My hair grows crazy fast, so I figure why not give it to kids with cancer when it gets too long and annoying for me. They'd love to have the hair I don't want. I think I have a picture of me with short hair around here somewhere....
My hair grows crazy fast, so I figure why not give it to kids with cancer when it gets too long and annoying for me. They'd love to have the hair I don't want. I think I have a picture of me with short hair around here somewhere....
Here it is. Me and my best friend in a movie theater. The flash on her camera was really bright, so it washed out our faces a little, lol. I'm the one on the left, in case you couldn't already tell, ha.
Here it is. Me and my best friend in a movie theater. The flash on her camera was really bright, so it washed out our faces a little, lol. I'm the one on the left, in case you couldn't already tell, ha.
Mmhm, they use it to make wigs for cancer patients. It's pretty neat. I think the minimum length they require is...eight inches? Six, maybe? I don't know.
Mmhm, they use it to make wigs for cancer patients. It's pretty neat. I think the minimum length they require is...eight inches? Six, maybe? I don't know.
Okay, good. You had me worried for a second there.
This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain character named Kenny who has something to do with boats, would it?
Wait, you don't know what game Kenny is from?
Seriously though, you aren't a real Telltale fan until you have played TWD, it' what got them popular in the first place.
ugh, my hair gets too damn curly when it gets long.
I like to grow mine out really long during the winter and then get it cut and donate it in the summer.
that's really sweet of you, Peanut.
My hair grows crazy fast, so I figure why not give it to kids with cancer when it gets too long and annoying for me. They'd love to have the hair I don't want. I think I have a picture of me with short hair around here somewhere....
still makes you a sweetheart.
O_O let me see!! LOL I mean I did show you that adorable picture of me as a Badger.
Here it is. Me and my best friend in a movie theater. The flash on her camera was really bright, so it washed out our faces a little, lol. I'm the one on the left, in case you couldn't already tell, ha.
DAMN!!!! lol I mean very pretty darling.
I honestly do prefer having shorter hair.
I can see why it suits you rather well.
Hope you won't mind if I post another selfie of mine ^w^
Beautiful af, amirite?
I never heard of hair donation before...
I as your bro can't say that.
What pretty eyelashes you have...
Mmhm, they use it to make wigs for cancer patients. It's pretty neat. I think the minimum length they require is...eight inches? Six, maybe? I don't know.
Haha, thanks c;
Just there are always blood donations ads here in the Uni, but never that.
You Americans and your inches, lol.
Just means we get use to smaller numbers . lol
Yeah, we have a lot of blood donations around here, too.
i'm too lazy to convert right now. :P
It's 15cm for 6 inches and 20 for 8 inches.
whoo kenny to the rescue!
Yep, that's how I roll, saving people with random bits of knowledge.
So I'm not the only database of random facts, then, eh?
lol just didn't want to steal any of your thunder, darling
Pff, I got thunder to share. Here, take some of it.
That might destroy some of your awesomeness couldn't do that.
Seriously, you...don't have to worry about it.
Lol I just stick to being nice and giving out useless advice when needed.
Whatever floats your metaphorical boat. Or...your real boat. If you have one.
I would answer that, but it would depress you. I'll just do it under the guise of useless advice.
.....whoa. Um. Okay. I...won't ask, then...?
it was a joke, darling
Okay, good. You had me worried for a second there.
This wouldn't have anything to do with a certain character named Kenny who has something to do with boats, would it?
I'm sorry didn't mean to get you worried( about what I have no idea)
You know what, it just might.
Ah, then that explains why I didn't get the joke. I don't even know what game he's from.
LMAO You know it's the game of The Gentleman Badger: at the Beach
Oh, that one! Of course, duh.
And here I thought it was one of your favorite games. lol
Wait, you don't know what game Kenny is from?
Seriously though, you aren't a real Telltale fan until you have played TWD, it' what got them popular in the first place.
Ahh, don't stab me. That's where I thought he was from. And I might play it. Someday.