Hi there I know it's a mirror, but it looks like you're behind the window.
It is hard not to look on the screen while taking a selfie. I tried that and it looks like I'm staring at nowhere (see p.1).
I was specifically happy back in this photo because it was taken in October. And with my first October living with my aunt and uncle passed, we certainly do a lot, especially to celebrate Halloween. Which is all of our favorite season. Also, it was an excuse to pull out my flannel.
A cool shower curtain, plaid, AND glasses! YES.
Lol, I love your face in that selfie. You look so confident. You're like, "Yes, I am fabulous, as a matter of fact."
I was specifically happy back in this photo because it was taken in October. And with my first October living with my aunt and uncle passed,… more we certainly do a lot, especially to celebrate Halloween. Which is all of our favorite season. Also, it was an excuse to pull out my flannel.
But, thank you, friend!
So here's my bloody selfie... just took it now. Sorry for the lighting, it's night time where I am from
Now just kill me ;__;
@Eryka @lilxGoofycuz, your turns now >_>
With my dog Gus. Wouldn't usually post a second time like this but I felt like there had to be one where I was smiling after some of the later pics and comments.
Holy crap, your eyes are really pretty.
You have such a nice smile, friendo.
Aha I am hidden away deep in the south east of England :P
Hi there
I know it's a mirror, but it looks like you're behind the window.
It is hard not to look on the screen while taking a selfie. I tried that and it looks like I'm staring at nowhere (see p.1).
I'm awful at taking selfies. It's extremely rare that I ever show my face online unless asked.
Well I like them
A cool shower curtain, plaid, AND glasses! YES.
Lol, I love your face in that selfie. You look so confident. You're like, "Yes, I am fabulous, as a matter of fact."
Me too!
Why are the cute ones always English? ;-;
I live in the US... unfortunately.
Thank you, you two! That's very sweet of both of you.
Must be all the tea
& well... I've always intended on visiting the U.S someday :P
I think girls with glasses are pretty awesome...
just thought I'd contribute that
I was specifically happy back in this photo because it was taken in October. And with my first October living with my aunt and uncle passed, we certainly do a lot, especially to celebrate Halloween. Which is all of our favorite season. Also, it was an excuse to pull out my flannel.
But, thank you, friend!
Ahhhhh, Leo! You look great!
It's finally nice to see you
Flannel makes everyone happy!
You're welcome!
Shucks, why didn't I put on mine... Lol, yes, I wear glasses too.
May our paths cross someday
May they indeed.
You're looking at a mirror, just saying.
Thanks! I have a feeling a lot of people are surprised I'm not male, lol.
We totally are. Thanks for your compliment!
Me especially, lol.
This is me
Whoa, you look just like Rhys!
Are you sure, pumpkin?
Has anyone ever told you that'd you make a good Rhys cosplayer?
I like his smile best.
Gosh, what a stupid smile. It's like you think you're cool when you're secretly the biggest, nerdiest dork in the universe.
cute pic of me rn
You're adorable!
You look delicious!
Anus!!! You look hawt!
Hehe, thanks ^w^
You look hawt, too ;>>
Them brushes... Mmmmm
My thought exactly xD
Gus bus?
So we got brush fetish and ear fetish,great.
The ear fetish is strong with this one.
Thanks though =}
On a lonely, dark night, I love me some brushes, if you know what I mean...