With my dog Gus. Wouldn't usually post a second time like this but I felt like there had to be one where I was smiling after some of the later pics and comments.
Is there a point to having long hair if you don't wear it down? I mean, unless you hate getting haircuts. In which case, I would totally relate. I just forced myself to get one three days ago, after waiting four months....
Is there a point to having long hair if you don't wear it down? I mean, unless you hate getting haircuts. In which case, I would totally relate. I just forced myself to get one three days ago, after waiting four months....
I got something to zap in your throat!
Thank you!
A good bunch of sexy people here.
But he wasn't smi--
Oh. I see what you did there! Very clever. Witty!
Looking good.
You've got a talent there !
You're really pretty Peanut !
Thank you!
Would like
Stunning Socks !
Ha, thanks.
Just gotta do something about my crazy eyebrows, lol.
Why, thank you!
Your quite welcome, darling.
God, I'm adorable.
Long Live Badger Senpai!
Whoa, you're pretty!
thanks darling
Good morning, cute little animal
lol now I kind of torn I was going to get of and find something to do. :P
oh stop it you, just because it is true....
Praise the Badger Senpai!
I just saw that seal cake above. Animals are gathering here!
lol that's a festival of cuteness you created, darling
Also good morning to you,
Lol praise me in all my adorableness
Very nice!
It's funny, but my sister's nickname for me is 'seal'
Is that because your so adorable like Seal???
Idk. I think it's because I have the eyes like this:

Those are adorable, kind of just want to hug it.......
Yeah, me too
Nice looking dog!
If I had to guess, obviously he is a Chocolate Labrador, and I'd say around 10-13 yrs old.
I swear there's something different about this version...
We're now official BFF'S!
Haha good guess, he's 10 or 11.
Haha, that's unexpected... Oh, wait, it is supposed to.
Funny observation: everyone who's got long hair is wearing it down, except me. Or did I miss something?
Is there a point to having long hair if you don't wear it down? I mean, unless you hate getting haircuts. In which case, I would totally relate. I just forced myself to get one three days ago, after waiting four months....
I like the way it streams down in a pony tail. Also, braids are beautiful too.
And I just love going to a hairdresser. Seriously.