Well the general plan is super easy, it gets hard when you get the details like where would everyone stay, would we camp out or find a shelter, who has tents to bring, how much food to bring, who brings what. That's tough enough when it's just 5 people who live in the same town, let alone out of state.
Well the general plan is super easy, it gets hard when you get the details like where would everyone stay, would we camp out or find a shelt… moreer, who has tents to bring, how much food to bring, who brings what. That's tough enough when it's just 5 people who live in the same town, let alone out of state.
But that was the surprise o;
Now! Your turn!
I'm not back.
Haha, thanks c:
Actually, I stopped worrying right now, so yeah... xP
Let's just take it outside (the spoiler tag).
I gotta eat, bye.
I posted it! You OWE me!
omg thank you ;-; <33
We are proud of you, Wolfenus. And Mira is too.
hugs Wolfenus
Yeah that would be kinda creepy. We can still have pizza tho.
Even if you weren't Dameon all along I still love you too.
I'll never stop eating
Cool, glad to hear it!
Well the general plan is super easy, it gets hard when you get the details like where would everyone stay, would we camp out or find a shelter, who has tents to bring, how much food to bring, who brings what. That's tough enough when it's just 5 people who live in the same town, let alone out of state.
I'm there
Eryka! Right now! >_>
Hugs back
Thank you?
Best way to avoid responsibilities, right there.
Just post it. Please...
I'm tired.
And out-of-country (potentially). And there would be....like....forty of us.
Not trying to be pessimistic, I totally think we should make this happen.
you're welcome
Damn it, Eryka!
Hey, you told me to post it! I posted my selfie! Now's your turn...
Or I'll do it for you >.> (Yeah, I saw your FB)
im laughing so good hot damn
Oh ho ho, that is so Mira like threat! I like it!
Eryka: If you post your selfie, Wolfenus, I'll post mine, too.
After I posted my selfie...
Eryka: I'll never post my selfie.
I know you saw it
Ugh... I feel horrible using these kind of threads... :v
But she said she would post her selfie after I posted mine. :I
Never doesn't always mean forever.
Haha... ;>
Stay classy, my friend. It will be way better if Eryka does it voluntarily.
I never said that.
Uhh yeah sure in class right now brb K bye!
ya u have a facebook account :>
And you said: