How does this make any sense?

So if you kill the traitor, sentinel lives but if you don't then sentinel doesn't? How the hell does this make any sense? Who though this was a good idea? Why killing the traitor affects your current sentinel's fate?


  • Because if you killed the traitor and didn't agree with Gwyn, there would be no one at the end to help your lord. It's for storytelling purposes, don't think that much about it. Now how does the Sentinel survive? I have no fucking idea. Sometimes things just don't have to make sense.

  • That's really stupid though, how do you even get away with stuff like this?

    Because if you killed the traitor and didn't agree with Gwyn, there would be no one at the end to help your lord. It's for storytelling purp

  • Your choices mattered

    Kellogs posted: »

    That's really stupid though, how do you even get away with stuff like this?

  • Yep totally

    Your choices mattered

  • Glad you agree.

    Kellogs posted: »

    Yep totally

  • Because without anyone to help talia escape the sentinel needs to help her

  • I haven't really spent the time thinking it through because I hope it will be further explained in season 2. And when I say 'explained', I mean something more significant than 'I got lucky...real lucky'.

  • Well, in the codex if the traitor is alive it says that Talia freed him and escaped with him. With the traitor dead she had no one to free and maybe she just tried to flee Ironrath and ended up helping the sentinel (instead of being helping the traitor). Just use your imagination.

  • I swear people will go out of their way to look for mistakes.

  • Yeah... Duncan got thrown into the dirt and surrounded and he can still survive. Royland gets surrounded and can survive. The traitor surviving is excusable; "Talia helped them escape" is a 100% believable event and I see nothing wrong with it. "The Sentinel managed to fight off +6 soldiers singlehandedly and then managed to get to the keep in the middle of a battle that's been overwhelmed by enemy forces and rescue Talia" is not.

    I consider this an extension of the shit traitor plot line, rather than it's own unique mistake. It would have been easier just to have had no traitor (or at least not one who is both important and determinant) and have the sentinel die in battle. Or have them both die and the maester rescue Talia. Or have Gwyn/Elaena rescue Talia depending on the surviving brother. Or have Talia escape on her own. Or have Talia escape with Erik/Bowen/Norren/Forrester #136. Or literally anything else.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I swear people will go out of their way to look for mistakes.

  • It's not that unbelievable for the Sentinel to survive. Talia could've managed to distract the soldiers, giving the sentinel an opening, or a chance to run for it. Anything could've happened.

    Yeah... Duncan got thrown into the dirt and surrounded and he can still survive. Royland gets surrounded and can survive. The traitor surviv

  • edited December 2015


    "Hey! A little girl! All six of us should ignore that guy to chase her, and any one else should ignore him as well. Also, we'll ignore Talia too. Let's just let them go."

    There are literally zero scenarios where the sentinel lives.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It's not that unbelievable for the Sentinel to survive. Talia could've managed to distract the soldiers, giving the sentinel an opening, or a chance to run for it. Anything could've happened.

  • I have an easier time believing that Royland survived getting surrounded by Whitehill soldiers, since it has been established that he is a veteran of War and is a strong warrior than Duncan surviving falling to the ground and getting surrounded.

    But I like that you pointed out that Talia might have distracted the soldier, giving Royland the opening to kill all of them or Duncan the chance to make a run for it.

    In the end, I don't mind that they both survive. I like that my Rodrik still have his trusted Sentinel and Talia at his side.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It's not that unbelievable for the Sentinel to survive. Talia could've managed to distract the soldiers, giving the sentinel an opening, or a chance to run for it. Anything could've happened.

  • Not literally chase her, just turn their heads for a few seconds to create an opportunity. And I'm not saying that's what happened, anything could've happened.

    wat. "Hey! A little girl! All six of us should ignore that guy to chase her, and any one else should ignore him as well. Also, we'll ignore Talia too. Let's just let them go." There are literally zero scenarios where the sentinel lives.

  • That'd be valid if it was just one soldier. It wasn't. There were quite a few and they surrounded the sentinel. Even Royland can't counter being surrounded (we see this earlier if we allow him to attack Gryff in episode three). That, and the courtyard was just swarmed by soldiers. Literally hundreds of them.

    The traitor plot line really fucked things up.

    I have an easier time believing that Royland survived getting surrounded by Whitehill soldiers, since it has been established that he is a v

  • Except it is. There are literally hundreds of Whitehills in the courtyard and all the Forrester soldiers are dead. The sentinel is attacked by six soldiers that we can see. Talia can't just walk through hundreds of men and distract six men focused on the sentinel, either she'll get caught by them or one of the hundreds of soldiers swarming them. There are zero believable scenarios.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    It's not that unbelievable for the Sentinel to survive. Talia could've managed to distract the soldiers, giving the sentinel an opening, or a chance to run for it. Anything could've happened.

  • Duncan getting knocked to the ground uses the same animation as Royland getting knocked to the ground in episode three. He can't just kill six men, especially not with the fatigue he's likely suffering from (not to mention any wounds received) due to the battle.

    Strong warrior =/= Demi-God.

    I have an easier time believing that Royland survived getting surrounded by Whitehill soldiers, since it has been established that he is a v

  • The traitor plot line really fucked things up.

    Yet there are still people who will defend it. It isn't just a minor fuck up either, it's a fuck up that can create plot holes throughout the rest of the series. The traitor plot line was an insanely huge fuck up but people don't seem to comprehend that. Seriously, the writing for GoT is going to suffer from it for some time.

    That'd be valid if it was just one soldier. It wasn't. There were quite a few and they surrounded the sentinel. Even Royland can't counter b

  • The sentinel was surrounded and there were over a hundred men around them. Unless all five hundred men chased Talia and neglected all others present, there's no way the sentinel escaped.

    "Look, it's the Forrester girl"

    stabs sentinel

    "Get her!"

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Not literally chase her, just turn their heads for a few seconds to create an opportunity. And I'm not saying that's what happened, anything could've happened.

  • Yup. The writing will suffer until Rodrik/Asher, Royland/Duncan, Gryff/Ludd, Gwyn, and Talia are all dead.

    The traitor plot line really fucked things up. Yet there are still people who will defend it. It isn't just a minor fuck up either,

  • Yeah, that really pissed me off. Sentinel should die (or live) no matter what or his survival should at least depend on a different choice, because now it doesn't make sense.

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