Rhys X Fiona Confirmed Season Finale "The Vault of The Traveler" Spoilers!!



  • Hm.....I like the Vasquez being the--WAIT. Okay, so, maybe Jack is the principal/dean whatever, and Vasquez is one of the professors?

    I think August fits into a fraternity a little better, lol. AND ALSO, I just realized while playing the finale again tonight that he says he's all hyped about being able to pilot Gortys cause he's loved robotics since he was a kid. I thought that was adorable. So maybe he's a secret nerd. (I <3 u, August.)

    • Aww, poor Scoot. I was thinking he could maybe work in a mechanic shop in town (this will tie in later, cause Zer0's got a sick-ass motorcycle in this AU)...
    • I HADN'T EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT TANNIS. Yes, she will definitely be a professor of some kind.
    • Torgue is absolutely without a doubt involved with the gym somehow.
    • I don't know what I want to do with the 'bots, or if I'd even bring them in....but I have some ideas....
    • Cassius would be the botany professor, man. He was in charge of all the plants at the terraforming facility after all...
    • That's a great suggestion for Moxxi, I'll have to make her the young teacher that everyone wants to bang date...
    • Aww, and little Tina. Yes, she will be a troubled teen who often skips school to hang out with Gaige and the others.
    ZapThroat posted: »

    I was thinking Vasques could be vice-principle.And August could be the leader of the basketball team? IDK why TBH. Let's stretch this lis

  • edited December 2015

    You guys will enjoy this

    enter link description here

  • It's time for my nightly Rhyiona update, so here we go.

    I'm almost done collecting reaction pics from episode 4, then I'll record a good playthrough of ep 5 tomorrow night and hopefully get all these done by Thursday, at the latest. Don't quote me on that. Once the albums are ready to go, I'll send out the links and you can look through to see what you might want to use. There'll be lots of fun ones, I promise!

    Here's a few random frames I got today.

    Rhys running like an idiot and Fiona contemplating why she's somehow in love with him. Meanwhile, LB wonders if it's worth all the trouble.

    (Also, the models contort in weird ways. What's up with his sleeves, for goodness sakes!?)

    enter image description here
    enter image description here

    Also, whilst replaying the ending of episode 5, I discovered that you can, in fact, get the Rhyiona dialogue in front of the Vault in another way. When Rhys asks what they're waiting for, you can stay silent as Fiona (she gives him an adorable face), and then stay silent when it switches back to Rhys. Fiona will say her line about misreading (again, technically, since she says a variation of it when you stay silent for her the first time), and then you have the option to say "I'm interested in someone else." It's kind of an awkward little exchange, but it bypasses the aggressive "stay away from my sister" that many of us don't like that much. Just a fun fact. :)

    That's about all I have to say tonight, other than I'm going to keep working on the couple fics I have going right now, so expect those soon...sometime. In the future.

  • It's kind of weird knowing that I've been awake the whole time you were asleep. Seriously, I told you good night and now I'm telling you good morning and I haven't even gotten out of my chair in between saying both of those.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Good morning, everyone ^w^ How are you all today?

  • Annnd with that oneshot done, I'm going to sleep. Sweet Rhyiona dreams! :)

    enter image description here

  • Wow, if done right, this could turn into a really fun fanfic.And nice suggestions too ;)

    Hm.....I like the Vasquez being the--WAIT. Okay, so, maybe Jack is the principal/dean whatever, and Vasquez is one of the professors? I t

  • I've already sort of written bits and pieces of it, but haven't posted much...

    I would really like to develop it with this bigger cast, though!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Wow, if done right, this could turn into a really fun fanfic.And nice suggestions too

  • The magic of time zones... Sighs.

    Also, I don't really sleep a lot. I mean, I usually sleep for like 6-7 hours and when I wake up, I wash myself (Yeah, don't make that into a lewd joke, and I'm talking to everyone here), I eat a breakfast and then I come here as fast as I can so I can catch up with what's going on.

    It's kind of weird knowing that I've been awake the whole time you were asleep. Seriously, I told you good night and now I'm telling you good morning and I haven't even gotten out of my chair in between saying both of those.

  • edited December 2015

    Good night, Kristi

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Annnd with that oneshot done, I'm going to sleep. Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

  • Wow, just..wow.

    This is excellence ★, I felt I was on the verge of tears, amazing job.

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Woo, its done! Showed @GrowlingPeanut and @Mawula previews of this one! This is all about Gortys and her love for her friends. Also, imagine

  • GoT rated Rhyiona dreams, Kristi ^w^

    enter image description here

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Annnd with that oneshot done, I'm going to sleep. Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

  • You definitely should, it sounds like it could be a really awesome fanfic. And it's also easier to write, since you can get inspired by real life situations.

    Also, here is a scene that I want you to write:

    "Zer0, having a lot of fangirls, Rhys awkwardly joins the crowd while everyone else stares weirdly at me"

    Please, it would make my day <3

    I've already sort of written bits and pieces of it, but haven't posted much... I would really like to develop it with this bigger cast, though!

  • Time zones: the only legitimate way to time-travel, so far.

    That's typically how I am, too. I check this thread before I even get out of bed, most mornings.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    The magic of time zones... Sighs. Also, I don't really sleep a lot. I mean, I usually sleep for like 6-7 hours and when I wake up, I wash

  • Trust me, there'll be plenty of awkward and hilarious Rhys and Zer0 interactions...you'll get that scene, one way or another.

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You definitely should, it sounds like it could be a really awesome fanfic. And it's also easier to write, since you can get inspired by real

  • Time zones: the only legitimate way to time-travel, so far.

    Haha, yeah x)

    That's typically how I am, too. I check this thread before I even get out of bed, most mornings.

    Well, I always check the thread when I get out of my bed. Although in the mornings, when I look what's going on in the thread, I'm also late for school xD I just really love talking with you guys so much :'3

    Time zones: the only legitimate way to time-travel, so far. That's typically how I am, too. I check this thread before I even get out of bed, most mornings.

  • enter image description here

    In all seriousness though, this sounds like it's going to be a really interesting read. You have my full support :D Just make it happen, please.

    Trust me, there'll be plenty of awkward and hilarious Rhys and Zer0 interactions...you'll get that scene, one way or another.

  • edited December 2015

    Welp, just gonna watch this for the... -cough- fifteenth time... -cough-

    Does anyone else find it funny how Troy is the one who accessorizes with hats and scarves? Lol, he has Fiona's fashion sense.

    You guys will enjoy this enter link description here

  • edited December 2015



    kristi78968 posted: »

    Woo, its done! Showed @GrowlingPeanut and @Mawula previews of this one! This is all about Gortys and her love for her friends. Also, imagine

  • I've been late to work a couple times because I've been so caught up in the conversations here, lol. No regrets.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Time zones: the only legitimate way to time-travel, so far. Haha, yeah x) That's typically how I am, too. I check this thread

  • Good night! :D

    kristi78968 posted: »

    Annnd with that oneshot done, I'm going to sleep. Sweet Rhyiona dreams!

  • That's what the lack of confirmation for season 2 will reduce us all to eventually lol.

    Welp, just gonna watch this for the... -cough- fifteenth time... -cough- Does anyone else find it funny how Troy is the one who accessorizes with hats and scarves? Lol, he has Fiona's fashion sense.


    That's what the lack of confirmation for season 2 will reduce us all to eventually lol.

  • I'll get around to it sometime, and when I do, you'll be the first to know, I promise!

    ZapThroat posted: »

    In all seriousness though, this sounds like it's going to be a really interesting read. You have my full support Just make it happen, please.

  • You just became my idol at this very second. <3

    I'll get around to it sometime, and when I do, you'll be the first to know, I promise!

  • Yeah, same.

    enter image description here

    Although that almost costed me a test xP Still, worth it!

    I've been late to work a couple times because I've been so caught up in the conversations here, lol. No regrets.

  • You guys make me laugh. :)

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, same. Although that almost costed me a test xP Still, worth it!

  • You think that's something, huh? I once nearly got in trouble with my family and wasted a school day because I just wanted to attend the RP 2ith you.Put up some competition to that now.

    Wait.Why am I even here?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, same. Although that almost costed me a test xP Still, worth it!

  • -pretentious hair flip-

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You just became my idol at this very second.



    ZapThroat posted: »

    You think that's something, huh? I once nearly got in trouble with my family and wasted a school day because I just wanted to attend the RP 2ith you.Put up some competition to that now. Wait.Why am I even here?

  • It's always worth it for Rhyiona. ALWAYS.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Yeah, same. Although that almost costed me a test xP Still, worth it!

  • edited December 2015

    Oh dayum... that sucks... :(

    You went through all that trouble so you can attend to the RP... :o

    But I said that because my grades started to completely suck. I needed to write at least some tests to improve my grades and the only tests I got a good grade was on the English and German test ;-;

    Oh, and did I say that I will write a third Geography test a day before my school closes for Christmas? ;-;

    ZapThroat posted: »

    You think that's something, huh? I once nearly got in trouble with my family and wasted a school day because I just wanted to attend the RP 2ith you.Put up some competition to that now. Wait.Why am I even here?

  • I was going around looking at fan art for Rhyiona and found this not sure if it has been posted but here ya go.

    enter image description here


    Kennybadger posted: »

    I was going around looking at fan art for Rhyiona and found this not sure if it has been posted but here ya go.

  • It was posted here but a re-post doesn't hurt :)

    Every time I see it, it becomes even more beautiful ;-;

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I was going around looking at fan art for Rhyiona and found this not sure if it has been posted but here ya go.


    enter image description here


  • ah well, its still freaking cute.

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    It was posted here but a re-post doesn't hurt Every time I see it, it becomes even more beautiful ;-;

  • Says his vows...

    I pledge my life and honor to the Rhyiona thread, for this night and all the nights to come...

    It's always worth it for Rhyiona. ALWAYS.

  • Oh, I didn't know it was that critical, I-I'm sorry ;_;

    Hope you pass through this test, it really sucks :(

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Oh dayum... that sucks... You went through all that trouble so you can attend to the RP... But I said that because my grades started

  • edited December 2015

    It's okay, Zappy ;_;

    Ugh... same... Luckily, I have a lot of time to study, though :)

    ZapThroat posted: »

    Oh, I didn't know it was that critical, I-I'm sorry ;_; Hope you pass through this test, it really sucks

  • This is the most famous Rhyiona artwork, done by the wonderful @Bembiann ^_^

    Don't worry though, it's still awesome to look at after all this time <3

    Kennybadger posted: »

    I was going around looking at fan art for Rhyiona and found this not sure if it has been posted but here ya go.

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