also add any outdoor wasp problem no need to burn your houses down people)

    WHAT. YOU DON'T LIKE GRAPEFRUIT?? HOW DARE YOU. Nah, that's fine. I like sour stuff, so. Plus, I kind of take it upon myself to prove

  • Those gifs are so similar, but there isn't the same "message" in both of them.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I actually had to take a look at the first gif to make sure it wasn't this one tbh

  • LMAO stop poking holes in my faulty logic. ;).....also Santa is awesome still confirmed.

    Still totally worth it, darling

    he does it at night so he sneaks in NOT TRIM AND PROPER, BRO. SANTA'S CREEPY CONFIRMED. ......you keep telling yourself that while I drive you to the emergency room, mmkay? Kay.



    Exactly. I've had bees land on me before and they just walked around then flew off when they figured out I wasn't a flower. However.... there was this one time a HUGE bumblebee somehow got into the house and I put on a thick jacket and gloves and shoes and jeans and basically everything but my face was covered and I was ready to face down this bee and kill it if I had to...and then my cat ended up getting it by the time I worked up the nerve to go back into the kitchen. Lol me.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    LMAO Peaches, Apples, and Grapes(the good kind) that is my all star fruit line up. Not a fan of sour fruit, but that's the Southerner in

  • Hey. Hey. Santa's not real. OOH. BURN.

    "It seems that your friend was mauled by some kind of animal...?"

    "Yes, doctor, he, uh...he hugged a badger. And he can't say I didn't warn him, either!"

    Kennybadger posted: »

    LMAO stop poking holes in my faulty logic. .....also Santa is awesome still confirmed. Still totally worth it, darling

  • ~notices there is no mention of peaches the greatest fruit of all time~ Peanut you know what's less then a mile from my house ~grins evilly~ A strawberry farm. You can get a sand castle bucket full for like 5 bucks. Best berries I've ever had.

    LMAO gearing up for war only to miss it, I got a few bees around here they tend to keep to themselves help my veggie garden out. Were Bros only if I try to bro fist with them it wouldn't end to well.


  • edited December 2015

    I'm aware but the concept of Santa is awesome. :(

    Doctor "what dumbass"

    Me "I REGRET NOTHING, few men dare to dream as I live"

    Hey. Hey. Santa's not real. OOH. BURN. "It seems that your friend was mauled by some kind of animal...?" "Yes, doctor, he, uh...he hugged a badger. And he can't say I didn't warn him, either!"

  • NO WAY. YOU HAVE THE BEACH AND A STRAWBERRY FARM????? That's it. I'm moving. Give me a second to get all my suitcases filled. I'll be there by tomorrow. There's a big blueberry/raspberry/blackberry farm about an hour from where I live. I go there with one of my friends every once in a while every season. Found a bird nest in one of the bushes once.

    Right?! I was so ready for that bee, but the cat was fearless. I'll give you a bro-fist for having a veggie garden. That's super bro, bro.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    ~notices there is no mention of peaches the greatest fruit of all time~ Peanut you know what's less then a mile from my house ~grins evilly~

  • I guess. I had my hopes about Santa crushed as a young child. Not that it really had any detrimental effect on my upbringing. I may be a little more cynical than most, though....

    Me: -just shaking my head and walking out-

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I'm aware but the concept of Santa is awesome. Doctor "what dumbass" Me "I REGRET NOTHING, few men dare to dream as I live"

  • LMAO Yes I do, but what about school Peanut???? Yeah the family goes 3 times when there in season.......SO GOOD. O_O now I'm jealous I LOVE BLUEBERRIES ^_^. OOOO WHAT KIND OF BIRD, I found a few Robin nests around here funny looking blue eggs weird

    I hope you gave that cat a treat for protecting you. ;)........Thank you, my grandmother got me started when I was a youngin. ~bro fist~

    NO WAY. YOU HAVE THE BEACH AND A STRAWBERRY FARM????? That's it. I'm moving. Give me a second to get all my suitcases filled. I'll be there

  • That still fills me with sadness, then feeling of waiting for the old dude is pretty great as a kid.


    I guess. I had my hopes about Santa crushed as a young child. Not that it really had any detrimental effect on my upbringing. I may be a little more cynical than most, though.... Me: -just shaking my head and walking out-

  • SMASH THE SYSTEM. THE BEACH WILL BE MY CLASSROOM. Honestly, I would love to work in/near the ocean once I get into my career. <3 marine life.

    I'll trade you strawberries for blueberries... I don't know what kind of bird, honestly. I don't remember what the eggs looked like. We have robin nests all over the place here in the spring. See a lot of the eggs on the ground, too, sadly. :( Poor babies. The worst one was when a baby bird fell out of the nest and onto the trash bin beside the house. It died. :'(

    Some of my favorite birds are Killdeer. I always look for nests when I'm walking through vacant lots.

    I didn't, actually. I was too shocked that she actually managed to kill a bee without being stung. And without trying to eat it, lol. Gardening is a very useful skill. We plant veggies every once in a while. Had a really good haul of lima beans a few summers ago. They were amazing. And tomatoes. AND LEMON BALM. Lemon Balm is my favorite herb. Ever. I made cookies and lemonade out of it. SO GOOD.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    LMAO Yes I do, but what about school Peanut???? Yeah the family goes 3 times when there in season.......SO GOOD. O_O now I'm jealous I LOVE

  • We were just always eager to get up at the break of dawn to dump everything out of our stockings. Christmas is still one of the only days I will willingly wake up early for, lol. Any other day? Nope, you gotta drag me out of bed by my hair.

    -pauses- -big sigh- "...fine. I'll stay."

    Kennybadger posted: »

    That still fills me with sadness, then feeling of waiting for the old dude is pretty great as a kid. Me "NO PEANUT IM SCARED OF SHOTS"

  • edited December 2015

    Like a caveman :)....Well not sad anymore, that's great being overly eager as a kid was the highlight of most of my Christmases.

    ME " YAY PEANUT" ^_^

    We were just always eager to get up at the break of dawn to dump everything out of our stockings. Christmas is still one of the only days I

  • Christmas is always pretty exciting for me. I usually end up buying myself quite a few presents. Usually games.

    -under breath- "I hope you learned your lesson about hugging badgers..."

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Like a caveman ....Well not sad anymore, that's great being overly eager as a kid was the highlight of most of my Christmases. ME " YAY PEANUT" ^_^

  • Okay, so being on this forum has given me this funny idea. It's not really Rhyiona, but it's Rhys being his usual self, so just roll with it.

    What if Atlas employees have some sort of a forum/chat room set up on the ECHOnet and Rhys finds out/knows about it and makes an account and no one knows it's actually him. So he's just being an undercover boss and chatting casually with his employees and hearing all the gossip and stuff. I'm sure there'd be Rhyiona talk among the Atlas workers... It would just be fun to play with Rhys' reaction to it when he's trying to keep his anonymity.

    I kind of want to write something that has to do with this, but I wouldn't know how to handle the format for it... I'll keep thinking, cause it's a cute idea.

  • Well its a great place to live.....BUT YOU GOT SURF PEANUT OR PADDLE BOARD. OMG yes Marine animals are freaking awesome, besides seagulls seriously they suck.

    That is very tempting, I'll think about it ;). That freaking sad, I love animals too much( also loves how they taste I'm looking at you deer). So your a bird watcher??

    LOL that poor cat, they know where the bad end is and how to avoid it. Seen mine go after a lizard once or twice and a many times waterbugs. You know what I freaking love gardening, yeah so what if it isn't manly it make me happy, Tomatoes are a must in any garden, I did a lot of squashes the last year or so. Never grew lemon balm got a lemon tree though I use it for my lemon pound cakes.

    SMASH THE SYSTEM. THE BEACH WILL BE MY CLASSROOM. Honestly, I would love to work in/near the ocean once I get into my career. marine life.

  • edited December 2015

    LOL I bought myself Tales and GOT for Christmas last year.....~stares at his back log of games~ not going to do it this year though. What games Peanut. ^_^

    "Yeah no more badgers, on to bigger and better hugs, like black bears"

    Christmas is always pretty exciting for me. I usually end up buying myself quite a few presents. Usually games. -under breath- "I hope you learned your lesson about hugging badgers..."

  • edited December 2015

    This is it - my 300th page here.

    Some update on the rp.

    1. @Eryka Gortys

    2. @SirScrubbington Jack

    3. @GrowlingPeanut Fiona

    4. @GaredandBacon Rhys

    5. @JumpyJoey Yvette

    6. @Kennybadger August

    7. @RockMySocks ???

    8. @Mawula escape pod AI system (aka ELPIS - escape large pod intellectual system)

    9. Sasha

    10. Loader Bot

    11. Finch

    12. Kroger

    13. Hyperion accountant, girl, HJ fan. May I suggest @Daryace?

    14. Hyperion programmer, guy, HJ anti-fan.

    Also, @ZapThroat, @xunseenteenx, @John_Smith13, @RhyionsisLife - you were all so great last time! Maybe give it a try?

    Bye for now, my friends.

  • edited December 2015

    THUG LIFE!!! XP....Aww bye Maw

    Mawula posted: »

    This is it - my 300th page here. Some update on the rp. * @Eryka Gortys * @SirScrubbington Jack * @GrowlingPeanut Fiona * @

  • I'm fairly certain there's a movie like this you could watch for some research, but seem like a cute idea.

    Okay, so being on this forum has given me this funny idea. It's not really Rhyiona, but it's Rhys being his usual self, so just roll with it

  • I think you may actually use some posts from this thread :)

    Okay, so being on this forum has given me this funny idea. It's not really Rhyiona, but it's Rhys being his usual self, so just roll with it

  • Find yourself a girl, I mean, Sasha.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    THUG LIFE!!! XP....Aww bye Maw

  • Yes Ma'am. ~looks under a rock~

    Mawula posted: »

    Find yourself a girl, I mean, Sasha.

  • And, no cheesy pun intended, as I am the AI controlling system, your first task will be to find a way to turn me on XD

    Mawula posted: »

    This is it - my 300th page here. Some update on the rp. * @Eryka Gortys * @SirScrubbington Jack * @GrowlingPeanut Fiona * @

  • Ha, I know for a fact I couldn't surf. ...but I have always wanted one of those thousand-dollar silicone mermaid tails. The really high-quality, professional-grade ones. Mermaids are my favorite fantasy creatures and I love to swim, so it just seems like the perfect combination. I mean, look at some of these beauties. This one in particular is one of my recent favorites.

    I've always really liked dolphins. Ever since I was little. And seagulls are hilarious. I was down in Corpus Christi for a few days once during a vacation and there were these gulls that would just...hover. They'd hover behind people with food. It was a little terrifying. But honestly, I really like the way seagulls sound.

    Good. I'll be waiting for a strawberry shipment.

    I love animals, too, but I was raised vegetarian, lol. I still eat meat though. Mostly poultry. I think the term for that is actually pollotarian? Something like that.

    I'd consider myself a bird-watcher, sure. I have a good pair of binoculars and lots of birds nearby to look at, so....it works! I just know a lot about a ton of different animals, too.

    Yeah, generally, but she's not always the smartest... Back when my Dad was still looking for a house after the divorce, he roomed with this guy from church, I saw one of the guy's cats playing with a scorpion. She ended up getting stung. Go figure.

    Hey, there's nothing wrong with loving gardening! That's awesome! You should try some lemon balm. I'll send you some recipes if you do. ALSO. YOU MAKE LEMON POUND CAKE???? send me some of that with the strawberries, thanks.

    Kennybadger posted: »

    Well its a great place to live.....BUT YOU GOT SURF PEANUT OR PADDLE BOARD. OMG yes Marine animals are freaking awesome, besides seagulls se

  • I need to get some more Telltale games...

    I don't have too many games (at least on Steam), but I have always wanted to play Mass Effect and I'll probably get myself some more DLC for BL2 soon. ....and I may spoil myself with the Master Chief Collection for Halo now that Dad has an XBox One..... if I can find it at a decent price.

    "Dammit, Kenny."

    Kennybadger posted: »

    LOL I bought myself Tales and GOT for Christmas last year.....~stares at his back log of games~ not going to do it this year though. What games Peanut. ^_^ "Yeah no more badgers, on to bigger and better hugs, like black bears"

  • Hi rhonu! I missed you, my dear girl :)

    rhonu posted: »

    HELLO @sirscrubbington told me to get here real quick to talk to you guys so here i am!! sorry for being away, lots of things happened (most

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